Saturday, May 31, 2003

»Warren Zevon's latest and last album, "The Wind" should be released in August. One year after his terminal cancer diagnosis in Aug 2002. There's an endless boogie of guest appearance on this release, as expected. Album closer "Keep Me in Your Heart" ("Shadows are falling and I'm running out of breath/Keep me in heart for a while/If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less") I find very poignant.

»The most gripping account of the Iraq conflict came from a web diarist known as the Baghdad Blogger. But no one knew his identity - or even if he existed. Rory McCarthy finally tracked him down, and found a quietly spoken, 29-year-old architect. more»»


Blogmapper looks interesting. I haven't had the chance to look it over well enough yet, but wanted to pass it along.

And Freshblogs is another new one to me.

*Edited to add: Eric Rudolph capture is major news here in Asheville today. He was earlier in the next country, Cherokee County, which is Murphy, NC. But may already be moved to the Asheville, NC, facilities by now.

Quote For Today

The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. ~Dorothy Nevill

saturday morning me//

school's out/cody chestnut on kazaa/

newly dyed locks/new pedicure/lorna dunes/

green tea w/ginseng/marlboro in each hand/

navy tee/grey shorts/adidas slides/

ain't life grand?/how's about you?

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.


Has anyone ever had carpal tunnel syndrome before? What are the symptons and where do you get it? Wrists, elbows, forearms? My elbow has been hurting all evening and feels like it's on fire---and a little below and above it, as well. Old age? Speaking of old age, when women go through menopause, they sometimes take testosterone. Wouldn't I immediately lose all verbal skills, begin a love affair with the remote control and start pissing on the toilet seat for no good reason?

The Jayhawks playing Wednesday, July 2 in Atlanta offer I got today is very tempting. And we could visit our family and friends while there. Make a big ol' weekend out of it. But my husband is just not up to much of anything anymore. We'll see what happens.

'American Idol' Winner Not Bothered By His Weight - proclaims Friday's USA Today article on Ruben Studdard, this years winner. Is this really newsworthy? Didn't they question last year's winner about her weight, too? I'm disturbed by this almost compulsive national focus on weight. Anybody with me?


Friday, May 30, 2003

Good, umm, evening. Or morning. Whatever the case may be. I've been a bad little weblogger. I've been unable to visit all my favorite blog sites this past week. I just may have to bring in supplies and stay here all night until I can get updated and read everyone.

Baby, I'm a Star. There's a blip in an area NC newspaper today about my thoughts on blogging. I don't know yet what's in the hard copy. But here's the online site. When I was asked to recommend some of my favorite sites, I gave him several off my blogroll and he included two of them in the piece. Intrigued yet? (scroll to the bottom of piece to see editor's two picks from my blogroll)

"Mike Tyson, Still Insane"

The former champ's latest comments about wanting to rape Desiree Washington prove only that he's still insane. Isn't it time we stopped listening to him? He's dangerously close to getting one of my Dickhead Awards. He can be an honoree award getter.

Quote For Today

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell

Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway.

A big hello to any new visitors from Asheville, NC, area stopping by! Leave an email or a comment if you'd like.


Thursday, May 29, 2003

Bluelight Serenade

"Do you know how close you came to hitting me on the side of the road back there?" Close enough for a ham sandwich, I didn't say. What I did say was I'm sorry and I sure as hell didn't realize I was that close to you...

...I had an early appointment this morning and I had the car on cruise control at 55, per usual. I always go the speed limit. Ahead I saw a police car had someone pulled over in the emergency lane and was still flashing his lights. The cop was standing beside the car, doing his usual thing. I cruised on by him at 55 in my right hand lane. No problem, I thought. Evidently I was driving too far over in the right lane because he pulled outfollowing me, lights still flashing. I got off with his evil eye, a scolding and one huge rush for breakfast.

Edited to add: (5/30-9:07am) The thought that I may have come close to him haunted me all day long. I'll defininely swerve far away from anyone pulled over like that the next time.

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Tish got a wild hair (said with fondness and much love) and decided to post 150 posts in one day last week. She's a better woman than I. Gutsy and always facing challenges square-the-fuck on. I like that.

Kevin Sites, CNN correspondent, scud stud contender, and one-time blogger from Iraq, was seen reporting for CNN last night from Bakersfield, CA, on the mystery boy story. I think it'd be great for CNN to have him as their blogger like MSNBC has their bloggers; as do many major newpapers.

Quote For Today

The accumulated darkness of ages is dispelled at once by bringing the light in, not by trying to chase the darkness out. ~Paramahansa Yogananda

Insert pretentious blog quote here.


Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Good Morning...

Sometimes I find it necessary to spell it out. To claim it, soak it up and let it ring inside me.

