Daw Aung Sun Suu Kyi

Friday, August 31, 2007

Actor/Comedian Jim Carey has made a YouTube video on behalf of the US Burma Campaign calling for the release of Daw Aung Sun Suu Kyi, the world's only imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize recipient who was detained in 1989 by the ruling military junta and remains under house arrest today.

Her story has really resonated and my ambitious little 11 posts over the past 5 years have had no affect on her illegal twelve year imprisonment whatsoever but to inform in some small way. Why in hell did they bother to elect her president when they had no intention of letting her govern?


Why Bathroom Sex Is Hot

Larry "I never have been gay, but I would suck a dick" Craig is the latest politician to get caught with his pants down. So what is the eternal allure of sex in a stall, and does it make you gay?
Sex in a stall doesn't make you gay. And if you choose to have sex with someone of the same sex, or are bisexual, it still doesn't mean you are gay. I think that being gay is a lifestyle and I don't know if Craig's living it or not. But I'm sure no expext.

The question of the day or week or month is why is it that all the "Family Values" bloviators get caught doing what they tell everyone else not to?



Katrina Victims

Katrina Victims



Chinese Cartoon Web Cops

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Image released Tuesday August 28, 2007 by the Beijing Public Security Bureau

Chinese Cartoon Cops Patrolling Websites

In the footsteps of Shenzhen Internet Police, the police in China's capital, Beijing, will start patrolling websites registered on Beijing servers using animated police officers that pop up in a user's browser. From September, 1st, Beijing's new virtual cops will be active on 13 of China's portals, including China's biggest blog-hosting services, Sohu.com and Sina.com. By the end of the year, the virtual police's patrols are expected to cover all websites registered with Beijing servers. According to the Associated Press, the cartoon cops can "walk, bike or drive across the screen" every 30 minutes, warning Internet users to stay away from "illegal Internet content" and "bad websites".

"We will continue to promote new images of the virtual police and update our Internet security tips in an effort to make the image of the virtual police more user friendly and more in tune with how web surfers use the Internet," the Beijing Public Security Ministry said in a statement issued yesterday.

According to the statement, these cartoons officers will offer police help to Internet users. Clicking on the cartoon images will redirect users to the authority's web site. But is this the main purpose of China's new Big Brother and Big Sister?

Last year, on January 17, 2006, Global-voices co-founder, Rebecca MacKinnon, reported a similar story (more…)

(via: Global Voices Advocacy)


The Big Disconnect

War is good for business. Everything else be damned. In that same context people always want to give Bush a good deal on a Brooklyn Bridge or an ocean front property in Kansas (or yellow cake or wmd's, etc) and without reservation he goes for his wallet like a father handing out cash to his kids.

Washington's Wars and Occupations
Month in Review #28
August 30, 2007
By Max Elbaum, War Times/Tiempo de Guerras


The promised September assessment of where things stand in Iraq is around the corner.

So right on cue George Bush declared (Aug. 22) that "a free Iraq" is within reach.

The same day Iraq's Electricity Minister told reporters that "armed groups" - not the Iraqi government - control the switching stations that channel power throughout Iraq's energy grid. A new report from Bush's own Intelligence apparatus declared that prospects for the Iraqi government to unite the country were somewhere between bleak and gloomy.

Bush's dreamland "free Iraq" is part of the President's "support for freedom and democracy throughout the Middle East."

Most Arabs and Muslims, though, see that kind of support as "the kiss of death," according to Turki al-Rasheed, a prominent (and largely pro-U.S.) Saudi reformer. "The minute you are counted on or backed by the Americans, kiss it goodbye, you will never win," al-Rasheed told the New York Times (Aug. 10). The Times went on to report that "The paradox of American policy in the Middle East - promoting democracy on the assumption it will bring countries closer to the West - is that almost everywhere there are free elections, the American-backed side tends to lose."

It's Alice-in-Wonderland come to life. Bush's imaginings (and the imperial interests they are conjured up to defend) vs. the real world and most of the people in it.

And if it isn't hard enough to parse through the bullshit, we have to read between the lines when the Dems say "end the war."

