Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pakistan rape victim must get justice | Reuters

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan wants to ensure gang-rape victim Mukhtaran Mai finds justice, President Pervez Musharraf said on Wednesday, as he invited women from around the world to come and tell of their abuse and recommend solutions.

Mai, 33, was gang-raped on the orders of the traditional village council in 2002 after her brother -- who was 12 at the time -- was judged to have offended the honor of a powerful clan by befriending a woman from the tribe.

The rape and subsequent acquittal of five of the six men convicted of attacking her provoked an international outcry and focused attention on the plight of women in rural Pakistan.

The court on Tuesday ordered the re-arrest of 13 men accused of involvement in the gang-rape, including the five men convicted of attacking her and eight members of the village council that ordered her assault.

Sure, Prez. My recommended solution is to overrule those original village council's prehistoric gang-rape orders and get rid of the troglodytes you have running your pseudo justice system. That would be a start. Poor Mai is overjoyed that you're letting her live when it never should have involved her at all.


The day Chet Helms died was the day they brought old San Francisco down.

Several years ago somebody wrote the SF Chronicle saying Chet Helms had died. So Chet decided to have a wake and a resurrection. He hired a hearse and a coffin and invited 200 people. He was driven up to the Gold Coast Restaurant in the hearse and the pall bearers were Terance Hallinan, Richard Hongisto and Wavy Gravy. The Coffin rolled into the restaurant and was opened. Chet lay there with flowers and a cellular phone on his chest. The phone rang and he rose to answer it and walked thru the toasting crowd and camera people.

The day Chet Helms died, goes the old eulogy, Owsley returned and gave out real LSD and everyone remembered their last ecstatic romance at the Avalon and began to dance that perfect trance dance that merged them with the divine.

But this past weekend, Chet Helms really did pass away. He died from complications of a stroke in San Francisco surrounded by family and friends; he was 62.

[Extensive info and obituary @ sfbg]


Monday, June 27, 2005

Arundhati Roy and other international anti-war advocates on Monday accused the United States and Britain of war crimes in Iraq and called at a "tribunal" in Turkey for direct action against companies that profited from the conflict.

The symbolic tribunal, uniting former U.N. officials, legal experts and human rights activists, sought the immediate withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraq and payment of reparations for the damage caused during the conflict.

"We recommend that people throughout the world launch actions against U.S. and UK corporations that directly profit from this war," Arundhati Roy, India's Booker Prize-winning novelist, told a news conference at the end of the meeting. Link

And this from Scott Ritter...
Ritter told people they need to acknowledge and accept that the battle to stop the war has been lost and the United States will pay a heavy price.

"This is our Pearl Harbor. The U.S. has taken a big hit and it's going to take a long time to dig out."[more »]

I've heard so many lies now that anything I hear that closely resembles the truth just scares the shit right out of me.


Saturday, June 25, 2005

Pentagon Developing Massive Database on Millions of U.S. Students.

Congress Member Mike Honda of California is sponsoring a bill that would make it easier for parents to block military recruiters from gaining access to their high school-aged children through this provision of the No Child Left Behind Act.



* Television station WLOS asked man to smoke pot for story. Case referred to Buncombe County district attorney and man on probation goes directly to jail. [more »]

* shamelessly trolling for blogwhored hits
Since I was his first fan, I want to acknowledge that the always fresh and funny skippy the bush kangaroo is turning three years old in about a month and is about 80,000 hits short of a million visitors. Stop by and say hello. (the skippy mystique: He keeps his identity under wraps, but you've more than likely seen him on televsion and didn't realize it.)

* The new INKED blog from the Wooster Collective folks has launched. Tattoos and the people behind them.

saturday morning me//
fresh ground hazelnut coffee #2/a peach/water/
slept-in pigtails/long gauzy batik dress/flipflops/
nursing: daughter sick with the flu?/
listening to: Nowhere Fast by The Smiths/
3 items on my desk: opium incense/candles/phone/
so how about you?/

If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution. ~Emma Goldman


Friday, June 24, 2005

Dude, You're Getting A Strip Mall

"The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private economic development."