Things I'm Grateful For

1. My Spirituality. It's the first thing I go to whenever I need guidance or faith strengthening.

2. My family. Not just my husband, daughter and son, but also my 80 yo Mother, and especially for my sister. Grateful for those individual relationships and love and I tell them often.

3. My health. Physical: Also includes working out, running, yoga. Mental: would have to include being drug-free for 12 years.

4. My friends. Real life--Some I've had for over 30 years now. And also my online friends. The ones I can warmly and objectively talk to most every day. =)

5. And Blogger. Because it appears to be back in superb working order today.

I'm in a strange, meek, vulnerable, loving kind of mood today.

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

35 Menopause Symptons I found when doing, umm, research--that's it. Research. Or there's Minnie Pauz.

Funny signs.

Mullet Haiku

Rusty chain link fence

Pitbulls bark at passers-by

Meth lab vapors rise


Quote For Today

What matters most is how well you walk through the fire. ~Charles Bukowski

Have I looked at a Ford lately? You bet. Harrison Ford.


Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Good Morning to you. I'm really glad you could take a moment to stop by...

Sky actually had to go to school yesterday on Memorial Day. They're having their finals this week, but Thursday will be her last day of school until the fall.

Mr. Big, aka Jonah Falcon was born with a blessing in, er, disguise. Until it took over his life.

Flag-O-Rama for Memorial Day goodies it's too late to buy for this year. Maybe for the Fourth of July. [via: Lorraine's] .

Quote For Today

It is well to give when asked but it is better to give unasked, through understanding. ~Kahlil Gibran, 'On Giving,' The Prophet, 1923

on the radio I'm A Man - Spencer Davis Group

on the tv Bongwater

Boldly Going Nowhere.


Monday, May 26, 2003

Blogger's all fucked up again. The template pages have been BLANK for 2 or 3 days. And the archives are messed up; but aren't they usually?

The template came back, but it's an old template from March (complete with March calendar on it), so I did a 'view source' and saved my site, since it's showing up correctly. In case this site reverts back to the old template from March. I make lots of manual changes to my template/web design. That's why I chose a plain one like this---to change the pics, the title, the colors, font, etc.

I've had a long on-again, off-again love relationship with Blogger. They're in the middle of a transition to their new digs this month. But I still gotta sound off when they fuck up. Most of the time they're just like a sore d*$#---you can't beat it.


Sunday, May 25, 2003

One of my passions is basketball. Pro and college. New Jersey Nets and Duke Bluedevils, specifically. It's a pure passion when you watch the Nets clinch the East title one evening; and watch the game replay at 3:00 am on ESPN.

The C.I.A. is snooping around itself and other spy agencies to see if prewar reports of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda were exaggerated. MoDo has another great piece in the NYTimes today.

Ticketstubs. A site about events surrounding your story along with your uploaded ticket stub. I intend to submit something since I still have many stubs saved over the years and stories that'll scorch your short 'n' curlies, as Anne likes to say.

Quotes For Today

»Reason is our soul's left hand, Faith her right. ~John Donne

»Faith is reason grown courageous. ~Sherwood Eddy

»Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. ~Kahlil Gibran

»Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. And lo, no one was there. ~Author Unknown

School's in. Drive carefully. School's out. Drive carefully. When do we get to be reckless out there?


Saturday, May 24, 2003

Happy Birthday, Bob Dylan - born May 24, 1941.

Art or Crap? Take the quiz. Or take a look at the Goth-O-Matic Poetry Generator. [via: presurfer]

Shoe Size - Penis Size conversion chart. Interesting....Fun undies and boxers for your, umm, conversion.

Once upon a time you dressed so fine

You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?

People'd call, say "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"

You thought they were all kiddin' you

~Dylan, Like A Rolling Stone

Quote For Today

May your hands always be busy, may your feet always be swift. May you have a strong foundation, when the winds of change shift. ~Bob Dylan - Forever Young

saturday morning me//

espresso/angel food cake/visine/pepto/

navy tee/plaid pjs/adidas slides/

dogs glaring/npr radio blaring/

where's that kahlua? and/

who the hell is that in the mirror?/

how's about you?/

Are you into casual sex or should I dress up?


Friday, May 23, 2003

My family built our house bordering on the 14th green of a golf course in Tennessee when I was young. Our father was a big golf nut. I learned to play golf at a young age, I followed 'Arnie's Army' on a course once and I still enjoy it occasionally. So I've been rooting for Annika Sorenstam as she makes PGA history.

Tim Burton in Talks to Direct 'Chocolate Factory'. Don't you just love his work? Chocolate Factory was made into the 1971 Willy Wonka movie. But it'll be great fun to see Burton put his spin on it.

40 Mistakes Men Make While Having Sex With Women


Never thank a woman for having sex with you. Your bedroom is not a soup kitchen. And do NOT under any circumstances leave a tip.

