Friday, October 31, 2003

Good Morning. Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain to you all.

{locally}"There was a busload of people who called themselves `reverends,' dressed in T-shirts and shouting," she said. "This year, they'll be arrested if they try to disrupt us." Coven Oldenwilde of Asheville has their 9th annual celebration tonight.

Stones Defend DVD Sales at Best Buy

Rolling Stones fans have heard about recent stores decision to boycott the new "Four Flicks" DVD package because of an exclusive contract with Best Buy chain. Mick's explaination is that he did it for the fans. The Best Buy partnership will allow them to buy the DVD set for about $30 instead of $60, he said. "Four Flicks" will be released Nov. 11. ("Forty Licks" two-CD set sold about 4 million copies in the US.)

I thank my lucky stars I'm not superstitious.


Thursday, October 30, 2003

:: Crawford George has morphed into Baghdad Bob

Speaking to reporters this week, (with blatantly obvious previously approved questions and questioners--Susan's words) Mr. Bush made the bizarre argument that the worse things get in Iraq, the better news it is. "The more successful we are on the ground, the more these killers will react," he said.

Now Bush illogic continues: The more Americans, Iraqis and aid workers who get killed and wounded, the more it is a sign of American progress. The more dangerous Iraq is, the safer the world is. The more troops we seem to need in Iraq, the less we need to send more troops.

The harder it is to find Saddam, Osama and W.M.D., the less they mattered anyhow. The more coordinated, intense and sophisticated the attacks on our soldiers grow, the more "desperate" the enemy is.

Stop this ride, Bush. I wanna get off. Eyes Wide Shut - Maureen Dowd piece today in the NYTimes.

:: Extensive article in LAWeekly music section about Dub: All the World’s a Slave - Today, with a planet in bondage, the fragmented yet relentless pull of instrumental riddims could be the colorblind soundtrack to the dance of the chain-breakers. There's the cross-cultural potential. The dance thing. The upsetter rhythms. The revolutionary history. The religious connection, reinforced by tranceful repetitions à la Buddhist or Gregorian chants — this music can lift you off the earth.

And of course, there’s the ganja.

I don't always disclose my age, but let's just say it's between twenty and Wal-Mart greeter.


Wednesday, October 29, 2003

[via: chapel perilous]

Rickie Lee Jones is 49 today.

Don't squat with your spurs on.


Tuesday, October 28, 2003

I'm trying to quit smoking. Not cold turkey, but s-l-o-w-l-y cutting back smoking until they're gone. I used to smoke around 30 cigarettes a day; and now it's more like between 5 - 8 cigarettes a day. It's disgusting and I've been doing it for, well, decades. So any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Tish has these good tips for me. . .

1) Each day, give up your favorite cigarette of the day. If it happens to be the first one, or the one after dinner, give it up.

2) Smoke with your non-dominant hand.

3) Put your cigs in a baggie, or a jar, or different container. The idea is to take some of the habits or familiarity away from smoking.

4) Cut back say, 5 cigarettes a week until you quit.

My husband suggests buying the shittiest cigarettes possible and smoking them. Uh... no, thanks. But it works for him as he's also trying to quit. But he's using those prescription inhalers with the shittiest cigarettes possible.

I hope I make it this time. Nov 20 is the Smokeout Day, sponsored by the American Cancer Society, so that's my short term goal to have quit by then.


Good Morning....

:: Step Right Up Folks, we have Marta and Suzie with their dancing tatas and we also have the amazing Dirk Diggler performing his famous 'Now-You-See-It, Now-You-Don't' Penis trick.

...came into the shop and "shook the store owner's hand powerfully until the owner felt his penis melt into his body."

There's something pathetic about a culture so ignorant even its pathologies have to be imported. But what do you expect? The telling detail of the vanishing penis hysteria is that it was spread by text messaging. You can own a cell phone, yet still believe that foreigners are able with a mere handshake to cause your penis to melt away. Unfuckingbelievable. [via: suntimes]

:: Along with the Ann Coulter raving talking doll, Bitches 'R' Us doll store just put out an increasingly unbearable Dennis Miller doll.

:: Blogging the California fires

I still miss my ex-husband. Will my aim ever improve?


Monday, October 27, 2003

Very exciting to read about a new drug, called BILN 2061, for the more than 170 million Hepatitis C victims. With so many affected, I don't feel enough has been done to help. I recall how AIDS stalled for some time until Elizabeth Taylor stepped up and offered her support and we all discovered Rock Hudson was ill. They also helped take the stigma from AIDS, and that's what needs to happen with HepC. Many people have it but are ashamed to admit it. (My husband and sister both have Hep C, and also two of my best friends.)