What about the home you've scraped and saved to make the down payment on, through whatever hardships you may have endured, only to see the bulldozers bearing down on it one morning... for private economic development? You'll be lucky to get fair warning so you won't be thrown out on the street.

What about the home that's been a part of the community for generations? Much more than bricks and mortar and potential economic development. It withstood childbirth, backyard picnics and weddings, Santa on the rooftop, and trees planted each year to honor someone's passing. Do you think all that matters now?

You're getting a strip mall instead.

What more will it take for people to see how fucked we all are with this administration? The Patriot Act, the lies that put us in Iraq, the Social Security sham they're trying to pull. We could learn something from the Orange Revolution or Tiananmen Square. And may one day soon take it to the streets.

Eminent Domain Link


Thursday, June 23, 2005

They said, "You got away with it for 41 years!"

Some things never change. They just stay the same.

They may give the appearance of change. The veneer, or facade may change, but some things just don't change at all. Like your core beliefs. Your basic foundation of rights and wrongs steeped in your fiber since birth and later what you overheard on the front porch and in the back seat. It shapes you as a human being and later lies dormant in your soul.

A jury of one's peers in Philadelphia, MS, doesn't change. They may claim collective growth and tolerance. Even acceptance. Yes, look how we've grown. The local KKK may no longer meet in their town square or blatantly burn crosses in mixed race families' yards. But everybody knows the score.

Some things never change. They just stay the same.

* * * * * * *

**This was written during Killen's trial and before his sentencing. I'm surprised he got the maximum sentence of 60 years, which at least chips away at some of the justice due those three families.

Jurors declined to convict Edgar Ray Killen of murder, opting for the lesser charge of manslaughter which probably won't amount to much.**


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bliss On Board

From Mongolian overtone chanting to Peruvian nose flutes to Catholic masses and Indian ragas, "music is part of every spiritual tradition," Ananda Marga monk Dada Nabhaniilananda recently reminded us.

There's also a long tradition of getting on the bus as a means of raising – or altering – consciousness. In the '60s, there were Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters. During 1970-71, Steven Gaskin, head of the Farm, led a caravan of 50 school buses on a speaking tour across the U.S. Fans followed the Grateful Dead and Phish, and continue to trail Widespread Panic, in livable vans. Budget travelers, looking for a change of scenery, hop aboard the Green Tortoise. Thousands of people each year caravan to the ever-changing Rainbow Gathering destinations.

The Kundalini Express, then, is an efficient way to disseminate a complex network of spiritual-music traditions – "a way to celebrate the anniversary with the different centers of Ananda Marga across the continent," explains tour coordinator Nirmal Kronenberg by phone. "We're conducting parties, sort of ... visiting [Ananda Marga] centers to inspire these people." The Kundalini Express stops off in Asheville on Friday, June 24 for a 6-8 p.m. concert. [more »]

Ananda Marga in Asheville


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Daily Om is good today. (For those of you that only read EBC through a feed, Daily Om is featured on the right side of my website.) Today's topic is Tonglen Meditation: Transforming Negative Into Positive. I'd never heard that term before.

Just as pain can grow exponentially, so can compassion and love be inspired in countless others. All it takes is a single individual who chooses to transform negative energy into goodness. One method of doing this is the Buddhist practice of tonglen meditation, wherein you consciously draw suffering into yourself and release positive energy with each focused breath. In the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, it is described as breathing in that which is to be healed and transforming it through the power of your own heart and the heart of Buddha. Then, in breathing out, you project that which was transformed in your heart into the hearts of others. [more »]



.....very interesting, if disturbing.

A startling report has emerged this weekend that the U.S. has used napalm fire bombs in Iraq and then lied about it to the British government.

According to The Independent, the U.S. used 30 MK77 firebombs – a new generation of incendiary weapons - during the initial Iraqi invasion between March 31 and April 2 2003.

Like white phosphorus ammunitions, napalm has a strategic role when used against civilian populations. Napalm not only produces a sticky burning gel that adheres to the skin as it burns through, leading to loss of blood pressure and eventually death in a short period of time, but it also releases clouds of carbon monoxide that can kill by asphyxiation. (Everyone will remember the Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of the naked girl in Vietnam, running down the road screaming as her skin burned with napalm.)