Still tweaking a new template I did for Robin. Frames suck.

Quote For Today

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. ~J. B. Priestley

I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a jar on my desk.


Thursday, May 22, 2003

Sometimes blogging is great fun and sometimes I ponder it's relevancy to myself and others. Yesterday I got not one, but two beautiful emails expressing much blog kindness. One from a long time reader who you wouldn't recognize by name as she doesn't post comments here; and the second from a new visitor who was also very gracious. Words are very powerful things. By stringing words together, we have that power to bring joy and love and even make a difference in someone's day. Use your word power today for good. Your kharma will thank you.

Taken straight from my Wednesday history files:


Bob Dylan is expected to give his first filmed interview since 1985 for a movie documentary on his life to be helmed by revered director Martin Scorsese. Slated for a 2005 release, Bob Dylan Anthology Project also likely will feature footage of live performances and studio recording sessions. Among Scorsese's many previous works is 1978's The Last Waltz, a concert documentary about the Band that also featured Dylan. [lost link--ap news]

Pink Floyd's David Gilmour has donated nearly $6 million to build an urban village in London to house 400 low-income workers and former vagrants. The singer-guitarist raised the funds through the recent sale of his own London residence. Gilmour's plan for the housing project was inspired by a similar community-housing project in New York's Time Square. Well, that's just decent as hell.

Quotes For Today

Love doesn't make the world go 'round.... Love is what

makes the ride worthwhile.~ Anon

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when

I really need it. ~Swedish proverb

Show me a man with both feet firmly on the ground, and I will show you a fucktard who can't get his pants off.

Happy Birthday, Captain! aka My Dear Husband


Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Anyone got any fun Memorial Day plans? Years ago, there were always family reunions. Some I was invited to; some not---like the ones during my 'wild period'. Although I was a big hit at campfire sing-a-longs, great granny always took a dim view of me stripping and plunging into the creek after I'd shotgunned a few beers.

Back to the mouse wheel that's still giving me grief---I take that ball out often and clean the lint out. I"m not talking about the bottom of the mouse. This is the scolling wheel on top of the mouse that still moves, but it no longer scrolls on the page. The wheel that allows you to scroll up and down without having to put your mouse on the scrollBARS to move the page. Geez, does anybody get me? I want my fucking wheel to scroll again, damnit. Is that so wrong?

The prestigious Webby Awards will be given out on June 5; you'll be able to see it online this year. You can register to vote on their People's Choice awards, and Friday is that deadline. This site has been around for some time now and is always a great place to surf for the web's best sites.

Someone had asked me where I had bought my camo capris and I finally remembered. My daughter has a catalog called GFLA that I ordered from so here's their web site.

Barbelith is one of my favorite sites that's been around forever and has something for everyone. The Underground area is probably the best.

Quote For Today

Don't be discouraged by a failure. It can be a positive experience. Failure is, in a sense, the highway to success, inasmuch as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterwards carefully avoid.

~John Keats

Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.


Tuesday, May 20, 2003

From the 'I Don't Know Jack About Computers' File:

My mouse wheel has stopped turning and I'm a little pissed about it.

What would happen if you suddenly lost all your files on your computer? And as much as we all know to save and backup, do you backup? Or do you have another place to store files? Or you just don't give a shit? I stored some photos on Yahoo! a few years ago I wouldn't want to lose. But it sure would suck to find all those files again.

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

Republican Matrix comic by Ward Sutton is good today.

Saw this lovely spiky bras link at Anne's that would be fun for Halloween for some or even a fun day at the office for some.

For you marijuana advocates or afficiendos out there, you can watch POT TV online.

The U.S. military is using Metallica and the 'Barney' theme song as instruments of coercion in Iraq against Saddam supporters. Drowning Pool's 'Bodies' and Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' are popular ones used. How can they know there's no metal heads in Iraq? Although it's a safe bet that the Barney Theme song would make you surrender or drop a drachma on someone. [via: rocktober]

Quote For Today

"Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found,and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration." ~D.H.Lawrence

Fond of dead flowers, spiders, nipple rings--- all the usual girlie stuff


Monday, May 19, 2003

Why is good tv stuff always on late at night? The old 1967 Dylan documentary, "Dont Look Back" was pure fun to watch as a camera follows him to London when he was rocketing to fame. You see an arrogant young Dylan chew out a Times reporter, Joan Baez singing like the angel she is, and even Donovan sings sweetly on it. I hadn't seen this since it came out so it was really great to see it again on Trio.