Double Standards for White House and American Citizens? The White House withholds highly classified intelligence documents that warned of a terrorist attact using airplanes one month before the 9/11 tragedy, yet they want us to be dilligent in rolling over our library files, doctor's records and credit card info, etc. You can't have it both ways.

Ann Coulter Action Figure? view pic

Easy, quick Logo Generator.

[via: coolios]

Current phonecam images of the California fires. [via: idletype]

Just set down my coffee and s-l-o-w-l-y back away.


Sunday, October 26, 2003

~Annie Leibovitz~

From working for the Rolling Stone magazine to working with the Rolling Stones and later for Vanity Fair, Annie Leibovitz has become possibly the most famous living photographer or portraitist in America, maybe in the world. (Her new book, "American Music" - Random House, $75) view photos

{today's quote}

I have often regretted my speech, never my silence. ~Xenocrates

Seven days without Easy Bake Coven makes one weak.


Saturday, October 25, 2003

Mass March On Washington, DC today at 11:00.

135 cities bringing buses to DC. Joint action in San Francisco. Bring the troops home now - End the occupation of Iraq - Money for jobs, education & healthcare - Not war. When I first demonstrated against Vietnam in 1969, it was mostly a sea of us hippies and radicals. I was maced and spit on. A year or two later, people started listening and I found some of my professors and other square johns were also attending the rallys. Fast forward a few years and a few incidents later, and everyone was pissed about Vietnam. And the war was finally over. I see the same thing, same progression, happening here. First I was an idiot to question going to war in Iraq, much less protesting it. Now, more people feel the same way. Soon, I hope, it'll be over. Ok. Somebody help me off the back of this flatbed truck. Soapboxes are for wusses.

In honor of the Nov. 4 release of Robert Plant's Sixty Six to Timbuktu two-CD solo compilation, VH1 Classic will air a Plant special Nov 1 and 4.

Chip Music - post-karaoke, rock-and-roll Game Boy, bastard blues. [Ollapodrida via Wired]

Targeting Diebold With Electronic Civil Disobedience

[Why-War provides all updated links]

Students from three more American Universities have joined the civil disobedience: MIT, USC, and Purdue. Unfortunately, as we reported yesterday, Swarthmore College is now actively engaging in the suppression of this information by summarily disconnecting any Swarthmore student who provides a link to this page [].

Former President Bill Clinton announced Thursday that his foundation and four pharmaceutical companies have reached an agreement to reduce the cost of HIV/AIDS drugs by at least 45 percent in about a dozen Caribbean nations and four African countries. I like that he's still globally involved in humanitarian deeds.

saturday morning me//

hazelnut coffee#2/cig#1/guilt trip #7387105494304/

long maroon dress/black shawl/leg warmers/ballet flats/

hair: styles d' egg-beater/fragrance: eau de dog slobber/

lis'ning: all my trials-by joan baez/

so how about you?/

What is this fresh hell?


Thursday, October 23, 2003

{Forecast} Some of the Northeast got snow yesterday. I had falling, swirling leaves after the low lying valley mist cleared. It's all beautiful.

{Politics} Senator Dennis Miller? The end is definitely near. Three GOP strategists interviewed by the Los Angeles Times in the last week said they want Miller, a registered Republican, to consider running against Senator Barbara Boxer (D), from California.

{Music} Johnny Cash Five CD Boxed Set 'Unearthed' Set for November 25. Tom Petty, Fiona Apple and the late Joe Strummer will also be heard through-out the boxed set.

Elliot Smith - Rest In Peace. Margaret Cho has a good post about him and his passing. But Rex, from Fimoculous, has a personal story he relates on his discovery of Elliot Smith and of himself. Nice job.

{Recommended Reading} This is interesting when you want to explore other weblogs. I try to visit new ones daily, especially these since they're matched up with similar sites that your weblog links.

{What they're saying....} BrendaStar's fed up more than usual with the US and it's politics and is seriously considering renouncing her US citizenship.

Pleez excuse my typeen. I'm reloading.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Good morning.

Rickie Lee Jones sings against Bush-or the 'Devil and Miss Jones' to quote the article.

