Saturday, June 4, 2005
We're beginning to see too much of a good thing. And as bad as I hate to grab onto a worn out pop culture reference, like 'jump the shark', by god, the blogworld (blogiverse, blogotopia?) has J'd The S.
After seeing the latest joint blog ventures, it's increasingly clear that all the weblogs will consolidate, leaving only 3 or 4 weblogs in it's wake.
We'll be left with Gawker Fawker Super Stawker, Meta-Nerds Inc, and PoliTickle-- why not combine your politics and your porn? Or some such shit as that.
The pace will get so fast and furious with fifty-eleven people posting at once that no matter how hard you tried, you'd only get 1% of the gajillion posts read.
Don't get me wrong, I think getting like minds together for a group blog is a great thing. I participate in a few of those myself and collectively we kick ass.
But as I survey the independent weblog landscape, the group thing just seems to have taken on a life of its own. Like Wal-mart barreling into town and gobbling up all the Mom 'n' Pop stores. Anyway, that's the view from my back porch.
**I'm probably biased because I believe those group blogs I'm involved with do it the way it should be done. With carefully selected members posting carefully selected items. Others have appeared to me like they're going for quantity over quality. And why the hell do I even care? Because I like the quaint independent publishing vibe or atmosphere of writing in your bathrobe, connecting globally, meeting people like you. I don't want us to ever lose that. And now I fear that blogs are we knew them, may be getting too big from their britches. Change sucks sometimes. As you were...
saturday morning me//
long white sleeveless cotton gown/pink flipflops/
rye toast/coffee/diet coke/leftover blunt/
daughter still asleep/husband gone for supplies/
listening: improvisation by acid mothers temple/
so how about you?/
Today's Quote
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
-- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
"Well, well, well. Look what the cat cleaned up, showered, exfoliated, powdered, lipsticked, Gucci'd and dragged in."
After seeing the latest joint blog ventures, it's increasingly clear that all the weblogs will consolidate, leaving only 3 or 4 weblogs in it's wake.
We'll be left with Gawker Fawker Super Stawker, Meta-Nerds Inc, and PoliTickle-- why not combine your politics and your porn? Or some such shit as that.
The pace will get so fast and furious with fifty-eleven people posting at once that no matter how hard you tried, you'd only get 1% of the gajillion posts read.
Don't get me wrong, I think getting like minds together for a group blog is a great thing. I participate in a few of those myself and collectively we kick ass.
But as I survey the independent weblog landscape, the group thing just seems to have taken on a life of its own. Like Wal-mart barreling into town and gobbling up all the Mom 'n' Pop stores. Anyway, that's the view from my back porch.
**I'm probably biased because I believe those group blogs I'm involved with do it the way it should be done. With carefully selected members posting carefully selected items. Others have appeared to me like they're going for quantity over quality. And why the hell do I even care? Because I like the quaint independent publishing vibe or atmosphere of writing in your bathrobe, connecting globally, meeting people like you. I don't want us to ever lose that. And now I fear that blogs are we knew them, may be getting too big from their britches. Change sucks sometimes. As you were...
saturday morning me//
long white sleeveless cotton gown/pink flipflops/
rye toast/coffee/diet coke/leftover blunt/
daughter still asleep/husband gone for supplies/
listening: improvisation by acid mothers temple/
so how about you?/
Today's Quote
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
-- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
"Well, well, well. Look what the cat cleaned up, showered, exfoliated, powdered, lipsticked, Gucci'd and dragged in."
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