Saturday, January 11, 2003
»Spike Lee's 25th Hour tells the story of a businessman's last day of freedom before the start of his seven-year prison sentence. With Edward Norton. Love him.
»Roman Polanski's The Pianist tells the story of a Polish Jew, a classical musician, who survived the Holocaust through stoicism and good luck. This is not a thriller and avoids any temptation to crank up suspense or sentiment; it is the pianist's witness to what he saw and what happened to him.
»Good weekend for catching a movie. Shirl was wondering if Blogger just gives HER fits when trying to post something. I tried to assure her that Blogger doesn't discriminate. It gives everyone fits. But we usually know how to work around it. I like Blogger a lot. I also enjoyed working with Movable Type. The people that run these systems just don't get enough praise. As many bloggers as these systems accomodate, the service we get really is outstanding.
»Check out these funky ceramic cows. The Elvis cow is pictured on the site today.
»I found this Poetry Mood Generator on Snakehaired Girl's site.
Quote Of The Day
You think that good is hating what is bad. What is bad is the hating mind itself.
~Bon Kai (Buddhist monk)
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