"Even as they call for an end to the war and pledge to bring the troops home, the Democratic presidential candidates are setting out positions that could leave the U.S. engaged in Iraq for years. John Edwards would keep troops in the region to intervene in an Iraqi genocide and be prepared for military action if violence spills into other countries. Hillary Clinton would leave residual forces to fight terrorism and to stabilize the Kurdish region in the north. And Barack Obama would leave a military presence of as-yet unspecified size in Iraq to provide security for American personnel, fight terrorism and train Iraqis."

Bush says we're making progress in Iraq and anyone who differs is "undermining the troops."

I just can't. I'm done. (as Father Luke says)

(italics are mine; the rest is via an email newsletter from war-times.org; not yet published to the website)


Ravaging Appalachia

Monday, August 27, 2007

Ravaging Appalachia

On Friday, the Interior Department’s Office of Surface Mining proposed new regulations that it hopes will permanently legalize mountaintop mining — a cheap, ruthlessly efficient, environmentally destructive means of mining coal from the mountains of Appalachia (Mountaintop mining is basically high-altitude strip mining).

By our count, this is the third attempt in the last six years to enshrine the practice by insulating it from legal challenge. But since the net result is likely to be more confusion and more courtroom wrestling, the situation cries out for Congressional intervention to define once and for all what mining companies can and cannot do.

Mountaintop mining is basically high-altitude strip mining. Enormous machines scrape away the ridges to get at the coal seams below. The residual rock and dirt are then dumped or carted down the mountainside into nearby valleys and streams. By one estimate, this serial decapitation of Appalachia’s coal-rich hills has already buried 1,200 miles of streams while damaging hundreds of square miles of forests.


Related: Add your voices to I Love Mountains and the movement to stop mountaintop removal coal mining.

As Vernon Haltom, co-director of Coal River Mountain Watch, told Democracy Now radio, "what this rule change amounts to is a declaration of war against the Appalachian people."

See photo of ravaged mountaintop in West Virginia right here.



Sunday, August 26, 2007


Prada Rehab Rock - Damien Hirst and his ex-junkie friend Antony Genn team up to rock out Fashion Week (soberly). link

Stripes, Harlequin, Rubber, Vinyl are themes of Designer Gareth Pugh. His creations are more akin to fetishwear than fashion, but that's a bad thing, why? The old guard aren't sure whether to salute him or shoot him. Fall/Winter 2007 collection hereand Spring 2007 here.

Big City Orchestrae will be heading to Europe in September for their first tour overseas in six years! Great news, Ninah Pixie! link

Dave Nitsche - Conceptual Photography link

This graying hippie makes the nightly, winding climb 18 feet to her cozy bedroom. She wakes to roosters' crows and the scents of dewy soil. Over breakfast, her view is a jungle of towering trees, no hint of hustle and bustle.

Shawnee Chasser lives in a treehouse above a secret garden in the middle of Miami. For 15 years, she has lived atop the 1.5-acre nirvana of green trees and farm animals behind a row of houses 10 minutes from downtown. And she advertises on Craigslist and rents out rooms for $380 a month. Really. link

Fuck the DNA - The evolution continues with the return of Genesis P-Orridge and Psychic TV link

Revenge of the Weirdos? The decidedly nonconformist Animal Collective takes New York. link

The intelligent want self-control; children want candy. --Mevlana Rumi (1207 - 1273)

***UPDATE: Wow! I had the title (W E B TR A I L) set on font 150 instead of 150%; hope I didn't make anyone go blind.


Saturday Morning Me

Saturday, August 25, 2007

saturday morning me//
hot green tea/peach jam on toast/
large white tee/barefoot/bedhead/
listening: patty griffin cd/
and damn noisy crows outside my window/
i miss you, captain/who else would you have?/
...so what about you?/

Useless Fact Of The Day
A flea's penis is roughly 2/3rds the length of its body. So if someone tells you, "You're hung like a flea", it's not an insult. Show them the respect they're due.


The Junky's Wife

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Junky's Wife

The junk merchant doesn't sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to the product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and simplifies the client. --William S. Burroughs


The Art of Guerilla Gardening

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Urban Ecological Subversion: The Art of Guerilla Gardening in Public Spaces

Garden guerillas are surreptitiously planting flowers where once there was decay. Covert landscaping replaces trash filled roadsides.

Some guerilla gardeners have been questioned by the authorities, suspected of vandalism or even accused of terrorist activity.

I'm always hopeful when I see someone giving of themselves to other people or to the planet. Especially those who do so without expecting any type of return and this is something that most everyone can do.