Chinese man jailed 5-years in prison for blogging. [via: google news]

Saudi spin doctor, Adel Al Jubeir, began repairing US relations last week, explaining that Saudi Arabia was perhaps too tolerant of terrorist activity in the past and that they're taking it more seriously now. Extra points each time you hear him mention the Buffalo cell here in NY as he tries to show that SA isn't the only place that harbors Al Quaeda loyalists; or Sept 11th in his effort to explore the similarites their country is experiencing when a dozen or so Saudi's lost their lives last week in the bombings. Dazzling footwork, no doubt. Too little too late, for sure.

Quote For Today

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Unknown

Putting the "ass" in classy.


Sunday, May 18, 2003

Comments from YACCS were down a while last night when I was blog hopping. And I just couldn't get one particular blog favorite to pull up at all. I never type in the "www" anymore. Does anyone? But sometimes if I can't open a site, adding the "www" will bring it up. Going to try to catch up on my weblog reading today.

Has anyone used henna before? (Mehndi is the actual design of henna) You can really let your creative streak flow when using it. And it's not permanent; lasting about 10 - 14 days and longer if you take good care of it. I've put it on both hands and wrists, both feet and ankles, and between my brow if I'm feeling particularly funky.

Weather was good for tennis yesterday at about 60° here in NC. Today there's such a deluge of rain, I may stay indoors the rest of the day.

Quote For Today

As human beings, we share what is real. Joy, sorrow, care, courage, and tenderness are real. Tears are real, and so is laughter. These are the currency of the heart. They are meant to be exchanged. ~Anon

If you have something to say just raise your hand, and place it firmly over your mouth.


Saturday, May 17, 2003

There's A Moron At The Door

"Mother? Someone at the front door wants to speak to either you or Dad," said my daughter. I thought I'd just heard her say something about a moron at the door.

I didn't see a car in the drive. I open the front door to see a nice looking young guy with jet-black hair, a dark tan, with a blinding white smile. (so far, so good) Checking him over further, I also noticed:

1. White dress shirt? Check

2. Black dress pants? Check

3. Black dress shoes? Check

Oh, great. There's a Mormon at the door. Probably just hopped off his bike.

"Listen, honey," I announced, "I'm really not into talking religion with you right now."

"No", he chuckled, and nodding towards a neighbors house, he began, "Dwayne said you might have a place for rent."

"Oh, okay. I thought you were... ," I managed to mumble with a size 9 in my mouth.

Yeah, I had it right the first time. There really was a Moron at the door.


Ilana's back from a hiatus with a new design and lots of good links to visit. Thanks, Shirl. (If you visit and the pop-up comes up to download the text in Hebrew, just hit 'cancel'.)

Rhonda mentioned the C-SPAN (US television) "Blogging" story yesterday. So I stayed up watching the 3:00 am re-run of it this morning waiting for the Blogworld to be well represented. The guy from Buzzflash and the guy from WhatReallyHappened were on there who respresent nada about blogging. (Still waiting...)Then they had some pretty lame bloggers that called in. Was some sad shit and an hour lost I won't get back.

I liked Molly Ivin's Texas take on the Killer D's Attack.

Men or women's hands? I only got 6 of 16 right. [via:]

Get Underground is a decent forum for activists, etc, I like to visit and you might, too. The rerun of the Feb '03 Hunter Thompson interview is fun if you've not read it and they're always looking for good writers.

I never get tired of watching very busy Dave Navarro. Camp Freddy (Donovan Leitch on vocals) was on Carson Daly's Show last night. Carmen Electra and the Pussycat Dolls were dancing in the background. Setting back the women's movement 30 years in one fell swoop.

Nice custom designed silver jewelry found here. For men and women.

I've really had a great response on sing-ups for that Birthday List on the right. Thank you.

Useless fact of the day - A flea's penis is roughly 2/3rds the length of its body. So if someone tells you, "You're hung like a flea", it's not an insult. Show them the respect they're due next time.

Quote For Today

"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain." ~Notes of a Native Son - James Baldwin

saturday morning me//

coffee/lemon tea cookies/bottled water/pepto/

old long skirt/ballet flats/navy tiny tee/

long wavy blonde-red hair combed--yea!/

hb playing 12-string/daughter sawing logs/

how's about you?/

Look on the bright side. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Friday, May 16, 2003

Some user names (or email addys) and their origins are obvious, and some leave me scratching my head. Sudio11 has a weird, dumb history, that began as Sudie, my family nickname. Sudie is usually taken, fast forward to Sudio. But Sudio really sucks. What sucks even more is that song by Phil Collins. I should do something about that. (add to my ever-growing procrastination list.)

I've added a When's Your Birthday? link to my site on the right side above the web cam. Add your birthday when you get a moment. I know that Maggie and Tish both have birthdays coming up in June sometime. Thank you.

Make funny or fugly faces here.

New Led Zeppelin live package covers their full history. 5 hours on DVD; 3 on CD.

Bad Ass Dolls-alright for work.

Someone made up a resume for George Bush. Good encapsulated post of the highlights in Bush's life.