A 1980 UN convention banned the use of napalm against civilians - after those pictures shocked the world.

America, which didn't ratify the treaty, is the only country in the world still using the weapon.
[more »]
* * * * * * * * *

It is now time for the international community to hold the White House and the Pentagon responsible. In particular, those in the Bush administration and the top ranks of the military who approved the use of such weapons and then knowingly lied about it need to be help accountable. Our leaders need to know that we the citizens of the United State do not support the use of chemical weapons in any fashion and categorically abhor the enrichment of ammunitions with depleted uranium.

And if the U.S. will not take responsibility for its actions, then the international community needs to hold them accountable.

Freiheit und Wissen has a thoroughly researched post and add'l info.


Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Yippies began as a group of dedicated political pranksters in the late 1960s; they demonstrated to end the war in Vietnam, they held a Yip-In at Grand Central Station, threw money from the balcony at the greedy brokers on the floor of the NYSE, put on the first marijuana Smoke-In and, with Allen Ginsberg Ommmmmming away, levitated the Pentagon upwards into a beautiful Wahsington DC October afternoon.
[more »]

Yippie Speakers will keep the Yippie spirit alive with updates on the original pranksters and the appointed (or annointed) new millenium Yippie types.


Fantagraphics now has a blog called, Flog.

Features all the greats: Dame Darcy, Daniel Clowes, R Crumb, Dave Cooper, Jim Woodring, and many more comix I've featured here on EBC over the years.



Independent World Television hopes to bring the concept of citizen journalism to television.

Paul Jay's idealists grail? Network TV beholden only to the public. Jay's mantra? "No corporate ownership. No corporate underwriting. No government funding. No commercial advertising."

No better team could be assembled. Definitely top shelf. Some names familiars to bloggers would be: Howard Zinn, FAIR's Jeff Cohen, Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch (HRW), investigative journalist, Greg Palast, Robert McChesney of Free Press, Helen Caldicott, MD, journalist and author, Naomi Klein, Buzzflash's Mark Karlin, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, Janeane Garofalo, and many more.

Broadcast will begin in early 2006. Where will you see it? See FAQ.


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Tomorrow, on June 19th 2005, Burma's democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, will be 60 years old. On that day she will have spent a total of 9 years and 238 days in detention.

Armed soldiers behind a barricade of barbed wire turn away any visitors. The regime has also cut her phone line, so no-one can call to wish her happy birthday. The brutal generals who rule Burma have already made one attempt on her life, attacking a convoy she was travelling in on May 30th 2003. Up to 100 of her supporters were beaten to death in the attack. Aung San Suu Kyi's car managed to speed away, but she was later arrested.

REM are planning an onstage protest against Burma. They will broadcast a song dedicated to pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, currently under house arrest in Burma. The band will play the unspecified song during a concert in Dublin, but it will be broadcast into the military-ruled Burma via an Oslo-based satellite TV station.

REM are performing the song to raise awareness of Suu Kyi's 2,523rd day in detention on the Nobel Peace Prize winner's 60th birthday. The band will also speak about the activist while onstage in Dublin. It is part of a series of worldwide events against Burma.

She stands alone after all these years fighting for the freedom of her country and I pray she sees her country free some day soon. Why the story of Aung San Suu Kyi should haunt the conscience of the world.

What You Can Do
Arrest Yourself
Send Birthday Cards
Global Protest At Embassies


saturday morning me//
wheat bagel & honey/grapes/coffee iv/
dressed warmly in flannel pj bottoms/navy tee/
flipflops/don't stop/bed head ponytail/
marlboro between my teeth/
getting ready to do the
gym-cleaners-grocery shuffle/
so how about you?/


Friday, June 17, 2005

Ramble On...
Permit me to ramble a bit this morning. Friday Blogging is conducive to small talk and rambling, cat blogging, etc.

I'm so tired seeing of the dreaded Blue Screen of Death. In fact, it was all I could see for a couple of hours this morning. Windows was stuck going through the same thing over and over and wouldn't advance. This old dinosaur has seen me through many good days so if it'll just hold on until I can save enough scratch for a new one, I'll be happy. Or a good used one will also do.

