Sunday, October 5, 2003
You say it's your's MY birthday, too, yeah. Thanks for all the beautiful emails and e-cards. Generous gifts and gift certificate. I take them to the center of my heart. I'm enjoying chocolate truffles, fresh ground hazelnut coffee, and Stevie Ray Vaughn on the player. Here's a few links for you. The rest of my online time today will be spent visiting YOU.
{from the archives}
GhettoFab Hairdos - Check 'em out.
And Ugly Bridesmaid Dresses
College Football Fans Weblog
Love Magnets are fun to play around with.
Win One For The Groper - Maureen Dowd's column today in the Times about Ah-nuld.
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.
~ William Shakespeare
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