Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Here is the top ten of the list of TV Guide's 50 greatest cartoon characters:

1. Bugs Bunny

2. Homer Simpson

3. Rocky and Bullwinkle

4. Beavis and Butt-head

5. The Grinch

6. Fred and Barney

7. Angelica Pickles

8. Charlie Brown and Snoopy

9. SpongeBob SquarePants

10.Cartman [via:CNN]

The Simpson's get my number one vote. When I was a child, I remembers when the Flinstones and the Jetsons first came on. I loved to watch them both. I believe that the Flintstones came on at night like the Simpsons do now. As both shows had the ability to attrack both child and adult viewers. Now, we've moved onto a more sophisticated cartoon genre with South Park and others I can't recall at the moment. [as I'm currently suffering from brain farts and heat exhaustion] After drinking a Dr Enuf™ herbal/cherry drink, I just may make a comeback.


Monday, July 29, 2002

Moder Mouth Strikes Again
By Amy Reiter, Salon.com

July 26, 2002

Sick of hearing the name Julia Roberts over and over and over again? Good news! Now you can forget about Ms. Roberts and focus all your attention on Mrs. Moder.

Julia's changing her name.

"I am [Mrs. Moder]," the newly married actress told Diane Sawyer in that "Good Morning America" interview earlier this week. "And all my friends call me Mrs. Moder. And I love that."

Her new identity came to her in a flash, while playing softball with some buddies.

"I got up to bat and my friend, Mike Oscher, who's a catcher behind me, went, 'All right, Moder, come on,'" she recalled, "and I thought, wow, and that's when it really, like, hit me. I'm Moder, you know. And it's with a d-e-r. Yeah. No, I am Mrs. Moder."

This week, anyway.

OK, Julia Moder, housewife. Whatever gets you through the night.


Ahh, To Be A Teenager Again

My daughter and her friend are zooming thru the house on their inline skates in their bikinis waiting for the local pool to open so they can go swim and have fun with their friends today. They enter the ninth grade next week and are so giddy about it, it's hard to wipe the smiles off their faces.

I can't help but remember back to that same time in my life when I was getting ready to go to high school for the first time. Rumors of freshman initiation has them a little antsy, even though the principal has said he won't tolerate it this year. Do you think that they know that this may just be the time of their life? Probably not. They're too busy having a blast and living life to analyze it.


Sunday, July 28, 2002


Kept Wall Street Mess On Back Burner For 72 Hours, President Says

As the nine miners trapped underground in western Pennsylvania emerged to

the cheers of a grateful nation, President Bush praised the miners and

their rescuers for keeping the public’s mind off the plummeting stock

market for 72 hours.

“Thanks to you, Americans were distracted from the disaster on Wall Street

for the better part of three days,” President Bush said today. “For that,

you have my heartfelt thanks.”

President Bush added that as the tense rescue drama unfolded, the American

people “were distracted from the accounting scandals at Enron and Tyco,

not to mention the controversy swirling around my insider investment in

the Harken Energy Corp.”

“Oops,” the President added.

Across the country, ordinary citizens joined in praising the media

attention given the rescue drama, with many saying they were grateful that

it briefly bumped conservative author Ann Coulter off the cable news


[via: www.Borowitzreport.com]


Saturday, July 27, 2002

Weird du Jour

All right now, I've rounded my second cup of coffee, and I'm heading for third [caffeine shot] by breaking out the iced tea---the first glass of many to follow. By noon, I should be fully awake.

Besides this gem I found on Skippy's site, B3TA has a link to dolls with dog's heads and other goodies. And how about Rate My Implants? The rate my x trend continues with this

variation where you can look at women's breast implants and vote whether the surgeon has done a convincing job.

Cool Place du Jour

Blogathon 2002 is in full swing. Stop in and visit some of the participants, or better yet, pitch in and help a good cause.