Such a glorious day in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. We're expecting a high of 75° which is a little low for mid-June, but I'll take it.

Detroit Basketball! Now it's getting very interesting.

Rehab Is For Quitters
Yesterday was my recovery anniversary. Fourteen Years. After many, many, and yes, many more years of substance abuse, I finally got help for my addiction and if you don't count weed and a few other botanicals, I have been drug-free since June 16, 1991. Go me!

Off to get another cup of coffee, read the news and visit YOU....

I feel a sin coming on.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

The First One's Free
Or, Newbie's First Trip @ Recent MindStates

Immediately following Mike Crowley's presentation, "The Secret Drugs of Buddhism," I begin a shopping spree that I will call "Operation: Tripping Balls."

My first buy of the weekend is from a knowledgeable man in a khaki ball cap; he resembles your typical organic pumpkin-patch attendant, and he delivers a $25 vial of Salvia divinorum extract.

"Can this shit get me high?" I ask him. [more »]

Recently, a Clear Channel radio station masqueraded as a pirate station called Radio Free Ohio, which feigned taking over the airwaves of other Clear Channel frequencies with rants about the bland effects of corporate-controlled radio. This was all merely a publicity stunt to promote a new Clear Channel "progressive" station--you can read more by clicking here. Clear Channel. Do they have any idea how sad they really are?

Chatterbox - New York Dolls
Thanks, Free Radio Asheville!


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mississippi Burning
You're looking at evil right here. Pure, proud bigoted evil. He's so genuinely vile that I'm uncomfortable at the degree of contempt I feel for him.

Edgar Ray Killen is on trial for orchestrating the 1964 abduction and murder of three voting rights volunteers, one of the most infamous episodes in the volatile civil rights struggle four decades ago.

What good is it doing now?

They did the same thing to Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers and Emmet Till's killers. They wait until these white men have lived full lives, get married, have kids, grandkids, etc, and when these killers have one foot in the grave to do something about it.

Why are they trying Killen now? Why didn't they prosecute Emmet Till's murderer when he was alive? Or when Emmett's poor mother was alive begging for justice?

Justice delayed isn't justice served. He and all the others should have been tried 41 years ago.



Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Web Trail
The Full Moon will arrive next week, and I'm curious to find out if you have any rituals you perform for the Full Moon or the Solstice. I know there are a lot of spiritual people and sweet spirits who visit here and I'd love to get some feedback from you.

Summer Solstice
Celebrate the Summer Solstice on June 22, 2005, 12:13:48 AM EDT. Some Solstice revelers will gather at Stonehenge to watch the sunrise. Wouldn't it be nice to be there for that outstanding vision?

A Capricorn Full Moon Gathering is being planned locally for the Solstice and June Full Moon in Capricorn.

Asheville Naked Bike Riders had a small, but fierce group of cyclists this year. If as many riders as cops show up each year, it'd be a roaring success.

I've been listening to the experimental and uncompromising Brian Eno online. His first release in 25 years, Another Day On Earth goes wide Wednesday, June 15.

Quote For Today
I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge, silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art. ~Kahlil Gibran


Saturday, June 11, 2005

saturday morning me//
fresh ground hazelnut coffee #2/½ wheat bagel/
yoga pants/tiny tee/barefeet/
hair up w/chopsticks/smoking g-blondes/
listening: Rickie Lee jones - last chance texaco/
supporting: naked bike ride today!/
so how about you?/


Friday, June 10, 2005

The Patti Smith Meltdown 2005 held at Royal Festival Hall in London, begins this weekend and runs June 11 - 26. Here's a rundown of the itinerary in this email. Carbon / Silicon, the new band fronted by The Clash’s Mick Jones have been added to the Rachid Taha gig.

Pages From Chaos - A Homage to William Burroughs is an evening paying repect to one of the greatest figures in American Literature. Alan Moore, Iain Sinclair and Patti Smith will read from various works including the first draft of Naked Lunch.

This event is covering all the bases with spoken word performances, film nights, and the superb musicians hand chosen by Patti Smith.


