Saturday Morning Me

Saturday, December 30, 2006

saturday morning me//
daughter texting/husband twisting/j-on his mac/
k-on her cell/mom's sipping espress-ieio/
waiting for my yayas, uh-huh/
everyone's all plugged in one way or the other/
holiday hangover/must.begin.healthy.regimen.stat/
listening: intervention by the arcade fire-wow!/
so what about you?/

* Banksy Opens Xmas Shop - Banksy said: "I felt the spirit of Christmas was being lost. It was becoming increasingly uncommercialised and more to do with religion, so we ­decided to open our own shop and sell pointless stuff." link

* Hangman, hangman, upon your face a smile

* George W. Bush QUOTES:
"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."


Pan's Labyrinth

Thursday, December 28, 2006

12-28-2006 - Pans Labyrinth US Premiere Tomorrow!

From the website:
For those of you lucky enough to live close to Chicago, New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, Pan's Labyrinth is coming to a theater near you TOMORROW! link
"A stark, disturbing fairy story for adults. Its provocative vision of the monsters of fascism and childhood packs chilling power."
A disturbing fairy story for adults. A genuine reacharound sound bite that'll bring me and the rest of the disturbed into the theaters.



POWs - prisoners of "W"

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

BuzzFlash: Why do you think the rebuilding effort and relief effort in New Orleans has just come to a complete halt?

Greg Palast: It's not stalled. This is the plan. This is another White House gimmick to hide their evil intent in the clothing of incompetence.

The same with Iraq -- oh, we screwed up? We didn't get all the cheap oil that Wolfowitz promised in his congressional testimony, when he said the price of oil would decline. Well, it's gone up. Golly gee, who funds the Bush Administration but the oil companies and Saudi Arabia? Who profits when the price of oil goes up? That's "Mission Accomplished."

Look to New Orleans. Golly gee, the black folks haven't come back. There are no labor unions anymore in New Orleans. There are no public schools. It's all vouchers. Worker wages have gone down. It's "Mission Accomplished." This is the plan. This is the program.

The idea that this is just a screw-up, or a delay, or a stall is wrong. This is the plan. You're seeing it in effect. They don't ever want those people back. You still have 73,000 POWs - prisoners of "W."
What makes Palast a good investigative reporter is that he does his homework and not only tells us the real story sans agenda, but always finds a way to get his voice heard. Sure is a tenacious little fucker.


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James Brown Dies

Monday, December 25, 2006

James Brown dead at 73

My memory of James Brown comes from a 1969 concert in a small southern town high school gym with my friend Debbie and being the only white people in the audience.

We all knew he was a great singer and dancer, but being such a showman made seeing him live so special. When calling out "Maseo, come blow your horn" and "Watch me while I do the James Brown" while he did his signature slide dance with those little feet moving like lightning. He came to the stage with his cape on and someone takes it off. By the end, it's draped on his shoulders again, he's drenched in sweat and he's ushered off stage only to return for an encore as he throws the cape to the floor.

His singles played at every party in the mid 60s. His "Live At The Apollo" was my favorite album and it may still be here someplace. I know we still have some old 45s of his around here.



Christmas Day


Holiday Wishes

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Hope you had a scintillating Solstice
A delightful Yule
May your mirth be multi-orgasmic
Your visions vibrant
Your glee glorious
Your festivities fulfilling
And your halls decked with Love and Peace.



Thursday, December 21, 2006


* Above graphic is one example of the excellent collage art by Agnes Montgomery, who is currently working on something for Animal Collective's next release.

* I didn't know there was a David Gilmour Blog

* New anarchy aggregator site, Carnival Of Anarchy, is blazing a path through intertopia. Will be December 29 and the theme is Anarchist Blogs, Anarchist blogging.

* From the One Club, The Alchemists is a film "about 5 people who hated the world so much? they changed yours".


Skyler's Marilyn Monroe Tattoo

My daughter's new tattoo. I really like it. Marilyn Monroe's name, lips and mole. She's a major MM collector.


Best Album Of The Year - 2006

Best Album Of The Year - 2006

I'm certainly not an expert in all things music but I know what I like and here's my pick for CD/album of the year.

Amputechture by The Mars Volta.

I still break out in a sweat when I listen to it and after it's over, I feel some sort of musical orgasmitronic release. Vermicide is probably my favorite track.

Now anything that elicits this type of response deserves Album Of The Year. So I salute you and my husband salutes you.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

saturday morning me//
white tee/black yoga pants/black houseshoes/do-rag/
white tangerine tea/warm brie on rye toast/
forecast: decor8 for 'hood holiday extravaganza tonight/
listening: silence by delerium/
got them solstice/yuletide/xmas/hanakkah-
kwanza/saturnalia boomshakalacka blues/
can i open my present yet?/
so what about you?/

Today's Quote:
"As long as there is a lower class, I am in it. As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it. As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." -- Eugene Debs


Gnarly Traffic

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In an errand run yesterday to do some of my Mother's Christmas shopping for her hairdresser, baker and candlestick maker, I was surprised to see the traffic gnarling it's way throughout this small Tennessee town. People pulling out in front of you, cutting you off every other block.