Osbourne Taking Break From Ozzfest To Be With Wife

British rocker Ozzy Osbourne said on Friday he is taking a three-week break from headlining his annual Ozzfest concert tour to be with his wife, Sharon, while she begins chemotherapy treatments for cancer.

The lead singer for heavy metal group Black Sabbath will jump off the Ozzfest circuit following Sunday's show in Atlanta and plans to rejoin the tour in Denver on Aug. 22, according to a statement.

During Osbourne's absence, the band System Of A Down will move into the headlining slot on the main stage of what has become one of the marquee rock tours of the summer. [via Reuters]

Love is all there is.


Friday, July 26, 2002

Each day seems to be a repeat of the day before along about this time of the year, so.....

And Now The Weather

Welcome to AllOut Weather Central. Here is Biff Firrberger, our chief meaty urologist, with the long-range forecast:

There is a weather alert for the entire AllOut area until 6 p.m. It will go out of effect at 6:03 p.m., but then back into effect at 6:08. It will then remain in effect for the next 541years, after which the Earth will plunge into the sun. You can look for record high temperatures then..

In the meantime, be on the alert for widespread scattered weather throughout the entire viewing area.

Now for the short-range forecast:

No particularly striking weather phenomena are expected in the next three or four minutes. After that, the picture is a little more uncertain. We asked the Magic 8-Ball and got two "Ask again later's and one "Better not tell you now".

In the medium-range forecast, expect continued spring and summer, followed by scattered autumn and widespread winter, which may bring lower temperatures.

Next, stay tuned for a bunch of ball scores....


Austin Powers Is Back

Mike Myers is everywhere this week. He said he'd die a happy man if he could make an Austin Powers movie every year. Please don't. I've enjoyed the AP movies so far, but too much of a good thing would ruin it for me. Bow out gracefully, Fat Bastard. And make this one your last Austin Powers adventure. [Susan, 'Blogger Times' review]

groovy, baby


Bele Chere Anyone?

This is the weekend that my city put on the largest street festival/party in the southeast US, know as Bele Chere. Asheville's most comprehensive, eclectic route to midsummer enjoyment, Bele Chere has festooned our downtown streets with her swell of noise and merriment for 24 years now – and when people talk about how much she's grown, it's hard not to rattle off the numbers that prove the point: Three days, nine stages, 100 performances – and, last year, a record-breaking attendance wave of well over 350,000 festivalgoers.

People either love it or hate it around here, as I'm sure most places that host such events do. But if you are in the neighborhood, you ought to try it *once*.


Thursday, July 25, 2002

Foghat Revisited

Driving to breakfast this morning, my daughter was reminiscing about one of Jim Carey's MTV Award's appearances. The one where he's dressed up in a hat and long hair and beard and remarks, "Would it kill you to play a little Foghat every once in a while, MTV?" And Courtney Love jumps out of her seat and approvingly thrusts her fists into the air. Anyway, this led to my teen daughter and I trying to remember some old Foghat lyrics. And, of course, now I have "I Just Wanna Make Love To You" on my mind and it doesn't show signs of fading anytime soon...


Wednesday, July 24, 2002

More Operation TIPS

Have you voiced your concern about the potential snooping we've been asked to do? Your Senators will play a key role in deciding whether or not Operation TIPS will go ahead. You can read more and send a FREE FAX to your Senators, urging them to reject this misguided program, if you're so inclined.

Visit this ACLU link. It couldn't be simpler. The letter's already composed, if needed. Just add your name, address, zip and hit "send".


Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last?

"Nice Guys" are too clingy, self-abasing, and insecure? The biggest problem is that most Nice Guys (tm) are hideously insecure. They are so anxious to be liked and loved that they do things for other people to gain acceptance and attention, rather than for the simply pleasure of giving. You never know if a Nice Guy really likes you for who you are, or if he has glommed onto you out of desperation because you actually payed some kind of attention to him. [Via-Heartless-Bitches.com]

Bitter, party of one?

