Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Tuesday. Monday's Do-Over.

{shopping} Going for that Instant Slut look for Halloween? Buy the Black Slut Pantyhose With All Over Runs. Now on sale for $13.49....for pantyhose with runs in them. $13.49 for something I can probably dig out of my trash??

{music} Anyone watching PBS's The Blues show? It's excellent. What makes it more interesting to music lovers is that it shows the blues pioneers' songs interspersed with newer artist's versions of the old standards. I didn't know Cream's recording of Skip James' "I'm So Glad" raised money for a life-saving operation for James.

{print} Pop, pop. SSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssss. That's the sound of two deflated egos, Chuck Klosterman and Neal Pollack, after reading Village Voice's Nick Catucci's piece, No Feelings. Caution: Contains picture of a middle-aged, pasty, flabby white man sans shirt. Snarky overindulgence must be fattening.

VV has another nice story on Parker Posey by Michael Musto.

{Survey} Women Over 40 Seek Younger Dates - Why not? I've gone with much, much younger and a whole hell of a lot older. Umm, the details really aren't necessary.

{quote} "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the things you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~Mark Twain

Too namby-pamby new-age tofu-licking pro-sex liberal for ya?


Monday, September 29, 2003

Hi there. Having trouble getting the old ass in gear? Why not cast the runes to see what Monday holds for you? Or you might enjoy Buddha Minders this Monday morning. Ok. I'm going to go visit you now and also visit three new weblogs today.

{overheard} Wesley Clark. There's just something inharmonious 'bout a liberal general. Like a vegan coyote. And a civilian (well, a National Guard deserter) is our current prez. It's too easy to hop aboard just anyone's bandwagon these days if it looks like it can run over Bush and Co.

{monday reruns} what really happened/zenzibar/spiraling cycle/

Rickie Lee Jones' new cd, The Evening of My Best Day will be released Oct 7. Would love to hear it.

International A.N.S.W.E.R. held protests against the war in many cities this weekend. End the Occupation of Iraq! Bring the Troops Home Now! October 25 - Mass March on Washington, DC.

Jam Base is an easy way to see what bands are playing in your area. I found the link at Pause Record.

{Quote}The greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fall. ~Confucius

Have you crashed your Windows today?


Sunday, September 28, 2003

Good Sunday morning to you...

Have you heard Whole Wheat Radio? They're online, interactive and located in Alaska. [via: j-walk]

Bloogz is a Blog search engine. How very cool. [via: j-walk]

{Asheville News} Organizers believe Asheville Film Festival will be a hit. More than 40 films - including one by Ang Lee, director of "The Hulk" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" - are scheduled to be screened at the Asheville Film Festival, Nov. 6-9. Appearing: Asheville resident and Actress Andie MacDowell, at premier night at Grove Park Inn Nov. 6.

{Quote} For those who wish to go across the water, may I be a boat, a raft, a bridge. ~The Way of the Shantideva

99% of politicians give the rest a bad name.


Saturday, September 27, 2003

Good morning to you...

Today is Rosh Hashanna. "Teach us to number our days so that we may obtain a heart of wisdom." Rosh Hashanah reminds us that our time in this world is limited, so let us do our best to make a difference in the world and in our communities in which we live.

{music} Bands Against Bush is an international movement which uses music and art and the support systems of these activities for protest and political involvement. We oppose the Bush administration and its domestic and foreign policies. Some celebrations are planned for Oct 11.

And Audioslave guitarist Tom Morello is planning to hit the road with fellow politically minded musicians Billy Bragg and Steve Earle on the Tell Us the Truth Tour this fall.

{fashion} The Edge of Hip: Vice, the Brand

{artsy} Clay illustrations by Amy Vangsgard. [via: sweet anne]

{political} Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi returned home on Friday after more than three months in detention but her doctor said she faces house arrest again at home while doctors tend to her there in recovery.

{quote} Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. ~Tom Robbins

saturday morning me//

bedhead/pass the visine/

drinking: dr enuf & java/2 fisted drinker/cheerios/

still smoking & toking/hubby quit smoking/

olive henley/jeans/yoga flats/

listening: my morning jacket-it still moves/

so how's about you, mon amis?/

Can I trade this blog for what's behind door #2?


Friday, September 26, 2003

Good Morning... Sing. Or Dance like a banana. It's Friday.