For more information on guerilla gardening, take a look at Guerilla Gardening: A Manifesto. Buy book on Amazon.



Dylan Movie Update

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dylan Movie to Open Like a Rolling Premiere

I'll say. Rolling it out to only 4 theaters on November 21. But this method's worked for the filmmaker before.

Harvey Weinstein offers a violent demonstration of faith in "I'm Not There"'s Oscar attractions to John Anderson in the New York Times.
"I may be jumping the gun," Mr. Weinstein said, "but if Cate Blanchett doesn't get nominated, I'll shoot myself."
The movie has Dylan's blessing, but I'm a little skeptical of this actress playing Bob Dylan. Can you imagine selling that idea to the movie people? "... and yeah, are you ready for it? We're getting Cate Blanchett to play Bob in the early years... What?"

I know I think Bob Dylan whenever I look at that frail, pale, lovely lady but if they can pull this off, I may eat my Bob Dylan records. Well, maybe just the John Wesley Harding one.


Vick Agrees To Guilty Plea

Monday, August 20, 2007

Michael Vick Agrees To Guilty Plea

Court documents released last week showed that two of Vick's alleged partners said he helped kill dogs that didn't fight well, and that the three men "executed approximately eight dogs" in ways that included hanging and drowning.
Said his attorney Billy Martin in a written statement,
"Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to those charges and to accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made."

"Michael wishes to apologize again to everyone who has been hurt by this matter."

Who is Michael Vick apologizing to? The ones Vick owes apologies to are dead by his hands and actions. Dog fighting and cock fighting is just savage and barbaric. Disgusting on so many levels.


Patriots Meeting

Patriots Meeting: August 21, West Asheville NC Library
In the past two weeks there have been two illegal arrests in West Asheville, NC of people simply exercising their right to free speech.

Neither Mark Kuhn, for hanging the US flag upside down, nor Jonas Phillips for holding a sign saying "Impeach Bush-Cheany, "broke any laws.

Mayor Terry Bellamy said in city council on August 15, that she wil not tolerate civi disobedience in her city, and has instructed the Asheville Police Department to quell all such portesting. Counciwoman Robin Cape went on record seroiusly objecting to her comments

On Tuesday, August 21, 6:30-8PM, a special meeting of patriots will covene at the West Asheville Library, 942 Haywood Rd. to actively discuss what is to be done.

Plesae tell everyone!

Info 828-254-6620



Castro Dead...?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Is Castro Dead...?
The rumors are circulating again. The past several days there has been rumblings of his death. Again. The buzz in Miami is that the police are on standby for a possible traffic jam/disturbing the peace kind of party and celebration in the streets of Castro's rumored death. Again. There are too many reference links to list so Google it for more information.

(Photo courtesy Cox & Forkum)


Abuse of Power in Asheville?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Abuse of Power in Asheville?

What's wrong with a little harmless "freeway blogging" around Asheville? Apparently a whole lot.

Go read the story about an Asheville couple's experience when they held up a sign on an overpass Wednesday.

There's the police department's take on it, ACLU's involved, and AC-T came calling last night.

Police said Thursday that it would change charges against a man who held an "Impeach Bush, Cheney" sign from a bridge over Interstate 240. link

*** X-posted to Around Asheville who has been following the incident since Wednesday and has daily updates on the story.***

Everyone appears to be searching for charges to file against Jonas, Asheville's Freeway Blogger. If you have to confab, search and scrounge for a charge, wouldn't it be much simpler just to let it go? Yeah, that'll happen.



Wednesday, August 15, 2007


An eccentric, lovable scientist falls in love with the girl next door - in an unusual way. Set in 1960's London, Wonderwall tells the story of a reclusive professor who becomes obsessed with a stunning model called Penny Lane. A psychedelic fantasy steeped in voyeurism, this film features a musical score by George Harrison with musical contributions from Eric Clapton and Ravi Shankar. Dutch designers The Fool, were set designers for the movie.

I like this film; but I like strange, psychedelic films so view it with caution it that's not your usual fare. It may remind you somewhat of Jodorowsky or Fellini. It's been showing on television lately and you can also get it at Netflix and at Yahoo!.


when every noses star to bleed

when every noses star to bleed


Shine by Joni Mitchell

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Shine - Joni Mitchell
September 25, 2007

Described by Mitchell as "as serious a work as I’ve ever done," "Shine" presents beautiful melodies, dark lyrics and a sparseness that recalls and even progresses beyond some the artist's most seminal recordings. It's her first album of new compositions since 1998.