I realize this is only one person's opinion of nice guys. And being able to freely express that opinion is what I love most about the independant web. But here's my opinion----You don't lump people into one category for convenience sake, for starters. [Assholes VS Nice Guys, etc.] And just because a guy is being civil, and kind and giving, do I think he's insecure and desperate? HARDLY.

A real woman will appreciate a "nice guy". My advice to so-called Nice Guys: I like you just the way you are, and if you happen upon someone who rants about 'the problem with nice guys'.......R u n L i k e H e l l !


Monday, July 22, 2002

The Incredible Shrinking Market

President Bush today defended his Treasury secretary and predicted that investors would "see the market go back up."


Sunday, July 21, 2002

Purr-fect TV: Company developing show for cats

Esther Friesner fluffed the pink boa draped across her neck, adjusted her Cat Woman ears, thanked her cats for their support and summoned forth her best inner feline. [via: CNN]

Friesner, a science fiction writer from Connecticut, was one of dozens of adults and kids Wednesday trying out for a spot on "Meow TV," a new show being shopped around for the fall season for cats. No, not for cat lovers. For cats.

Well, hell, I've seen it all now. I love my cat, but I would never have imagined a tv show made just for cats to watch. I wonder if my cat, Jinx, will watch? He doesn't even stay IN the house long enough to check out the television. He comes in to eat, then just as soon as he's eaten, he meows to go back outside and he's in the wind. "No time to chat, gotta go-o-o-o-o."


Friday, July 19, 2002

Robert Plant Has A New Release

I happened to see him on Dave Letterman last night; he's currently touring with his Dreamland" album/cd. I'd love to see him sing again. I saw him with Led Zeppelin in the 70's a couple of times. He new music sounds great and and he is looking mighty fine, as always. The cut of "Hey Joe" is so much his own, that you may not recognize it at first. His music always manages to stay so fresh and innovative that he never disappoints me; he just gets better and better.


Thursday, July 18, 2002


I recently read an article about fried green tomatos so I thought I'd expand on it here.

Southerner's fondness for home-grown or backyard tomatos is so great, that preparing them has been elevated to an art form here in the South. I heard it all began out of necessity in the Depression, not out of impatience-ness [is that a word?]. In hards times when people couldn't afford meat, they became creative in the kitchen. The dish, once considered "country" "folksy", and "unsophisticated" changed somewhat after the success of the book and subsequent movie, 'Fried Green Tomatos'. Although I don't believe they ever did jump up to gourmet status. For the uninitiated, you slice up green tomatos about 1/4" thin, dip in egg, then dredge in cornmeal. And fry in a medium-high skillet in hot oil or bacon fat until brown on one side, then flip. Add salt and pepper to taste and dig in!


Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Animal Abuse Just Sucks

I saw this article over on Robyn's web site today about some shithead burning a kitten on a grill! How disgusting. The 7 week old kitten had to be put down after someone pulled him from the coals. File under "News That Pisses Me Off".
link also available on CNN.com.


Tuesday, July 16, 2002

What to do with husband Tidy Stu?

Tidy Stu, my precious soon-to-be-ex husband (just kidding..) took cleanliness to new heights on Saturday morning.

He rushed into the house shortly before noon and had a giant announcement. He was red-faced, which is unusual because he's usually pale from breathing so much Clorox and Comet.

He approached with caution.

"I ruined the cars," he said.

"You did what?"

"They're ruined. I wrecked them both."

"But how? You've been outside scrubbing oil stains, right?"

Stu, God love him, had been loading his van with music equipment when he decided he'd better get the dog out of the way. He had parked at the top of our driveway, and my car was at the bottom, right in front of the glass doors to the basement.

"What happened?"

"It was dumb, really." He explained that the dog was having die-rear (sick stomach) in the passenger seat.

Aarrf. Would have been much simpler had the dog just chewed up a chair leg. My beloved picked up the pooch mid- poop and jumped from what he thought was a parked vehicle. As he set the dog onto the grass, the van took off.