Goodbye, Lakers. Too bad. mwahaaaaaaa. haaaaaaaahahah. All better now. ...Run along.

*UPDATE:11:40 am. Cool. I just did an interview about Blogging. If it goes to print, I'll bring it here and tell you ALL about it.

Quote For Today

Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.

~Jimi Hendrix

A thing of beauty is a joy until sunrise. (After that, you're in coyote, chew-your-arm-off mode.)

posts always a little late on M, W, F---gym days


Thursday, May 15, 2003

Good Morning!

Wanting to move closer to the city, we've put our house up for sale. I've never really liked this house much, but we got a pretty good deal and jumped on it. We're hoping to wrap it up by the end of summer in case we move in to a different school district. Even if we have to rent until our house is sold. We're taking a leap. Have you ever moved to someplace and thought, "I'm never moving again. This is my last stop."?

This morning, when I turned on my computer, the hard drive sounded tired and droopy. And the desktop was slow loading. I have defrag, and other stuff set up nightly, to insure a healthy hard drive. But it's 3 1/2 years old and it's been road hard and put up wet, as they say in the South. Beaucoup surfing and keyboarding going on. So if you don't hear from me for a couple of days, my pc's run out of steam. And I sure as hell don't have the bucks to lay down for a new pc right now.

Happy Birthday to my bestest buddy, Dena, today. Although she may never see this as she's not a web head like me.

Chickenhawk Cards look kinda fun.

Quote For Today
As human beings, we share what is real. Joy, sorrow, care, courage, and tenderness are real. Tears are real, and so is laughter. These are the currency of the heart. They are meant to be exchanged.

Not even the courtesy of a reach around.


Wednesday, May 14, 2003

John's 29th birthday today. He thinks he's ancient. I can relate to that. My 29th birthday hit me harder than any other birthday I've had so far. Seriously hard. I really thought it was the end of the world. Looking back it seems strange that I was so dismal about it. I had already bought my first home---by myself. I worked two jobs and had a hell of a social life. But it was in the middle of my drug adventures, so that clouded most of my reality. Now my reality radar comes in loud and clear. Isn't that great? It is, isn't it?

Five-family yardsale mainly selling items to each other. Only 5% of the items sold actually made it out of the neighborhood. [Spoof via: theonion]

Quotes For Today

He who knows he has enough is rich." ~Tao Te Ching

William Bennett moves out of Glass House.


Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Noel Redding, the man who held down the bottom line for Jimi Hendrix, has died at 57. The cause of death was not immediately known. [via:]

Ann Cun Coulter Does Joe McCarthy Proud - article by Harley Sorenson notes if William Bennet has fallen from grace, should Ms Coulter become the Republicans' moral compass?

[via: smirking chimp]

Write on Bart Simpson's bulletin board. [via: linkydinky]

Building a better world; one story at a time. Pearl Soup. A fun, friendly site without pretension for budding or experienced writers.

I'm glad you stopped by today. Yes, I'm talking to you. Remember, Tuesday is just a Monday Do-Over.

Quotes For Today

When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell

You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing.


Monday, May 12, 2003

Presidential Farting Doll -- Hail To The Cheese

A Los Angeles entrepreneur is hoping to raise a political stink with a farting doll modeled on President George W. Bush. Richard Halpern is just finishing the final touches on "Pull My Finger President," a plush doll that emits noxious gas sounds and sayings whenever its finger is pulled. I know we're the land of the free and all jazz, but do we ever draw the line on acceptable bashing of people in power? Or am I just getting soft in my old age? I like my political bashing in the form some type of media or in print. I'll pass on the farting doll. [via: fark]

"Please join United For Peace And Justice {the email I recently received said} as we come together with, media alliance, codepink and global exchange to say no to the bush administration's push to give free reign to the corporate media. It will also be sent to your congress members and senators. We need thousands of people to sign this petition; this is our chance to speak out against media that puts corporate profit ahead of journalism and truth-telling!" Bottom line is the radio will be controlled by a monopoly. Isn't that enough to make you take a look into this? Thanks to Skippy who's been diligently trying to round up everyone to sign it.

The Google News now has a Canadian version.

Yeah, it's a green thing today.


Did all my wunnerful blogging children out there have a nice Mutha's Day? Good.

I watched the Survivor Finale. Isn't human nature fascinating? You got your greed, your lust, your deceit, your primal urges, all based on survival instincts. Princessess and wusses need not apply, But usually do. And sometimes even win.

Jimi Hendrix felt pen doodles up for auction in London. Wish I could find a picture of them.

Patriotic Blinders - the latest fashion craze. "We don't let George go anywhere without his Patriotic Blinders.