Much of the lyrical content reflects Mitchell's social and theological consciousness and her longtime plea for the health of the planet.

Lyrics | Pre-order Joni's new album here | Website


Ugly Ducklings

Alcoholic Poet
Compelling prose on addiction, suicide, loneliness-- the usual girly stuff. Outstanding!

--by Alcoholic Poet

Her dress about her shins. In muted screams. In fits of loud rain that threatened to break the clasp her thighs held on her vagina. That musty breadbox littered will the stale crumbs of digested skin. The tall braille of an erect penis telling loud stories to blind fingers. In the stumble of her breath over the peaks. And the shush of her heart in the valleys.

Her underwear. Well, she never wore it. The grin of her breasts safe enough she thought between the cross of her arms. The advance of the rook. Two sips away from happiness. The sharp of the bishop. One square shy of clarity. The omnipotence of the queen. The ugly duckling cooing from within the forest of the sheets. The panic in reality. The calm of indifference. Paper demons wearing angels drawn in ink.

Her wrists that much redder. Her dress still listening. Intently. To the shiver of her legs. As her clothes dared to leave her. A small stone in so many squares of play. While the night speculated.

On the importance of ugly ducklings.

Given the likelihood that they'll never change.

(via: theophany)


Ludovico Technique

Probably more than you ever wanted to know about The Ludovico Technique.


Southeast Convergence for Climate Action

Monday, August 13, 2007

Today a massive police operation was deployed in Buncombe, Henderson, and Transylvania Counties (near Asheville, NC) to prevent activists from protesting a dirty power plant responsible for climate change. Dozens of uniformed and undercover cops surrounded the site of the Southeast Convergence for Climate Action as a police helicopter hovered over the site. [Read More »]

Southeast Convergence for Climate Action

As a culmination of the Southeast Convergence for Climate Action, activists took a bold direct action against Bank of America over concerns regarding their investment throughout the coal cycle and their promotion of climate injustice. Although there was much speculation regarding a protest action at the Progress Energy Skyland coal-fired power plant, protestors surprised the downtown office of Bank of America.

Two activists locked down inside the main lobby and other activists blockaded the entrance to the downtown branch of Bank of America. The protest included a large, lively group of concerned citizens dressed as canaries and polar bears. Activists carried signs and banners that read: "Bank of America Stop Funding Climate Change," "Bank of America Stop Mountaintop Removal," "No Coal, No Nukes, No Kidding" "Bank of America Climate Criminal."

Bank of America has lent hundreds of millions of dollars to companies that run and are planning to build new power plants, such as Florida Power and Light. Between 2005 and 2007, Bank of America facilitated nearly $1 billion in loans to Massey Energy and Arch Coal, two of the largest companies responsible for the destructive practice of mountaintop removal coal mining. This form of mining literally blasts the tops off of mountains to get at thin seems of coal that lay beneath. Mountaintop removal coal mining has permanently destroyed over 500 square miles of mountains and buried over 1,200 miles of streams in West Virginia alone.

link | video
Environmental protesters gathered at Bank of America and Pritchard Park on Monday afternoon protesting the bank's business with coal-fired power plants. (7,547 KB)

Monday, August 13 2007 @ 6:24 PM EDT
**UPDATE: Asheville: 5 arrested protesting bank of America's investments in coal and climate change. Asheville Police Department uses electric shock on locked down protesters. link

Monday, August 13 @ 11:22 PM
**UPDATE: Flickr Photos from Ashvegas

Tuesday, August 14
**UPDATE: Asheville Indymedia--Photos

Wednesday, August 15

We would like to clarify statements that were made about the Asheville Police Department (APD) using tazers against participants in the action against climate change and mountaintop removal at Bank of America yesterday.

The Climate Convergence sent out a press release saying that people locked down inside the bank were subject to electrocution shocks from tazers, based on the accounts of witnesses inside the bank. Now that the protestors are out of jail, we have learned that this was an inaccurate conclusion based on reasonable suspicion. One protester was heard screaming while pinned down by large group of officers and subjected to excruciating pain compliance holds right after the police were heard yelling back and forth to each asking "Who has a tazer? Get a tazer!" Many of the officers on the scene were equipped with electrocution devises, along with rubber bullets, chemical weapons, dogs, and training in torture techniques. In addition, a certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) who attempted to check on the safety of the protesters after hearing shouts from officers about tazers was not allowed to do so.

