Friday, September 16, 2005
When I have spoken and written of a revolution of the working class against those who live from the products of our work, and who rule us by propaganda, lethal force, and murderous negligence, many have objected. Revolution is equated with violence, and often for good reason. If the ruling class resists when the people demand the power due them, and reasonable rewards for their labor, in the form, at least, of living wages, it is in the nature of that ruling class to resist with lethal force. Lethal force, in self-defense, then, has often, historically, been the only recourse for those who would demand that the power reside in the people.
Take away the spin and see if for what it is.....a class war.
All right, I get it. John Roberts is nice to women. He doesn't outwardly hate black people. That's fantastic. Super-duper, even. Can we move on now?
Personal stories of his kindness, politeness and good manners make for a great chapter in his biography. They don't mean anything about how he would vote in cases of privacy, choice, gender discrimination, or civil rights.
MsMagazine has been blogging the Roberts' hearings.
-- by Carla at PreemptiveKarma
I haven't been following the Roberts hearings. First of all I've been too damn busy with real life to sit down and watch it. But I've also steered clear because I've felt his confirmation was a done deal from the outset. And I'm not interested in watching all sides mug for the cameras. It's just too annoying.
The good Doctor Dean seems to like and respect Roberts-- but has written a piece about why Roberts is the wrong man for the job.
I feel the same way about the 'done deal'. They're just going thru the motions.
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