Thursday, May 27, 2004
»David Sedaris interview offers insight into his strange leetle world, and he explains what a gynocolumnist is. Great word. Link
»ExxonMobil ReHash Theatre presents: Oval Office Space - The Director's Cut which was found on a good site, George Must Go.
»Portrait Illustrator Maker - Make an original icon. Another fun face maker. I'm still working on mine, Bsti. via: Chapel PerilousLink
»For my pagan friends: MysticWicks looks like a friendly and busy online Pagan Community.
»The city is all atwitter about the upcoming Naked Bike Ride here in Asheville on June 12. It happens to be the only one in the southeast so we're getting riders from Atlanta, Knoxville, Charlotte and other areas. Think: naked breezy bike riding and strategically applied body paint. Link
»Today's Quote - He who know he has enough is rich. ~Tao Te Ching
I like these simple truths. The ones that usually take me years and years to realize.
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