Sunday, July 24, 2005
"Street Meme": a sticker, stencil, or poster that can spread a single image around the world. Unlike traditional graffiti art where each piece is unique, street memes can be copied repeatedly, taking on a life of their own, and spreading through the collective effort of people scattered around the world.
"Meme": A term coined by Biologist Richard Dawkins to describe self replicating ideas. Read more about the concept of the meme
Think Only As Directed
Visual Narcotics 20mg (vizh'oo el nar-kot'iks)slang
One of the most popular Street Memes. Obey Giant by Shepard Fairey, is more familiar street art, but I hadn't seen or heard of the Visual Narcotics 20mg meme.
"Meme": A term coined by Biologist Richard Dawkins to describe self replicating ideas. Read more about the concept of the meme
Think Only As Directed
Visual Narcotics 20mg (vizh'oo el nar-kot'iks)slang
1. stupor inducing "mass media". 2. a term used to describe the mind-numbing effects caused by prolonged exposure to stupor inducing "mass media".
One of the most popular Street Memes. Obey Giant by Shepard Fairey, is more familiar street art, but I hadn't seen or heard of the Visual Narcotics 20mg meme.
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