Bloghdad News

If, by Shirl. Bryn know what hobbledehoy means. Weird Pixie has been enjoying Thich Nhat Hanh's sweet spirit lately. Lorraine's supporting Wesley Clark. Nicole Kidman, octopusses, and nefarious planes, Oh, My at Chapel Perilous. J-Walk is very fond of Whole Wheat Radio and heard the new Natlie Merchant cd on there. stare has a good piece on Karl Rove as he does the Diebold shuffle via election plans for the shrub. Maggie'sbeen receiving comments addressed to the Sharon Osbourne show.

Fiona Apple was supposed to have a new album ready September 2003. But rumors are it's been pushed back again. Sure am anxious to hear her new work.

Quote For Today

Waking up this morning, I smile.

Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.

I vow to live fully in each moment

and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.

~Thich Nhat Hanh

The smoke I’m blowing up your ass is also good for the environment.


Thursday, September 25, 2003

Good morning. I like Thursdays. Even though I have to get up at 3:30 am for an early out of town appointment each week. Fortunately, it's always followed by an early breakfast with friends and/or family. I got one of those "Where's George?" dollars back in change when I paid for breakfast. The web site and "Please Enter Serial #" were stamped onto it.

Amina Lawal is free! She's the Nigerian lady who had a baby out of wedlock and was to be stoned to death according to the laws of her area. Humanitarian groups stepped in and got her a reprieve for two years of breast feeding her baby. Now her 2 yrs is up and the courts have stepped in again. Lawal's case had become the focus of human rights groups around the world who were outraged at the sentence that Lawal should be buried up to her neck and then have stones thrown at her head until she was dead. I've followed her case as have many bloggers, so this is a sweet victory.

Add your name to the petition to hold Bush and Rumsfield accountable .

Quote For Today

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. ~J. B. Priestley

Don't Be Sexist - Bitches Hate That.


Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Good morning/afternoon. Thanks for stopping by.

I got the best deal at the neighborhood Goodwill store yesterday. A GE cordless phone for $4.00. Brand new in the box. Works great. Then came home and spent 2 1/2 hours shopping online and blew the savings I'd made earlier on the phone, I'm certain.

Healing Art and Creative Arts Directory

This concert of richly meditative music at Avery Fisher Hall on Sunday began with the Dalai Lama and ended with the welcome oddball sage Tom Waits. An oddball combination, wasn't it? But why not?

Afghan Women's Rights

recently, a group of brave Afghan women endured great risk and traveled to Kandahar, now considered a dangerous city, deep in Taliban territory. There, they crafted an extraordinary document they have called the Afghan Women's Bill of Rights.

NSFW (Not Safe For Work)- Icon Sex in the AOL Style

Mullet Haiku

Pregnant at the fair

Coors Light's off limits for me

Honey, where's my smokes?

(mark morford@sfgate.com)

Quote For Today

There are two rules on the spiritual path:

Begin and Continue.

Sufi saying

I've had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it.


Monday, September 22, 2003

::Hey, it's Monday! Wake me when it's over.

::If you knew the US were poised for attack at both coasts and major ports, either from terrorists or whomever, planes had already been overtaken, which Democratic presidential contender and their cabinet would you like to see in the White House? Lieberman, Dean, Sharpeton? According to my personal survey, the answer's overwhelmingly Wesley Clark, kicking major terrorist ass. If we're all in paranoia mode at election time, Clark may get the nod. Now, forget national security issues for a moment. Who do you want in charge that'll pump up the US economy? I'm still trying to figure out how such a Hawk as Clark decided to run on the usually Dove-ish Democrat ticket.

::Fun collection of pix, postcards, posters, etc, at Gorey Details.

Excuse me while I plaster on a fake grin and cruise thru another Monday.


Sunday, September 21, 2003

What a great day to begin Mabon, or Autumn Equinox.

A Meeting of Minds

In the Spirit of Inquiry, The Dalai Lama Submits To an Inquiry of His Spirit

Is that a fire over there? Or just the smoke from Gray Davis' pen after his well-timed signing of so much legislation lately? For my CA friends, does it seem to you he's trying to appease everyone lately?

General Clark takes instant lead days after entering Democratic race. Just indicates to me the that the democratic nomination for President will continue to surprise us for some time to come.

