Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jack Smith was a '60s underground legend. Before he was 30, this gay, Jewish, cross-dressing filmmaker had made one of the most influential films of all time, the 1963 avant-garde classic, "Flaming Creatures".

Though eventually banned in the state of New York for its array of bare breasts and flaccid penises, many bright lights of the New York underground hailed it as a masterpiece.

Purportedly made for just $300, Flaming Creatures features exotically dressed transvestites, a rape and enough bare-bones spectacle to make it the fringe cinema's answer to the exotic adventures like Arabian Nights (1942) that so enchanted Smith in his youth.

Avant-garde film enthusiast Andy Ditzler, who almost single-handedly has been keeping film culture alive in Atlanta, will man his blessedly creaky film projector to feature a 16mm print of Flaming Creatures in a one-night homage to some of the pioneers of American underground cinema, Carnivals of Ecstasy, at Eyedrum Gallery in Atlanta. The evening also features a new Ira Cohen work, "Brain Damage", as well as his new expanded "Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda".

The screening is part of Table of the Elements Festival No. 4: Bohrium, which presents five days of music (John Cale, Rhys Chatham, Captain Beefheart, ) and film that shuns the ivory tower for something that more closely resembles punk rock's outsider ethos and anti-establishment buck.




"If I catch my opponents ever sleeping, I will just slaughter them where they lie," Dylan growls over his band's bleak accompaniment of 'Ain't Talking' from his new Modern Times cd just out today.

You can listen to the cd on AOL and also see the world premiere of the video, 'When The Deal Goes Down', which is also good, but I didn't see Bob in it-- only Scarlett Johanssen.

"I'm not disturbing the peace. I'm disturbing the war."
-- Ammon Hennacy


Monday, August 28, 2006

"With the Burning Man art festival in the Nevada desert starting Monday, a group of San Francisco scientists is busy calculating how much the event contributes to global warming."

"Encouraged by the resurgence of the green movement, the scientists are taking a hard look at all those sacred flaming temples, gas-powered scooters shaped like cupcakes, and hundreds of rumbling RVs that converge for a week on the dry Black Rock Desert lakebed." link

Oops! The San Francisco Chronicle article got it wrong. The "cupcakes" are NOT gas-powered; they're electric. Not to worry. The burners set them straight. See the link at the bottom.

What got into these scientists? I always thought the Burning Man participants were very conscientious. See Cooling Man.



Sunday, August 27, 2006

weekend me//
sniffing/wheezing/sneezing/not geezing/
o how I enjoy a cool morning breeze (ing)/
gauzy gown/headwrap holding up braids/barefoot/
listening: Resonance 104.4/
wheat bagel & brie/start the day with oj/
outside my window: duffers on the back nine/
forecast: all's peaceful in my 'burbian cove/
so how about you?/


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Yet another tale of voting machine woe unfolds as Diebold machine defects necessitate hand counts and manual uploading in several Alaskan precincts. link

20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

Did you know....

1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.


3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.


4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."


9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.


10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.


[Read ALL 20...]


Friday, August 25, 2006

Coast To Coast-Whitley Streiber
No matter what your beliefs are about ufos, crop circles or ghosts and intelligent life "out there" you must admit Coast To Coast is a very interesting talk radio program.

Early this morning I listened to author Whitley Strieber discussing his experiences with alien entities, some of which were incorporated into his new novel The Grays. I haven't read anything by him except Communion: A True Story but I'll have to read this one now.

George Noory interviewed Whitley Strieber last night, but he'll be back on the show with Art Bell this Sunday. Amazing stories. But are they true or not?

The Saturday show's guest is the good doctor, Rick Strassman.



Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ZEN NOIR began more than ten years ago, when I was meditating in a Buddhist temple at 5 a.m. Keenly aware of all the half-asleep people sitting in the room, I was suddenly struck with an odd thought: "what would happen if one of us just keeled over, dead?"

From that moment, the ideas slowly evolved: Western vs. Eastern views of death; Love vs. the inevitable fact that Everything Changes; and finally, Logic vs. Reality.

It was this last thought that brought me to the idea of Film Noir. In Film Noir, the detective often sets out to solve one mystery, but ends up finding another, deeper mystery, and having to confront dark, sometimes frightening truths.

In Zen Buddhism, this type of mystery is often expressed as a koan. A koan is a teaching riddle the master poses to the student that cannot be solved with logic. The koan most Westerners are familiar with is: “what is the sound of one hand clapping?” On the surface, the question is absurd, because no amount of reason or logic will lead you to an answer. But there is an answer: the answer is who you become as you explore the question, what you discover about yourself, the universe, and all of existence. Opens September 15.

* A collection of Zen Koans



Friday, August 18, 2006

This month McDonald's is giving away toy Hummers — 42 million of them, in eight models and colors — with every Happy Meal or Mighty Kids Meal. That's right: The fast-food chain that helped make our kids the fattest on Earth is now selling future car buyers on the fun of driving a supersized, smog-spewing, gas-guzzling SUV originally built for the military.

link via TreeHugger


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Politically Incorrect Alphabet

Visit link for rest of the alphabet


Click the title link to hear...

The Lyrics:

Ratings in the basement
Mixing up the President
People on the pavement
Wondering where their country went
War of aggression
No plan, wrong place
Based upon a flawed case
Hail Mary full of grace
Look out son
We can’t cut and run
God knows when
Until our troops are home again
Better duck from the IED
With armor that they didn’t send
The man in the four star hat
Who’d been to war
Asked for 300,000 troops
Rummy said what for?