Down the driveway it gathered speed, until it finally slammed into my car, leaving a multi-thousand dollar trail of damage. My first thought was, "Thank God the kids are inside." My second thought was, "What a mess." The door wouldn't close and the mirror was hanging by two wires, and lapped against the dented side like a tired dog's tongue.

What's a girl to do when her husband wrecks her car with his own? Test drive, darling.

I drove to a dealership, window down and the mirror cupped in my hand so it wouldn't lop off and tumble into the path of cars.

I decided to try cars I'd been admiring, including a Forrester and an Outback. The Forrester, it turns out, may be cute as pie, but is the Chihuahua of SUVs. No leg room and not the ideal choice if one has children who talk loud. Then I tried the Outback, a wonderful wagon, but I couldn't stop picturing Crocodile Dundee.

The salesman, who was nice enough not to get angry when he saw my Taco Bell bag upon exiting his vehicles, did some figuring. What he offered, standard for trade-in values, shocked me so much I couldn't swallow.

Rule No. 1. Unless you're rolling in dough, skip the whole trade-in scene. He doodled and did some more figuring, coming up with a payment close to my mortgage.

It's a good thing I still have my natural teeth or the installed kind would have dropped to the floor and begun clacking in defiance.

Some girls were just meant to drive Gremlins.


Monday, July 15, 2002

Four guilty in Daniel Pearl murder

[On CNN - US via News Is Free]

An anti-terrorism court this morning sentenced to death Sheik Omar Saeed for his role in organizing the kidnapping and murder of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

Three other religious militants who were found guilty of helping in the conspiracy to kidnap Pearl were sentenced to 25-year prison terms.

There are still several more alleged suspects in his murder they've yet to apprehend. I hope they're soon found and brought to justice, too. His wife has handled the whole mess with nothing but class, quietly tending to herself and newborn son. I hope she finds at least a modicum of peace from the verdict this morning.


Sunday, July 14, 2002

Photo Day

Today many participants will be taking photos and posting them to their sites. One each hour. I'm going to see how many sites I can visit to see all the great photos they took. Thanks for reminding me, Shirl.


Blogger Blues

Trying to post again today; Blogger is messed up for yet another weekend. Not that I had anything profound to say, but I'm trying to keep in practice by writing something each day. This weblog is a little more personal than I usually like to be, but it's an adventure. So I'll keep yammering away. Another Sunday---Is it allright if I back it up to Friday again? Sundays are anitcipatory of Mondays, which usually suck, and Fridays are anticipatory of a joyous, carefree weekend. So, how do I find reverse on this thing?


Friday, July 12, 2002

USATODAY.com - Apparent hacker attack strikes Web site

The USA TODAY Web site was taken out of service for three hours early Friday after hackers apparently penetrated the site and vandalized the homefront.

Editors shut down public access to the site until the source of the disruption could be determined and control over publishing could be restored.

The attack occurred shortly before 11 p.m. ET, and the site was taken offline soon afterward. Service was restored at about 2 a.m.

The source of the intrusion was not immediately determined.


Thursday, July 11, 2002


OK, I'll play along. Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, United States, North Carolina, Asheville, Susan, Female, 46-50! It's #1 on your Weblog Hit Parade today.


Wednesday, July 10, 2002

If you've not seen Noah Grey's [of Greymatter], updated web site, I say you owe it to yourself to do so. A web site that all web sites would like to be when they grow up. It features his photography, which is for sale, his beautiful writing in his journal and also some of his poems. Some photos are images I just may remember forever.


Tuesday, July 9, 2002

Happy Birthday, Skyler Laurel!

My daughter is 14 today. It's official. She's certainly not a little girl anymore. It's going to be a fun time sleepover-movie watching-mall shopping-pizza eating-kind of day.

