Saturday, November 5, 2005
"Ecstasy" is the closest thing to an LSD flashback that you’re likely to see, a "sensation" in the truest meaning of the term. The strobe lights alone are enough to jump-start long-dormant memories, many of them quite pleasant.
Berlin-based artist Klaus Weber (b. 1967) has installed a cut-glass fountain bubbling with a clear liquid purported to be LSD, formulated in a homeopathic lab. Unsurprisingly, the work is secured behind glass walls and is all but impossible to reach. The implicit tease is whether or not it would be worth it to find out if the liquid is what the artist says it is.
There's also a voyage to the stars exhibit, a floating chamber exhibit, a suspended and architectural matrix of tiny green lights exhibit, giant mushrooms exhibit, an alien abduction exhibit, the cut-glass fountain bubbling with a clear liquid purported to be LSD exhibit and many more.Would love to speak to someone who's been to this exhibit. Gotta be a lot of fun.
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