I reminded myself that it's not as bad as the traffic in Asheville, NC. And surely not as bad as Atlanta, GA. Atlanta is probably the worst clusterfuck of traffic I've ever witnessed. And yes, worse than New York. Pack a lunch in case you get stuck on I-285 circling the city looking for your exit.



Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Every December for the last 13 years, Cacophonous Santas have been visiting cities around the world, engaging in a bit of Santarchy as part of the annual Santacon events.

It all started back in 1994 when several dozen Cheap Suit Santas paid a visit to downtown San Francisco for a night of Kringle Kaos. Things have reached Critical Xmas and Santarchy is now a global phenomenon.

He's definitely getting into the "spirit".

Related Resources
* See if Santacon targeted your city
* Flickr: Santarchy, Santacon
* Search for


Planning Solstice Celebrations

Monday, December 11, 2006

Winter Solstice Celebrations

It's not too soon to think about Winter Solstice celebrations, which are increasingly becoming more popular. (If you really want to go old school, see Saturnalia.) Some people do this in addition to their usual Christmas traditions. Some have the celebration of Jesus birth assimilated into the Winter Solstice. And some are just tired of the whole cheesy commercialism of Christmas that concentrates more on enriching the retailers and stressing us all that they wish to try something different.

It depends on what you want to get back from this season. Love? Peace? Presents? Do you want to honor it with a religious experience? And which one? Should you feed your spirituality in a more earth-based way, leave out the whole biblical aspect, or celebrate your usual family traditions? And what about the children?

How does a Buddhist couple with Protestant parents and Pagan kids celebrate the holidays? We manage to do our own thing and also honor our family's way of celebrating by finding something we all can relate to. One thing is we all celebrate the Winter Solstice and continue through New Year's Eve: 12th Night. We build a bonfire, (my husband's favorite part) and a Yule log is taken from that to the indoors where it (and more firewood) burns until the 12th Night. Then you spread the ashes on the field or garden on the first day of the year (which get into Compitalia). In those 12 days there's also a procession, gift-giving, (a little gift each day) bells, singing, paying it forward, feasting, prayers and much more but this is getting a little long.

Winter Solstice for 2006 will occur in North America on December 21, Thursday. The precise time depends on your time zone. In PST, it will be 4:22 pm; in EST, 7:22 pm.
* * * * *

Related Resources
* Solstice Planning Guide for the home and outdoors.
* Winter Solstice Religious Celebrations
* Sew seeds for Winter Solstice.
* Saturnalia

In the midst of winter I found there was within me an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus


Sunday, December 10, 2006

White Knuckle Express

This is the time of year that we recovering drug and alcohol addicts will white knuckle it, hoping to sail on through the holiday stress and parties without slipping. The time of year we must steer our car away from the liquor store. This time of year it's best to keep my blinders on when I see old playmates around town; step up the pace, and hit the breeze. Drinking and drugs were used so often to deal with my normal daytoday that it's so automatic to go there. After all this time and even in my dreams.

Sometimes I find that a warm geez or an iced anything with lime still wakes me with a smile and glow. And just when I start looking for old phone numbers and feel I might be the only junkie who feels this way, someone will confide their similar urges to me.

It always helps to know I'm not alone and together we'll get through another day, without singing any tired old platitudes; without any generic stepping going on. Strong in our weakness. Life, although not nearly as lively as before, really is good.

At the end of the day I can dust off the day's demons before turning in. Tick off the times I maintained direction, overcame weakness, kept it between the ditches. And with God/Goddess willing, I'll rise to battle another day.


Asshole Santa


...once a year I don a Santa costume that's doused in cheap booze and cologne, chew a ceegar and go by the name "Asshole Santa". I'm doing it on Saturday December 16 at Criminal Records in Atlanta. Come on down and get a holiday card worth putting on your worthless photo page on myspace, you trendy follower of irony.

PBR on the tree, I'm filled with glee....this is the Santa's lap I wanna sit on.

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Saturday, December 9, 2006

saturday morning me//
man, o' man, ees cold--8° in the hills this morning/
hope my car had enough antifreeze in it/
sipping hot tea & not sipping a biscuit/
candles burning/sage smoldering/cauldron bubbling/
listening to: xumantra--bowls, bells, gongs/
i lit a candle for those who dread the holiday season/
to offer lightbeams for your peace of mind/
so what about you?

Stop thinking, and end your problems. --Lao Tzu


Friday, December 8, 2006


* I have Leary surrounded. Interview with John Higgs. link

* Former Mega City Four singer Darren "Wiz" Brown died from a blood clot on the brain on December 6, 2006. Condolences are being received here.

* These swinging dicks have the 'I Got The No Pussy' blues.