Treasury to unveil a new $20.00 bill tomorrow, May 13, Tuesday. But it won't be green. They haven't said what color it will be yet. Rumor has it that William Bennett is giving the color "blue" 5-1 odds. [no, not really]

Steve Winwood celebrating a birthday today. Born in 1948.

Comedian George Carlin also born on this day in 1937.

Blogging Back - Many blogs are back up and running now conflict is over. [seen on CNN Headline News crawl last night]

Tam saw Saliva and other groups on Saturday. Did you say hello to Josey for me?

Quotes For Today

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2?


Sunday, May 11, 2003

Happy Mother's Day

to all you blogging Mother's today and every day...

Over one day in May 2003, people all over the world took a photograph an hour to illustrate a day in their life. Mayday was yesterday, Saturday, May 10.

Eminem won't let 'Weird Al' make a video called, "Couch Potato," a parody of Eminem's Oscar-winning tune "Lose Yourself". I don't blame him. This particular song is a very personal and special song to him.

Quotes For Today

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont

Sweater, n.: garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly. ~Ambrose Bierce

Some days you're the statue and others you're the pigeon.


Saturday, May 10, 2003

In the South, we pay no attention to the calendar. Summer officially begins when the Kudzu greens up and starts growing at 3 feet an hour. Does everyone outside the South know what "Kudzu" is? This pic looks like the view across the road from me. One plant of kudzu came to the US once upon a time and now grows all over the South at an alarming rate. Atlantans have long joked about it's tenacity and strength and have searched for solutions on how to kill it. This concludes your Geography lesson for today.

Happy Birthday, Crink!

Crystal, aka Crink, is celebrating her birthday today and all weekend long.

College football weblog looks interesting.

Quote For Today

"When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that in itself is a choice." ~William James

saturday morning me//

espresso/cheese danish/visine/

marlboros for breakfast/

oversized navy tee/maroon scuffs/

desk fan humming/npr radio/

sneaking up on the mirror/

Life is a lot like playing the french horn. You just have to blow through it.


Friday, May 9, 2003

More Bloghdad News

Robin's home and resting but still sore and foggy from the medicines. She should heal better in her own bed. With her dog and pc by her side! Anne has a hilarious story on Cow Corporations. And movie quote trivia for all you movie buffs. Brenda in Portugal is also battling the trolls, but she's probably outsmarting them. Shirl adds another injury to the present foot/heel ouchie she already had. Hope you're alright, Shirl. Snakes is doing the FF-{cool photo on her site}. Maru calls them as they actually are. Re: Bush's Top Gun II, the sequel. Kane has been doing some site-seeing around his Hawaiin neighborhoods and taking more beautiful photos. Nicole, is OVER all these skinny ass bee-yatches. I do think we're all ready for a Rubenesque period. Kim at Thymewise, has been making peanut butter cookies. Now I want one. Or two. Maggie must have a green thumb as she's showing her beautiful deck flowers pic. Crossing everything for Lynn; waiting on results from a job interview. Michelle is getting us ready for the Scavenger Hunt today/tonight. (She's in Sacremento, CA)

Here in the US the TV news keeps featuring a video of a teen boy jumping off a roof into a pool below. But partly landing on the concrete edge of the pool side, and moaning in agony when he surfaces from the water. It rips my heart out to see this. All the stations are running it with no warning with the hook being that he saw the stunt first on the show, "Jackass", on MTV. It's simply gut wrenching to view.

Email Revolution

Do you want one or two big companies acting as gatekeepers and controlling your access to news and entertainment? Most of us don't. On June 2, the Federal Communications Commission is planning on authorizing sweeping changes to the American news media. The rule changes could allow your local TV stations, newspaper, radio stations, and cable provider to all be owned by one company.

Quote For Today

I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers. ~Kahlil Gibran

Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2?


Repeat from May 02

The Fine Art Of Bird Flipping

We live in an fast-changing, frantic-paced world where store clerks or fast food workers seldom take the time to say, "Thank You" or a "Have A Nice Day". It's really stretching it to expect to get any empathy, or even sympathy from customer service workers on the other end of the phone. But when drivers on the busy roads have lost the fine art of giving the finger, well, the country has gone to hell in a handbasket. Driving home yesterday on a curvy, two-lane mountainous road, I rounded a particularly long curve to find a car coming from the opposite direction, but-- in-- my-- lane. He and I both swerved to our right, with only inches to spare, averting a major head-on collision. And as his sneering ass passes me on the road, he has the nerve to unfurl his middle finger and flip me off. And He Was In My Lane.

Now, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but where I come from, it's customary for the person who has been wronged, or the "flipper", to do the ceremonious flipping of the bird to the person who is in the wrong or the "flippee". I'm sure I saw it somewhere in the Bird-Flipping Rulebook. Or at least I learned it at my father's knee as he surely learned it from his forefathers before him. We're going to have to go over this again, I'm afraid. To set straight who's the actual flipper and who's the flippee.