She believes the bombing of the Twin Towers has politicised a politically apathetic generation in an alarming way. "I think 9/11 gave this generation an identity, and its identity is potentially fascist. My skin crawls when I think of the first week after 9/11. I was looking out of the window and there were people marching down the street carrying flags. It reminded me of spontaneous, angry Nazis and I thought, 'Oh, man, we are in a lot of trouble'. There's a whole bunch of people who have flags hanging from their cars and who are mistaking fascism for patriotism."

I found a ghost cam site at Mac's that looks like fun.

Mavericks of the Mind - with interviews of many inspiring minds--from Ram Dass, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Anton Wilson. [seen on Reality Carnival, a favorite read.]

{quote for today}

when people talk about war

I vow with all beings

to raise my voice in the chorus

and speak of original peace.

~Robert Aitken

from Poets Against the War

Above all else... Sky.


Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Good morning to you...

:: The same team that brought "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" to SF now takes on twisted satire siblings David and Amy Sedaris' "The Book of Liz," a story about a woman with overly active sweat glands and a dream. See what happens when Sister Elizabeth Donderstock, a hardworking member of a group of religious recluses who call themselves "The Squeamish," leaves the safety of home and her job as a cheese ball maker to try her luck in the big city. What she encounters is a strange world full of boozers, users and funny-talking immigrants.

:: Robert De Niro, 60, has prostate cancer, but his prospects for a full recovery are good. You didn't hear much about prostate cancer not long ago; but it's everywhere now.

:: Grace Slick still showing her paintings, most recently in SF.

:: The 50-year-old housewife across from me manipulates her dildo like Demi working the clay in Ghost. Part of the Best of LA series in the LA Weekly. Seriously, the whole 2003 series is pretty interesting.

:: Fox News declares Bush winner of 2004 Election, says fun new satire site, Dateline Hollywood.

:: Fall Color Guide for Asheville and Western North Carolina

Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full. I say, Are you going to drink that damn thing or not?


Good Monday morning to ya. It's really good to be alive, ain't it?

Sign the petition calling for the firing of J. Steven Griles (deputy secretary of the Department of the Interior). He has led the charge to weaken the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, while pushing for an increase in mining and drilling on our public lands.

Blackbox Voting: Lisa English breaks it all down for you.

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.


Saturday, October 18, 2003

saturday morning me//

coffee #2/cig #0/headache #97/

cashew butter toast/oj-plain/

navy polarfleece robe/mocassins/

dr hears wheezing/that's not pleezing/

can I stop smokin'?/just cease tokin'?/

so how's about you?/


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Oh, what a beautiful morning..... Fake it until you make it, I always say when I'm having a bad day. Still recovering from a migraine headache. Baseball playoffs have been a delightful diversion.

:: Ozzy Osbourne treated for tremor. He is being treated for a nervous tremor he blamed for almost destroying his life and has scrapped a planned European tour in order to recover. [Not Parkinson's; but I thought he knew what caused it. That's gotta be hard to live with those shakes and worry about what it may be.]

:: Mind, Body, Spirit Directory - Holistic Health, Healing and More

:: Rubber Chicken Cards - Funny animated e-cards.

{quote} For those who wish to go across the water, may I be a boat, a raft, a bridge.

~The Way of the Shantideva

Fond of dead flowers, spiders, nipple rings--- the usual girlie stuff.


Monday, October 13, 2003

Why do I have a hangover on Mondays when I don't even drink?

Bush is talking regime change regarding Cuba. Why doesn't Bush line up with the leaders from the UN for a pissing contest and get it over with?

Why does everything Windows look like Grandma designed it and everything Mac looks like her teen grandson designed it? I mean, Grandma's usually reliable, but she ain't too cool. Why do I have questions today and no answers?

The Drinkometer - How much Alcohol have you consumed over your lifetime? Do you really want to know?

Kevin Sites, a war correspondent from CNN in northern Iraq this spring, is back online. He was blogging his war experience until CNN asked him to stop. Now he's with MSNBC and back in Iraq.

WholeWheat Radio from Alaska online. You'll see other bloggers hanging out in their interactive area. Great music and requests.

Saturday dinner: Food was icky, tables were sticky, waitress had a hickey.


Sunday, October 12, 2003

I hope you are enjoying a lovely Sunday. Ask a question of the Buddha Oracle. (site design may hurt eyes)

New episode of SNL had a great sketch last night that spoofed right-wing Chris Matthews (Darrell Hammond) on his Hardball show berating Ann Coulter (Amy Poehler).