Asheville Naked Bike Ride

June 11 - Cyclists in cities around the world will ride bicycles naked through their town! Asheville's Naked Bike Ridegroup is riding up and down Merrimon Avenue from around 12:30pm til 1:30pm. Go as bare as you dare - wear as much or as little as you wish. The ride is clothing-optional. Some use body paint or bring signs. The World Naked Bike Ride organizes globally. Read this for Asheville details.


Thursday, June 9, 2005

Paul Krassner's talking about the annual Rollling Thunder memorial ride to remember America's veterans where Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard Myers was wearing a shirt emblazoned with the American flag.

"Oh, if only Abbie Hoffman could have witnessed that."

I'll say. It used to be a serious offense to wear the flag. Very serious.

In October 1968, Hoffman was arrested in Washington for wearing a shirt that resembled the design of an American flag. Authorities at the maximum-security penitentiary did their worst to harass and humiliate him. They gave him a preventive de-lousing. They took a blood sample against his will, without affording him the sterile courtesy of a disposable syringe.

In support of Abbie, everyone began wearing flags as shirts, shawls, purses, patches for their broken jeans. I've told the story here of me getting a visit from 2 official dudes at school after they heard I had flags strung up as curtains in my room. They would have arrested me if I hadn't taken the flags down.

Things sure have changed if the good General can now wear the same thing that Abbie once got arrested for.



You know how you'll occasionally find that one good website that contains so much good stuff you just want to read it all at once? 21C Magazine will keep you busy for awhile.

(Thanks, DonDada)


Wednesday, June 8, 2005

About Terry Gilliams's Tideland, Jennifer Tilly says, "Jeff Bridges is a burned-out rock musician addicted to heroin, and I'm an ex-groupie addicted to methadone - and we have this little neglected and abused girl who is living in a fantasy land."

"This movie is very surreal. Terry describes it as a cross between Alice In Wonderland and Psycho. Tideland is done, says Gilliam. Just tell me when to show up at the theater.

The Mars Volta to curate next ATP (All Tomorrows Parties). Bands so far confirmed to play alongside The Mars Volta include The Kills, Diamanda Galas, Cinematic Orchestra, Blonde Redhead, Jaga Jazzist, Weird War, and more. What makes ATP events so fun is that they have chalets available for weekend rental with the shows.

The Ayahuasca-Alien Connection. Excerpts from:
Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman

Advance Tom Robbins book, Wild Ducks Flying Backqards already sold on eBay. (Thanks, Madison)

More banned cover art from Freeway Jam. Comprehensive listings in Taboo Tunes. For being against the war, (Dead Kennedys, Barry McGuire) having a misplaced appendage, visual pubes (Black Crowes cover), teeny boobs flashing (Blind Faith), and more.

Weirdness Quotient: Country Porn - NSFW and Ice Cream Truck songs from WFMU.


This is beautiful...and so is Wonkette's graphic on the story.

S.S. O'Reilly Sinks Before Leaving Port
Wanna go sailing with Bill O'Reilly on a cruise ship to discuss American values? Me, either.

An automated message at Corporate Travel Service, Inc. didn’t try to hide the fact that there was little interest in spending eight nights on boat with FOX News Channel’s top personality:
"Hello and thank you for your interest in the Thomas More Law Center Cruise with Bill O’Reilly. Unfortunately, the cruise did not have the participation that all parties anticipated. Although the guest appearance by Mr. O’Reilly and the other speakers have been canceled, the ship will still sail...”
Corporate Travel Service told Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly, Intl. that the goal was to get 800 people onboard for a Caribbean fantasy week with O’Reilly. Even though the cruise was promoted heavily on The O'Reilly Factor television program, the Radio Factor, and O'Reilly's Web site, they sold only a fraction of the tickets available.

Link; via


Saturday, June 4, 2005

We're beginning to see too much of a good thing. And as bad as I hate to grab onto a worn out pop culture reference, like 'jump the shark', by god, the blogworld (blogiverse, blogotopia?) has J'd The S.

After seeing the latest joint blog ventures, it's increasingly clear that all the weblogs will consolidate, leaving only 3 or 4 weblogs in it's wake.

We'll be left with Gawker Fawker Super Stawker, Meta-Nerds Inc, and PoliTickle-- why not combine your politics and your porn? Or some such shit as that.