Daily Rumi Quote

Many of the faults you see in others, dear reader, are your own nature reflected in them. As the Prophet said, 'The faithful are mirrors to one another'.

Don't Worry. Be Nappy.


Saturday, September 20, 2003

Good Saturay Morning to you. A nice warm welcome to new visitors and friends and well as regular readers.

Asheville, NC, is participating in EarthDance 2003, the Global Dance Festival For Peace, Saturday, Sept 20, at 7 p.m. EDT. The dancing stops for a global link-up, uniting dancers on more than 130 dance floors in one huge, simultaneous prayer for peace.

Quote For Today

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran

saturday morning me//

hazelnut coffee #2/grapes/brie & crackers/

hubby trying to quit smoking/i'm still toking/

olive cargo pants/black tank/ballet flats/

slept-in braid/didn't get laid/still got it made/

so how about you?

Don't squat with your spurs on.


Friday, September 19, 2003

Good Friday Morning!

What am I bid on Dickhead? A leading museum has added a bawdy 16th century work of art to its collection, depicting a human head made up of small images of penises.

::I'll try to keep you amused with a few playthings while you're dodging the dolldrums of your workday...

::Your brief psychological profile in that past life:

Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient books. Magician abilities, could be a servant of dark forces.
Find out about your Past Life. Or read Messages From Beyond. [via: coolios]

::When was the last time you visited Orisinal? Play with the Cats. (love that old music)

Quote For Today

Don't be afraid that your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin. ~Unknown

I've upped my standards, now up yours!


Thursday, September 18, 2003

Good Morning!

::I hope everyone is safe from Hurricane Isabel as she just came ashore today. Looks like the effects will extend all the way north to Michigan on up into Canada. For the latest watches and warnings, graphics, charts, hurricane path, and satellite photos, take a look at this National Hurricane Service site.

::If Democrats won't nominate John Edwards for president, they should at least run on his message. (according to this article) I'd like to see him do better in the polls. But, really, at this early stage, anything can happen.

::Quentin Tarantino's 'Kill Bill' trailer is up at Yahoo. I'm anxious to see this one.

::Fuck, Marry, Kill - choose the celebrity you most want to... [via: aberrant news]

Jimi Hendrix died on this day in 1970. So glad I was able to see him before he left. I had just gotten an older model red convertible and tried it out that weekend. It was the first time I'd ever seen riot squads and riot gear, as cops stood arm's length apart in front of the stage, facing the crowd. Daring anyone to try and come any closer. Before long, my friend and I were standing up against them, trying to get as close as we possibly could to Jimi. (click for ticket image)

Quote For Today

Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. ~Jimi Hendrix

If you can't laugh at yourself, allow me.


Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Why, hello there...thanks for stopping by.

Nobody Died When Clinton Lied - keeping track of similar signs around California. T shirts and bumper stickers.

::Daily Mislead - A Daily Chronicle of Bush Administration Distortion

::Auction Witch is like a Pagan Ebay site. Jewelry making supplies at $2.00 a chance because of a recent family emergency.

::Blues fans can witness performances by the best and brightest talents of the blues genre taking the continent by storm. Otis Rush’s smoldering 1966 rendition of "I Can’t Quit You Baby," laying down the template for the Led Zeppelin version that followed three years later; John Lee Hooker, or Howlin’ Wolf on three songs backed by the even-then-legendary Willie Dixon. The American Folk Blues Festival 1962-1966 Also, BB King was 78 years old yesterday.

::How much is inside a Sharpie? (from the folks at the always entertaining Cockeyed)

If I don't get my 23 and a half hours sleep, I'm cranky all day.


Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Good Tuesday Morning to you.

Read Three Easy Pieces for Any Decent American from Michael Moore. (Sep 15 Message) via: ollapodrida

Today at 11:30am EDT, the Senate voted 55-40 to roll back the entire FCC rule change. WaPo has more. Due in part to the many calls made and the petition that we signed.

We Want Your Soul.Com - How much is your Soul worth? Find out the current monetary value. via: stare, via sauceruney

Sharon Osbourne Show

With folded legs reclining on a divine sofa and a soft, sweet British brogue, Sharon Osbourne peered into the camera like she was speaking to an old friend. She's on 2 or 3 times a day in my area. (Can you guys see her in Canada?)