There'll be a test on this tomorrow.


Thursday, May 8, 2003

Good Morning. It's a beautiful Thursday in North Carolina. Many areas in NC have flooded this week, but all I got was a good soaking here. Robin's {my younger sister} still in the hospital. They want her to try and get out of bed and walk some today. She hasn't eaten yet, but has an IV. This is her 3rd day; hopefully she can go home tomorrow. Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

Bloghdad News

Maggie says her dream birthday gift is to see Eminem in concert in Ireland next month. Kim at Intermission is catching a load of grief from a troll. Think this "Blog Raid" will help her ward off the varmit? Click on image for larger pic. Snakehairedgirl has a new baby {one month old} and still experiencing MIL problems. We're betting on tonight's "Survivor" bootee at Shirl's site tonight. Dear Anne always leaves me laughing and is dolling out super links for us to browse through. Alex has also had a lot of rain in her neck of the woods {Quebec}. Lynn is looking for a new, larger apartment around Halifax. No one really enjoys moving, do they? Kim has also experienced a thorough soaking down in Alabama. According to Blogdex there's an updated post on Dear Raed/Where's Raed's site. Tish is always so courageous as she frequently delves into her innermost feelings. And, gasp!, posts it, too. Kane breaks down Bush's tax cut proposal. Laurie, my favorite belly dancer, is quoting Mick Jagger. Rhonda is still dealing with the aftermath of her Mother's passing last week.

Crink has a birthday on Saturday. And she's off tomorrow and Monday. Bet that birthday celebration is going to be fierce! Bev had a mishap and hurt her foot, but nothing's stopping this full time worker and full time crafty lady.

Some silliness for you...To the tune of the 'Beverly Hillbillies' theme song.

Come listen to my story 'bout a man named Saddam

Babylon child with machine gun on his arm

Then one day, he knocks off a rival crew

Oil profits all for me and none of them for you

First thing you know, Saddam's a billionaire

His kinfolk said, "Get your fat ass outta there"

They said, "Londontown is the place you oughta be"

So he loaded up his camel and away he did flee

Robbin' banks, dodgin' tanks... Layin' low...

~me, certifiably silly

Quote For Today

May your hands always be busy, may your feet always be swift. May you have a strong foundation, when the winds of change shift. ~Bob Dylan

I've upped my standards, now up yours!


Wednesday, May 7, 2003

I usually like my shock rockers to NOT be so enterprising. It's just strange to see Alice Cooper hawking the 'rock and jock' blue plate special.


J-Mo, aka Jen raised an interesting point yesterday:

"When you read a post on someone's blog, are you more inclined to comment, if you are NOT the first one to leave a comment? Jen also says she is a "self proclaimed comment ho." I'd say she's running a close race with yours truly here. I was a little apprehensive about leaving comments when I first began visiting sites, especially on new blogs. But I enjoy interacting with blogging friends and that's what the comments are there for---to comment.

[via: reflections]


Sen Robert S Byrd: the end of the war should have been marked with 'solemnity, not extravagance'.... 'but I do question the motives of a deskbound President who assumes the garb of a warrior for the purposes of a speech.' One of the few officials that will speak out against the current administration. more»»


The Mandarin Scavenger Hunt - Friday May 9th 2003

Michelle at Mandarin Design is having a Scavenger Hunt Friday, May 9. Stop by her weblog for more details.


Quote For Today

"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." ~Albert Schweitzer


Don't Be Sexist - Bitches Hate That.




I always made a bee line for her bed whenever I visited. Grandmother's white chenille bedspread stretched so tightly that you could bounce quarters on it. I moved my arms and legs over it; snow angel style. Then lie perfectly still, willing the bumpy spread to leave it's marks on my young skin.

"Get off the bed!" she yelled. "You'll mess it up." Rising up, my hands lingered over the bumpy fabric as I hopped down from the bed. "O-kay!" I shot back.

I later found not only was her bed off limits, but so were most things a young girl wanted to snoop through. Her hope chest, her lavender, quilted satin-covered box that held beautifully starched and pressed handkerchiefs. And Colgate powdered toothpaste in the bathroom! I really wanted to shake that stuff out of the can.

Sometimes she'd take down her jewelry box and show me her cameos, rhinestone pins, pearls, and rings, etc. I especially liked a peach and ivory cameo brooch set in gold that had been her Mother's. And her gold wedding band that was etched with flowers and engraved inside with, "WEP - HBM 5-14-21". William Erwin Pippin to Hattie Blanche Miller - May 14, 1921. I began to understand Grandmother as a real person with a real life.