The APD has a history of using tazers, widely recognized as a form of torture and the cause of several deaths around the country, on nonviolent protesters. In light of increased use of paramilitary tactics by local police forces in civilian situations, such conclusions are to be expected. We reported information we thought to be accurate at the time; in light of new information, we apologize for any inaccuracies we reported.

In Defense of a Living Planet,
The Southeast Convergence for Climate Action
Related Link: http://www.climateconvergence.org

* * * * * * *

please email me if you have any additional info or photos. thanks go out to jeremy, greenenergy2, fawn, melissa, and the others!


Craig's List WTC Posting

Saturday, August 11, 2007

This is the most bizarre of all Craigs List postings ever... Is it true?
"I'm retired now. But five years ago I helped blow up the WTC complex."

Confessions Of A 911 Hitman

Confessions Of A 911 Hitman
Reply to: pers-389756978@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-08-05, 10:33AM EDT

I'm retired now. But five years ago I helped blow up the WTC complex. I was paid a half million dollars, tax free, for my time and trouble. I don't know what the rest of my crew was paid--maybe a little more, maybe a little less. Not that I care much. In operations like this one, where dozens and dozens of top technicians operated like a team, nobody knew the entire operation or who was who, or what everybody got paid---the big picture, as people call it. Better that way. Better that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

Living on the beach here in Cartagena, Columbia I've had lots of time to reflect. Lots more time to wonder. What surprises me most, however, is how very few intelligent people in America question the obvious signature of the crime, even after five years.

How did we do it and why did we do it? The absolute audacity and cleverness still surprises me. The planners knew that success was the only option and so they spent years, not months, designing the perfect plan. What you call murder, I call the perfect crime. What you call an act of terror, I call the perfect diversion.

The intelligent people who run your country know that America depends on a continuous supply of oil. They also know that Americans use far more oil than they can produce here in America. They also know that if anyone in the Middle East were allowed to sell oil for euros--which Iraq attempted to do and Iran is threatening to do---and thus break the monopoly of US petrodollars, America might just go down the tubes. At least that is how it was explained to me, one of the reasons we were doing what we were doing, in the weeks and months during our furious preparations.

But if the US was attacked by terrorists, however, by rogue clients of ME states, then America could retaliate, occupy their countries, insert puppet leaders like the Shah of Iran, and continue siphoning oil forever. And hundreds of people would make billions, while thousands of multinational companies--not just Halliburton--would profit immensely.

And so America needed to be attacked.

But the attack needed to be spectacular. And the targets needed to be high image targets that represented America but was really stuff that could be rebuilt. Rebuilt at a profit. And so you saw the Pentagon targeted rather than the Congress building. Because Congress still needed someplace to meet and declare war against those nations that attacked America.

MY job was to wire explosives inside the various WTC buildings. We wired buildings 1, 2, 6, and 7. We hardwired some areas and attached explosives and electronic detonators to many other key structural joints. We did this weeks in advance. WTC-7 fell in a classic controlled demolition (See example) but the Twin Towers required a lot more ingenuity. The fellow who planned the actual sequence of detonations is a genius. He was rumored to have been paid seven or eight figures and is a fucking master. Almost like a composer of a symphony orchestra but better. Much better.

Entry into even the most secure areas of the WTC complex was easy. The badges and identifications were specially made. We had a guy at the top, an insider, who supplied the entry passes. We were the invisible people, those people who you see everyday but don't see. We were the janitors and maintenance men you take for granted but who have far more access in your own building than you'll ever have. Like I said, this whole operation was designed years in advance and took months to assemble the teams of top specialists. Then we worked weeks together to attack each key area of the plan. Like a builder using a blueprint.

Those people who say it couldn't be done, or only hijackers in airplanes could do it, really piss me off. Because we did it. For example, instead of building the Hoover Dam we took it down, piece by piece in a couple hours, and made each step look believable. Made it look like the dam just burst naturally.