::White House calls for end to leaks. Hires expert "plumber" (right) to fix problem.

Quote - Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Kinky is using a feather; perverted is using the whole fucking chicken.


Saturday, October 11, 2003

Good morning....

::Most of you know I'm a recovering drug addict, (for over 12 years now) so I can speak with some degree of knowledge about Rush Limbaugh's on-air admission of addiction. Let me begin by saying that my knee-jerk reaction was to root for his success in quitting; then I listened to him again.

On the sincerity of his wanting to stop the drugs and get clean, I call Bullshit. You can only do it for you. Not for your wife, your boss, or even lawyer Roy Black. Besides, you really have to get humble about it and admit that it's got a demon hold over you. But it first has to become disgusting to you. Not a mere inconvenience. You need to go thru a supervised detox.

If you're still referring to it as prescription drugs prescribed by the doctor and never mentioning when it went off the tracks and became black market drugs by the Fedex truckload or baggie-full, you're not ready to stop. Not a good "prescription" for success. Nevertheless, I do hope he's successful. It'll be a real eye-opener for him.

::Read your Alcohoroscopes for today.

saturday morning me//

cafe au lait-#2/cig-#3/PMS-#964K/

long navy batik dress/barefoot/

listening: 4-Way St-CSNY/

viewing: squirrels in the yard/

so how's about you?/

Look on the bright side. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Friday, October 10, 2003

Happy Friday to you. Happy Turkey Day to my wonderful Canadian friends, And Aloha Friday.

Full Moon - October10 [via: ollapodrida]

Popular Japanese TV Show - Few ever forget their first time, but adult satellite channel Paradise TV can make it even more memorable by providing the opportunity for some men to lose their virginity for the cameras. Candidates must pass a series of tests to earn the right to ask their preferred actress to break them in.

If she agrees to do so, the act is performed immediately in front of the studio cameras and beamed into viewers' homes. Please don't let me see it over here on US TV. [via: the gofish]

{i be blogging} Johnny Bacardi's has a list of ten favorite horror films. And something I spent way too much time on, The Book Of Sand, link seen at Mysterium. Anathea doesn't have much longer to go before she welcomes her baby girl to the world. (Mid-November) Theo has just returned home after having been on the road with his job. Skippy notes how late night comedians are having fun with Ah-nold. Dwitchy's household just got a new bike and she couldn't be happier. Michelle shows us the Shadow Filter Trick. Karen has a stress-free picture of the clouds.

Ebadi, Iranian activist wins Nobel Peace Prize for her focus on human rights.

Affidavit Campaign from MoveOn.

{film} Tim Burton's new film, Big Fish trailer. Originally planned for this Holiday season, it may be Jan 04 now. Looks like a very sweet film and stars Ewan Mcgregor.

[via: chapel-perilous]

If we can put a man on the moon, why not all of them?


Spiders on LSD?

Thursday, October 9, 2003

Good Morning to you. Today's outlook: Gloomy, cloudy, and dreary. My outlook: Sunny as hell, baby.

Wanna see some spider webs woven by spiders on LSD? Mescaline? Hash, or caffeine? Or the web created by the straight spider?

Nobel Peace Prize to be announced Friday, Oct 10 @ 10am; don't know what time zone this is, but with Jimmy Carter the recipient last year, I'm curious to see who is chosen this year.

This is fascinating to watch. Bio-Motion Walker.

Substantial penalty for early withdrawal.


Wednesday, October 8, 2003

I have a question for anyone who may be able to help me out. My PC tower is humming. Not the soft whirring sound, but humming a little loudly. And not as soon as it's turned on, but after a couple of minutes, it starts loudly humming. It's 3 years and 10 months old and I've not heard this sound until lately. It can't be good news. It's been happening for about two weeks now and usually I can power off, wait 20 minutes, and turn it back on without the humming. Then it'll hum again an hour later. I've cleared caches, I've defragged, I've even taken off the cover of the unit and dusted everything with a makeup brush. I've checked all the connections, reset it, and looked in Windows "Help" area.

I've been telling myself if I'm not getting any errors about it, it's all right. You know how you usually get warnings about every little thing? Has anyone else had this experience before? Any advice besides to take it in and have it looked at? Keep surfing until she blows? Anyone with a tower for sale, like really cheap?


Good morning.

Can we finally raise our Pangalactic Gargleblaster and drink to the promise of a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie?

Rickie Lee Jones is at her best. Isn't she always?