Officer suspended for beating teen

On USA Today : Front Page
via News Is Free

Cops beating teen, video shot, lawyers in gear, investigation pending...I am totally disgusted. B a s t a r d s.


Sunday, July 7, 2002

Is anyone watching HBO: The Wire?

The next episode is on tonight, Sunday, at 10:00 EST. It's about the West Baltimore Homicide and Narcotics departments who've teamed up to bring down Avon Barksdale's drug operations. The writing is very real and the cast is very diverse and normal looking. Not a bunch of pretty faces with perfect skin and smiles. It helps to make it more believeable to me. One of the main officers is a lesbian; some of the cops drink too much--while on the job; and some of them are rumored to be dirty. I had missed this show completely until I saw that they were showing the first five episodes last night and I caught them all. I'm sure glad I did. A good-ass show...


Is Summer Over Yet?

Hot Damn, I can't take much more of this heat. And we're only experiencing temps in the high 80°'s-low 90°'s here in North Carolina. I mean, you can have your a/c in the car and your home, but just running around doing errands, etc, is brutal if done in the peak sun hours of the day. Maybe I'm just a wuss, but damn, I can hardly wait for October, my favorite time of the year, to arrive.


Friday, July 5, 2002

Hendrix Family Wins Legal Battle

The family of guitarist Jimi Hendrix won an injunction at the High Court on Friday barring a New York-based music production company from releasing recordings on which the star performed.

Lawyer Nick Valner, who represented Experience Hendrix, said of the ruling: "This is a great day for the Hendrix family and represents the culmination of years of heavily fought litigation.

"The Hendrix family is determined to uphold the integrity of Jimi's legacy and will have no hesitation in enforcing this injunction wherever and whenever necessary."

My husband and Jimi had the same manager, [Tom Wilson], in New York around 1967-68 when they all played mostly in the west village. Cafe Wha, Cafe-a-Go-Go [where Cream played their first US gig--Jack Bruce and Eric Clapton with huge stacks of Marshall amps in the small club that almost blew the hinges off the place]; the Bitter End, the Fillmore East, Kettle of Fish, and Electric Circus--a huge media event nightly with a lightshow and mimes--and this was outside the place. A lot of hungry musicians got taken advantage of then with a equally hungry manager who's promise of big $$ per week, and a few other perks was enough to make a young man sign almost anything.


Calling All Book Lovers

I saw this story on the 'forty.something' site about free books at a park bench near you. A unique way for unused books to travel to other readers.



Thursday, July 4, 2002

Independance Day

This Fourth of July is more meaningful to us this year because of 9-11. And after visiting this site I was reminded not to be too complacent about our freedom.


Wednesday, July 3, 2002

Breakfast Club

My sister, two of our best friends since high school and I have a standing breakfast appointment every Thursday morning at 6:30 am. We've met for over 10 years now. These are the people who've seem me through many a transformation and relationship. This time spent with them each week is more special than words will allow. And the loyalty, history and love a true friendship brings is to me, immeasureable. I try to express my gratitude as best I can by lots of hugs and 'i love you's'. But friends need more validation than that, don't they? Maybe I could say that my life is much richer for being a part of their life. Screw it, they know how I feel. I don't have to say a word and they know how I feel. I've just been on a kick of sorts to let anyone who's special in my life to know their importance to me. Life is so fragile and unsure and short. And good friends and family are such a treasure. I am truly blessed.


Tuesday, July 2, 2002

Pilots face drinking charges

A Phoenix-bound jetliner was preparing for takeoff with 124 passengers aboard when officials called it back to the terminal and arrested both pilots for allegedly being drunk in the cockpit.

when I was a bartender, some of our very best customers were pilots. They drank a lot and they also tipped well. I was amazed that their voracious drinking was received [even in a bar] so nonchalantly. Since the same pilots were in the bar several times a week, and consuming massive quantities of alcohol---if they weren't flying under the influence, they certainly were hung over while flying. Now, which one is worse?



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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