I'm no longer a young girl, and Grandmother passed on ages ago. And I've found myself saying, "Get off that bed!" to both my children over the years. Items of hers previously off limits are now treasured keepsakes in my home. Including an engraved gold wedding band and one very special bumpy bedspread on my bed.


Tuesday, May 6, 2003

Smokey was driving away when I peeked out of my blinds. He'd left two bags of groceries on my doorstep. In the midst of a heart-wrenching custody battle, and ferocious cocaine addiction, he hadn't given up on this mess I'd made of my life. I cracked opened the door and hurriedly retrieved the groceries. Taking in the fresh air; letting out the stale. I hadn't been outside in weeks. Or answered the door or telephone, unless it was to let in more dope. Safe within this coccoon. Safe within my destructive self-contained coccoon.

I peered inside one of the bags to see milk, bread, chips, cheese, sandwich meat, juice. The usual care package. Inside the other bag I found body splash, makeup, a book of poetry, magazines, a few cassettes. The bulletin from last Sunday's church service. And an envelope with my name on it.

Have a sandwich. Have some poetry or music.
And call if you need anything.

Fr Louis Oats†
aka Smokey

Robin went in for her spleen removal at 7:30 this morning. It's a 3 hour + surgery. I should hear something later today.
UPDATE: 12:50 pm - I spoke to Mother and she told me Robin came out of surgery at 11:30. And is hooked up to four different devices. She didn't do a very good job of reassuring me, although she said the doctor told her all went well. So I tried to reassure Mother. Robin took her Mailstation over there, so I'll probably relax when she emails me. Yes, I am scared. She's my baby sister, for goodness sakes.

I took the online Secret Service Test. But I kept failing the last mission, so I never could get a score. [via: presurfer]

Top Ten Conservative Idiots of the Week: Democratic Underground style. Dubya tops the list this week for spending lots of taxpayer money on a photo-op, wasting the time of thousands of sailors who were just trying to get home, and pretending that he did something other than tequila slammers and kegstands during Vietnam.

Seventies rock band, Mountain, are enjoying a surge of popularity thanks to the release of three of their albums: 1970's Climbing!, 1971's Nantucket Sleighride and their 1973 best-of collection. Leslie West is also appearing at the Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp this year Jun 18 - 22 in LA. Spend $5,000 to learn how to shake that ass. I can show you for less than that.

Rain, storms, and flood watches are the dreary order for NC today.

Quote For Today
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it."

As you were. Nothing more to see here.


Monday, May 5, 2003

Robin, hasn't felt very well

Tomorrow her spleen goes to hell

Instant weight loss, I'd say

Send some healing vibes her way.

My sister is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning to remove her spleen.


Geraldo, if you want a treasure trove of web traffic, you'll have to update that blog more often. And for God's sakes, man, lose the damn CAPS!

Quote For Today

When you come to the edge of all the life you know, Faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: Someone will be there to catch you or you will be taught to fly.

I can't remember if I'm the good twin or the evil one.


Sunday, May 4, 2003

A top White House drug policy official is threatening retaliation from the U.S. if Canada relaxes its laws against marijuana possession. Stay out of it, US. I feel like I'm riding on this runaway Hellbound Train with "W" as the engineer.

I added the little green fire-escape that Gary Turner made to the right side of the site. Clicking on it will take you to Google. Should I have it redirect someplace else? I always say this site looks best when viewed on company time.

*UPDATE* 4:33 pm--For those of you who don't have a way to upload the little green gif, Gary has kindly given permission to use his code and bandwidth for this, if you're interested. It couldn't be any simpler. Go here»

Quote For Today

The only abnormality is the incapacity to love. ~Anaïs Nin

Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full. I say, are you going to drink that damn thing or not?


Saturday, May 3, 2003

Good Morning World...beautiful and sunny today here in NC. After being pelted with one-inch hail balls yesterday.

James Brown is 75 years old today. What's more amazing is the $5.00 I paid to see him years ago. "Mamma, come here quick..."

PETA lists their top ten vegetarian cities and five that aren't. Asheville, NC, came in at number 9. San Francisco is number one.

Are these people engaged in sex or something else?

[via: linkydinky]

I saw this on So Graham Norton. It's a "turd twister". The instructions are hilarious. It's a real 'toy', but made just for laughs.

"To use Mammonet®, all you need is a computer, internet access, and a boob." Some sick fucktard put this site up. Sad thing is some people may think they can get a mammogram by pressing their boobs up to the monitor.

[via: linkydinky]

Like to write stories? Or, do you like to read short stories? One of my favorite sites is read online is Fray.

saturday morning me//

boxers//white tee/pink chenille robe//

flip-flops//funky hair//espresso w/ amaretto//

love how that rhymes-o//an orange//

marlboro between my teeth//

ashes on the keyboard//

how's about you?//

A day without sun shine is like, you know, night.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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