Unsure of what faith your true beliefs follow? Buddhist? Pagan? Catholic? Take this quiz and find out.

Pressure is still on for Suu Kyi's release with Japan's PM now pressing Myanmar to free her.

Have you see the real George Bush Blog? It's not a joke. Too bad there's no comments.

Putting the "ass" in classy.


Monday, October 6, 2003

Good Monday Morning to you. I'm so glad you stopped by. And thanks again for all the birthday love.

Conan The Vulgarian - by Susan Faludi. With a title like that, I just had to read further.


As human beings, we share what is real. Joy, sorrow, care, courage, and tenderness are real. Tears are real, and so is laughter. These are the currency of the heart. They are meant to be exchanged. ~Unknown

Please remain seated until the ride has come to a complete stop.


Sunday, October 5, 2003

You say it's your's MY birthday, too, yeah. Thanks for all the beautiful emails and e-cards. Generous gifts and gift certificate. I take them to the center of my heart. I'm enjoying chocolate truffles, fresh ground hazelnut coffee, and Stevie Ray Vaughn on the player. Here's a few links for you. The rest of my online time today will be spent visiting YOU.

{from the archives}

GhettoFab Hairdos - Check 'em out.

And Ugly Bridesmaid Dresses

College Football Fans Weblog

Love Magnets are fun to play around with.


Win One For The Groper - Maureen Dowd's column today in the Times about Ah-nuld.


With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.

~ William Shakespeare

I've upped my standards, now up yours.


Saturday, October 4, 2003

Good Morning to you.

Michael Moore's new book, Dude, Where's My Country? out this Tuesday, Oct 7. Because its content is likely to upset more than a few people, the publisher has "embargoed" the book until midnight Monday (which means no store or media outlet or anyone has access to a copy of the book until then). I'm sure the poisoned pens are poised for attack.

Maggie is quitting smoking today and is needing any helpful hints you may have. Anyone ever been successful at quitting smoking? I did the dumbest thing ever by quitting once for 3 years and then starting back up again.

It's not what Arnold Schwarzenegger did to the girls a decade back that should raise an eyebrow. According to a series of memoranda our office obtained today, it's his dalliance with the boys in a hotel room just two years ago that's the real scandal. [more>>]

{quote} When comes the time to leave this world someday, what you get to keep is what you gave away. ~Anon

saturday morning me//

brrr-turn up the heat/

maroon dress/black shawl/slippers/

hair combed w/egg-beater/

coffee #2/marlboro #87,603,514/

hows about you?

This is my favorite time of day. Well, there it goes.


Friday, October 3, 2003

{local} This year, the Zendik Festival will be all about Zendik.

The previous two festivals, held on the farm's 120 acres at the base of Wildcat Spur, involved bands from outside the farm. People like Vie Davis spent so much time setting the performers up to play that they didn't get to have any fun.

Which isn't what an artists' community like Zendik is about, Davis said. So this year the entertainment will be all Zendik, and the hundreds of people expected will get an organic Zendik experience. This looks interesting. Unpack that sleeping bag and go have some fun. [more>>]


Good Morning. I couldn't get Skyler up this morning. I tried every five minutes. She finally got up at 9 and I just took her to school. Speaking of her, this morning the keyboard had rice on it. Yes, rice. She had Chinese last night. Really, if I didn't hose it down each day, it'd be a freakin' smorgasboard here. How gross can a teenage girl be?

{spirit} Want a Tarot reading? Facade also has other fascinating entertainment. I-Ching, Runes, Numerology, and Biorhythms.

{flashback} From Oct 3, 2002 Post- 1) Ari Fleischer spinning outta control; 2) 'The Firesign Theatre'; 3) If the US and Iraq do go to war; And 4) Al Gore. Wow, what a difference a year makes.

{music} 7-part series The Blues on PBS has been exceptional. Tonight's show (part 6) is about the music of the early sixties British invasion that reintroduced the blues sound to America with Eric Clapton and Cream, Jeff Beck, the Stones, and more influenced by Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, and others.

{weird} I Read It On The Internet So It Must Be True Dept - In Tasmania, a widow is required to wear her dead husband’s penis around her neck for a period of time after his death. [via: andreas ohrt]

{quote} Love the earth and sun and animals,

Despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks,

Stand up for the stupid and crazy,

Devote your income and labor to others...

And your very flesh shall be a great poem.

~Walt Whitman

Confucious say: He who stands on toilet is high on pot.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


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