Jagger says it's hard living up to sex god image

Mick said: "When you are said to be the fuck of the century it's a matter of course that every woman is disappointed after the first night with you. It is a fact that this adventure playground behind the zip of my trousers has myth status on the groupie scene."

Happy Birthday, Kim!

Kim is celebrating her birthday today.

Quote For Today

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sag, You're it!


Monday, September 15, 2003

Another beautiful day in the Blue Ridge Mountains, so we've spent most of it outdoors working in the yard. Hope you are enjoying your day.

PlEese excooz my typeen. I'm reloading.


Fuck it.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Fuck it. The RSS is about to drive me to drink. It only worked yesterday because I manually uploaded it via ftp and if you think I'm doing that on each post, think again. I'm going to step back, regroup and attempt it some other time. I first started on it in Dec 02, resumed again Sept 03, so, I'm guessing next year some time, I'll work on it again. Bloggers instructions are of no help because even tho I'm Blogger Pro now, I still don't have the RSS capacity in my settings, like the original Blogger Pros. At least, I'm not fucking with it much today; 'cause I wanna visit YOUSE GUYS!

Today's This Week with George Stephanopoulos premiere show was outstanding. He accompanied Governor Howard Dean on a road trip and interviewed him several times. What did I take away from it? Dean is a Yuppie's dream Presidential candidate I'd have trouble supporting .

Quote For Today

80 Billion Dollars to repair Iraq.......And when you make out that check, just remember, there are two "L"'s in Halliburton. ~Dave Letterman

Whenever I get upset, I remember that it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to stick up my middle finger.


Saturday, September 13, 2003

What a perfect Saturday morning, minus the seasonal allergies/sniffles.

::This RSS crap is freaking me out. I had it; and I lost it. Anne had recently mentioned Bloglines and Mac and Jen are also using it, so I also got on board with Bloglines. So, still working on it.....

:: Anti-gay campaign against TV show - Fucktards rant about "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" in Billings, Montana: "To me, that's not a reality show about gay people," said Julie Millam, who said she watched clips from the show. "A really good reality show for gay people would be five gay men dying of AIDS."

::Don't Spy On Us - To the Department of Homeland Security, you are no longer an American, you are a potential terrorist.

::"Your first name of Susan has given you a pleasant, easy-going, friendly nature." What does your name mean?

::Happy Birthday wishes across the pond to Gerard of Presurfer today!

And Jim at Rittenhouse Review is also celebrating his birthday today. Enjoy your day, Jim!

Quote For Today

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. ~Cherokee Expression

saturday morning me//

hazelnut coffee #2/benson & hedges #3/

dunkin dickies/½ grapefruit/oj-plain, sigh../

frayed-waist jeans/grey Duke tee/yoga flats/

puppy sniffing/daughter snoring/hubby riffing/

so hows about you?/

Missus cool rides out in her aged Cadillac.


Friday, September 12, 2003

Your Blogdex Hit Parade

:: Ol Brown Eye's Back or Bush's Latest Portrait

::General Wesley Clark reportedly is asked to join Howard Dean.

::Take a Stand Against the Madness; Stop the RIAA!


Good morning....

There just aren't enough minutes in the day. Thanks for giving me a couple of yours.


Peter Max - Great Pop Artist who made his debut in the 60's and is still going strong. View some of his classics as well as his newer work.

DAVID LETTERMAN, 56, taping his show, reportedly told his audience that he would soon become a daddy. The mother-to-be is his long-time girlfriend, REGINA LASKO. The good thing about being an older father? By the time the kid is old enough to get into trouble, Mr. Letterman said he'd be dead.

"Shit stinks and the sky is blue!" wails Bush.

"Yeah!" "Damn right!" Applause, applause.....goes the audience. Bush is on television now giving a speech. Why does he always give them at Military bases? I think we all know the answer to that.

Blogger - Announcing: Free Features for Everyone! Basic Blogger accounts get a free upgrade to Pro; Pro accounts get a free hoodie. [via: j-mo]

Goodbye, Johnny Cash. So long, John.

Quote For Today

The accumulated darkness of ages is dispelled at once by bringing the light in, not by trying to chase the darkness out. ~Paramahansa Yogananda

No, really. It's just a cold sore.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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