The pace will get so fast and furious with fifty-eleven people posting at once that no matter how hard you tried, you'd only get 1% of the gajillion posts read.

Don't get me wrong, I think getting like minds together for a group blog is a great thing. I participate in a few of those myself and collectively we kick ass.

But as I survey the independent weblog landscape, the group thing just seems to have taken on a life of its own. Like Wal-mart barreling into town and gobbling up all the Mom 'n' Pop stores. Anyway, that's the view from my back porch.

**I'm probably biased because I believe those group blogs I'm involved with do it the way it should be done. With carefully selected members posting carefully selected items. Others have appeared to me like they're going for quantity over quality. And why the hell do I even care? Because I like the quaint independent publishing vibe or atmosphere of writing in your bathrobe, connecting globally, meeting people like you. I don't want us to ever lose that. And now I fear that blogs are we knew them, may be getting too big from their britches. Change sucks sometimes. As you were...

saturday morning me//
long white sleeveless cotton gown/pink flipflops/
rye toast/coffee/diet coke/leftover blunt/
daughter still asleep/husband gone for supplies/
listening: improvisation by acid mothers temple/
so how about you?/

Today's Quote
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
-- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat cleaned up, showered, exfoliated, powdered, lipsticked, Gucci'd and dragged in."


Thursday, June 2, 2005

Art Dorks
This interactive, graphic loaded site is a gathering of artists of the pop surrealism persuasion. via

Good Reading Links

Good Music Links

New online magazine, Ovi Magazine. Ovi means ‘door’ in Finnish which is where they're based-- Helsinki, Finland.

Summer Drink Specials- Extra credit if you know what color Champale is.

Hunting for a new place to vacation? This Is The Life has many good suggestions for you.

Or, Vacation Rentals By Owner. Instead of going thru real estate companies or brokers, rent directly from the owner of a beach condo and others.

Enjoying : Dilaudid. Oh.. by The Mountain Goats

Go dance, sing, visit friends, explore nature, and don't forget to find your way back.


G8 2005 Protests
Many campaigns are pumping up their message for the G8 Summit, July 6-8, with counter conferences brewing globally. The G8 is a group of eight of the most powerful countries in the world, who meet annually to discuss global problems. Representing just 14% of the world’s population, but controlling two thirds of global wealth, their actions have an impact on the whole world.

In past years, everywhere they have tried to meet they have been met with a massive response from the world's social movements. Now, in Britain, a network of groups and individuals is emerging that hopes to resist the Summit, and build a lasting movement against capitalism. The centre of attention is Dissent! A Network of Resistance Against the G8 which was formed at the end of November 2003. Links to it and other G8 related websites are provided below.

* - The Dissent! website is now up and running, for all the info on anti-G8 activity.
* - PGA G8 page.
* - Anti-G8 portal.
* - The official UK G8 site, complete with worst corporate logo design ever.
* - French mobilisation.
* - German mobilisation.
* - UK-IMC info page, check out Scotland IMC here.

G8 Campaign Sites:
* - G8 feminist Action, Scotland.
* - Cycling to the G8.
* - Edinburgh based G8 group.
* - Anti-Nuke Submarine Campaign.
* - G8 Alternatives.

* - discussion board for chat for everything to do with the 2005 summit.

Email Lists:
* - practical organising and networking information relating to resisting the g8.
* - list for people based in Edinburgh.


Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Journalism's Best Kept Secret Revealed

Capitol Buzz links to the Vanity Fair piece.
Talk Left points out to Bob Woodward's confirmation.
Felt has been suspected, Watching Washington points out.
Nixon thought it was him. Read tape excerpts here.
Cadillac Tight has details on Felt's pardon by Reagan.
What about Felt's earlier denials, Swap Blog wonders.
Rightwing Nuthouse: Story reopens Watergate wounds.
Balloon Juice wishes the identity should stay a mystery.

Hero? Snitch? For anyone who even remotely follows politics, the identity of Deep Throat is major news. I had almost forgotten how bent the Republicans were over this whole deal. As the story was breaking, I watched the television news stations unfold their accounts with Fox News initially giving it a reluctant mention. That is, until they can line up their minions who'll blame the media for bringing down a presidency.




* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


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