* Bob Dylan Live on WBAI. mp3

* You are MOG-ing, aren't you? link

* Dealhack Holiday Shipping Deadlines at Popular Online Stores

* Garrett County Press asked favorite artists to "color in" pages from Kevin Stone's latest project, The Pat Robertson and Friends Coloring Book.

* Hack This: Decorate a glass block from House Hacker. [via]

* How many blue and red people live in your zipcode? Following The Dollars, a Google Maps mashup that points out election donations in your zipcode.

whew! goodnight...


APOCALYPTO - No One Can Outrun Their Destiny

"Gibson has made a film of blunt provocation and bruising beauty -- it's breathtaking to watch a jaguar racing in the jungle alongside the man who is named after the beast. Say what you will about Gibson, he's a filmmaker right down to his nerve endings." From Peter Travers, veteran Rolling Stone reviewer, who gives Apocalypto an excellent review. The film opens today, Friday, December 8.

If it has half the story as Braveheart, I'll enjoy the hell out of it.

Offical Link


Women Take Back The Noise

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Ninah Pixie is an experimental musician and force behind next weekend's "Women Take Back The Noise" event.

The three years in the making extravaganza is taking off like a house on fire.

UBUIBI presents a 3-day live experimental music series featuring a worldwide selection of female artists from the recently released Women Take Back The Noise compilation.

Each night of performance will focus on the themes from the 3-disc collection: ORGONAUTA, SCHEHERAZADE & VOCIFEROUS featuring works by the artists in their own unique style & interpretation, reflecting the mood of each theme. She's been so passionate and unwavering about this experimental music project that I expect we may one day say "I knew her when she was just starting out" and I couldn't be happier for her.

There's more at Women Take Back The Noise, Discogs, and Venues and Events.

Edited to Add: San Francisco Chronicle 96 Hours Section


This is pretty cool. It's called a "slide show" bracelet (banned books) and it's only $15 USD. Created for the American Library Assn Office of Intellectual Freedom.



Tuesday, December 5, 2006


* See The Night Sky @ Have you seen the moon lately? Wow!

* Dec 5, Tuesday in Celestial Timings: The still nearly full Lunar Standstill Moon is crossing the center point of the Galactic Edge as it moves into Cancer. This is what is referred to as the ?out of bounds? Moon and it is transmitting energies from beyond our galactic realm. This suggests we are receiving a whole new download of inter-galactic information and vibrational frequency that is beyond the bounds of our ordinary reality. Greater ease in assimilating these energies occurs when we consciously engage our thoughts and actions releasing attachment to results and limiting beliefs about who we are. See more on the Galactic Edge and the Lunar Standstill at Shamanic Astrology.

* A Stunning New Look At Déjà Vu at Science Daily describes an ongoing thesis that involves in part a study on a blind person. Fascinating read.

* I keep reading glowing reviews about The Fountain. Angela-Eloise has discovered the same thing. Sounds pretty good.

* More on Firefox Tweaks here. See Screenshot Firefox Extensions

* Whole Lotta CDs - Robert Plant's new 9-cd package. If you liked "Kashmir", and I happen to think it's his strong suit, this is for you.

* Today in Peace & Justice History, December 5:
1000 antiwar protestors try to close NYC induction center; 585 arrested including Allen Ginsberg and Dr. Benjamin Spock. (1967)

* Greatest Hits - Satirical Living Will


Yahoo Food

Monday, December 4, 2006

Yahoo! Food is a new section on They seem to really be spiffing up the joint lately. via: sugarfused

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A little posting with Firefox's Performancing feature, but I'm still having some trouble getting it set up correctly.

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This Week in Peace & Justice History is a collection designed to help us appreciate the fact that we are part of rich history advocating peace and social justice. While the entries often focus on large and dramatic events there are so many smaller things done everyday to promote peace and justice.

Sign up for weekly Peace History Newsletter

December 4, 1969
President Richard Nixon, Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew, and 40 U.S. governors embarked on a fact-finding mission to discover the causes of the generation gap. They viewed films of "simulated acid trips" and listened to hours of "anti-establishment rock music."

December 4, 1968
264 were arrested at a military induction center in New York City during War Resisters League civil disobedience action.

December 4, 1916
Five members of a woman's suffragist group unrolled a banner from the visitor's gallery during President Wilson's annual message (state of the union) to Congress, asking, "Mr. President, What will you do for woman suffrage?" There was no mention of the issue in his speech.

December 4, 1833
The American Anti-Slavery Society was formed by Arthur Tappan in Philadelphia. He and his brother Lewis were active abolitionists throughout their lives, including providing legal defense for the Africans who mutinied on the slave ship Amistad.

December 4, 1970
Cesar Chavez was sentenced to 20 days in jail for refusing to call off United Farm Workers? consumer boycott of lettuce.

December 4, 1980
United Nations agreed to establish the University of Peace and a short wave radio station, Radio Peace International, in Costa Rica.




* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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