Wednesday, January 18, 2006
2 Things You Can Do Now To Help Darfur
What will you tell your grandchildren you did during the Sudan genocide? A grassroots movement is taking place in North Carolina. North Carolina is the 14th State in a growing coalition of States to have filed or passed divestment legislation.
Across our community concerned individuals are supporting House Bill 1294, which calls for divestment of North Carolina public funds from companies that do business with the Sudanese government.
*1) Please support this effort by signing an on-line petition
Dear President Bush,
During your first year in the White House, you wrote in the margins of a report on the Rwandan genocide, "Not on my watch."
I urge you to live up to those words by using the power of your office to support a stronger multi-national force to protect the civilians of Darfur.
*2) Send Postcard To George Bush
What will you tell your grandchildren you did during the Sudan genocide? A grassroots movement is taking place in North Carolina. North Carolina is the 14th State in a growing coalition of States to have filed or passed divestment legislation.
Across our community concerned individuals are supporting House Bill 1294, which calls for divestment of North Carolina public funds from companies that do business with the Sudanese government.
*1) Please support this effort by signing an on-line petition
Dear President Bush,
During your first year in the White House, you wrote in the margins of a report on the Rwandan genocide, "Not on my watch."
I urge you to live up to those words by using the power of your office to support a stronger multi-national force to protect the civilians of Darfur.
*2) Send Postcard To George Bush
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