The majority of ignorant people say, "fires brought the buildings down." We just smile and say, yes they did. Most people don't know that steel doesn't melt from fuel fires but melted steel was found weeks later in the substructure of the WTC. Nobody seems to want to know how that happened to perfectly good steel. Most people don't know thermite was used in World War II or that explosives and detonaters can be attached and then remotely detonated from blocks away in whatever sequence you choose. That was why when you watched the middle part of the towers explode--pancake down as the experts claimed---the upper parts of the twin towers were being simultaneously detonated as the lower parts were crumbling. If we hadn't done that you would have seen 30 to 40 story segment sitting on the rubble pile.

Like I said it was a work of genius.

Am I sorry that almost 3,000 people got killed? Sure. Are you sorry that you, personally, use so much foreign oil? And are you sorry that all these faked resource wars have to be concocted so that you can get that oil and live comfortably? Didn't think so.

Investigators on those TV crime shows, the CSI people, always try to understand who benefits by the bloody crime. If you understand that many people benefitted by 9-11, by the WTC destruction, then you are more than halfway to solving the crime. Not just who dunnit, but how dunnit and why dunnit.

The benefits of the plan were manifold. Everyone involved profited. The political zealots at the Pentagon got there holy war, or wars, that would benefit Israel while weakening the entire ME. The corporate--connected people got billions in new contracts. The military people got new toys.

Meanwhile the more pragmatic planners assembled a team to start removing gold and silver from below building 4 as soon as the remote-controlled planes struck the towers. We had teams taking bullion from the vaults immediately before and after the towers fell. Miles of tunnels connected the complex. Teams had seven hours to remove as much bullion as they could. The falling towers, the smoke, the fires, the sirens, that was all a grand diversion going on in the streets above. Like I said the plan was designed to appear to be an Islamic terrorist attack yet functioned perfectly as an enormous, gigantic bank robbery. The biggest heist in history.

Was I underpaid? Probably. But I was just one cog in this smooth functioning yet risky machine. Some internet blogger speculated that only 50-51 men could pull off this perfect crime, but I think it had to be several hundred experts involved.

Who were we? Americans, Israelis, South Africans, Brits, Irish. All top specialists. The best of the best. Like that popular TV show, the Mission Impossible force, that was us. Quite a few former special forces, several top intelligence men, financial wizards, some foreign mercenaries, Israeli demo specialists, electronic specialists, security specialists. You name it.

How to keep everyone quiet, you ask? You heard the old saying, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead? Well a thousand can keep a secret if everyone is happy and everyone is very well paid. You also heard that old saying, honor among thieves? Well why would anyone want to rat on someone else? And even if one person got shitfaced drunk and bragged about bringing down the trade towers, who would believe him.

After all, we all saw the hijacked jets crashed into the Trade Towers, right? And then we all saw that fuel fires weakened the steel and brought down those same towers, right?

No one will ever catch us. Who would investigate? Hugo Chavez? We commited the perfect crime and got away with it.

But like I said at the beginning, the crime was obviously a crime to anyone who even glanced at the pictures on the TV. It was so fucking obvious it still makes me laugh. What happened was a classic diversion. The towers fell; two or three ME countries were blamed. A suitable villain was fingered.

But you have hundreds of millions in stolen gold--did Osama steal it? You have those jackpot insurance claims on a pair of architecturel white elephants, leased only months before (giving us enough time to wire them). You have fake pilots that couldn't fly, doing maneuvers in Boeing jumbo jets that were electronically programmed not to allow pilots to fly that way. You have FBI and CIA head honchos looking the other way. I could go on and on. But isn't that what your real CSI people should be doing--but aren't? Isn't that what your real detectives should be doing--but aren't?

If a farmer finds his henhouse raided by a fox, he tracks the fox through the snow and discovers the burrow and sees the feathers and the blood. Well, you've seen the feathers and the blood all over the people who planned 9-11 but still you can't seem to put the pieces of this great crime together. Why is that?

Could this be legit? A rambling fake? Will we ever know the truth behind 9/11?

(via: 60s Beyond)



Chanting For The Magnolia

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Chanting For The Magnolia

In Asheville, NC, participants in a Wiccan ceremony led by Coven Oldenwilde chant "barbarous words of power" intended to protect a large magnolia tree in front of City Hall from being cut down by a developer, last Friday evening. The tract of land the tree is planted on was sold by the county earlier this year to a developer who plans to build condominiums and retail space.

Staff photo by JIM GENARO

This is the spirit of Asheville and it represents the ongoing struggle of the people against the developers.




* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


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