W comes flat boot
Posing in a flight suit
Reading “My Pet Goat”
Freedoms on the march but
The phones tapped anyway
W and the N.S.A.
Gonzales says it’s okay
Welcome to the U.S.A.
Look out Y’all
They’re breaking the law
Soldiers going to jail for
Command chain failures
Private contractors
Men without masters
Order GI’s
to torture bad guys
You don’t need a law degree
To know where the blame lies

Get back, Oh well
No insurance, go to hell
Big bills, No pills
Hang around the stem cell
Work force, Outsourced
Get sacked, Pay day
No way, Ken Lay
Welcome to your rainy day
Look out kid, you’re gonna get hit
By gas price, Melting Ice
Science is a dirty vice
Mandate, Plamegate,
diebold, lies told
Recruiters by the high school
Tell kids war’s cool
Don’t follow leaders
When leaders are all cheaters

c Paul Hipp 2006



Wednesday, August 16, 2006


The Republican Party has a new voter registration project in Fresno. It involves luring people to sign a LEGALIZE MARIJUANA petition and then re-registering them as Republicans.



"Great Internet Guitar God Is ONLY TWELVE!"

When I saw that headline I wanted to find out more...

JerryC arranged and performs a rock version of Pachelbel’s Canon that’s become a litmus for aspiring Internet guitar gods. (Hear them all here.) But it's JerryC’s protégé Funtwo, who is only 12 years old, that has everyone buzzing.

Virginia Heffernan at the New York Times Screen blogs received a letter from the mother of a 12-year old guitar prodigy who has been tearing it up on Youtube. He has been known as Funtwo, we now know him as Alfonso. Funny thing, she had no clue that he played the electric guitar because he doesn’t have one. You can read more about the back story here.



Monday, August 14, 2006

WATCHING LEBANON - Washington's interests in Israel's war. --by SEYMOUR M. HERSH

The White House was more focused on stripping Hezbollah of its missiles, because, if there was to be a military option against Iran's nuclear facilities, it had to get rid of the weapons that Hezbollah could use in a potential retaliation at Israel. Bush wanted both. Bush was going after Iran, as part of the Axis of Evil, and its nuclear sites, and he was interested in going after Hezbollah as part of his interest in democratization, with Lebanon as one of the crown jewels of Middle East democracy.

..."If the most dominant military force in the region the 'Israel Defense Forces' can't pacify a country like Lebanon, with a population of four million, you should think carefully about taking that template to Iran, with strategic depth and a population of seventy million," Armitage said. "The only thing that the bombing has achieved so far is to unite the population against the Israelis."

...A former intelligence officer said, "We told Israel, 'Look, if you guys have to go, we’re behind you all the way. But we think it should be sooner rather than later—the longer you wait, the less time we have to evaluate and plan for Iran before Bush gets out of office.' "


More truth on laying the foundation for a war with Iran. Hersh always cuts through the mountains of bullshit and also has an incredible way of getting people of the highest ranks to confide in him.


Jill Carroll, a freelance reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, was held hostage in Iraq for 82 days. This is her story.
The Jill Carroll Story - Part I

"Oh my God, oh my God, they're going to kill me, this is going to be it. I don't know when but they're going to do it," I thought.

I crawled over to Abu Hassan, the one who seemed more grown-up and sympathetic. His 9mm pistol was by his side, as usual.

"You're my brother, you're truly my brother," I said in Arabic. "Promise me you will use this gun to kill me by your own hand. I don't want that knife, I don't want the knife, use the gun." [MORE...]

This girl's heart appears to be in the right place and it's good to read the account of her ordeal, sans agenda, I believe. If I compare two victims of kidnapping like Jill Carroll and Jessica Lynch, I sure can see the reactive pendulum swing both ways.



Saturday, August 12, 2006


Carol Steen has an unusual ability. The 62-year-old Manhattan artist doesn't just hear sounds; she sees them in brilliant colors.

The ringing of a doorbell, for instance, causes her to see a splash of bright blue. A piano concerto produces a burst of pink. And what she sees in her mind when her 99-year-old mother raises her voice lets her know immediately that she is in trouble.

"Her voice gets this amazing terra-cotta orange color," Steen said. "That's when I know Mom is unhappy with me." Steen has an obscure but not so rare neurological condition that causes a person's senses to blend together, such that hearing certain words might produce "Fantasia"-like visuals, smells can elicit explosions of colors and experiencing pain may tint the world pale hues.

Known as synesthesia, (some spell it synaesthesia) - which literally means joined sensation - the condition has been documented since the 1700s. For decades, it had been dismissed as little more than the product of an overly vivid imagination.

I have always seen colors for letters and numbers, but I thought it was just something only I did so I never mentioned it. I may have some synesthesia behavior, but not as predominantly as many others do. I really didn't think too much about it until I was painting and a very sassy and invasive blue upper case "E" kept appearing in my artwork; those times being psychedelically absorbed notwithstanding. He had a face and arms and legs and was RCrumb-like and I embraced it. But I'm sure people were saying, "Bless her heart" behind my back when they saw those paintings.

If you see colors when a trumpet blows or if your steak tastes like a rich blue hue, you are deeply imeshed in synesthesia and that must be pretty cool.



The Life Of Roderick Romero

Roderick Romero has a boyish face and a sideways grin. He wears his hair in reddish-brown braids that fall to his waist (it was last cut in 1990, when he took a Swiss army knife to it in the middle of a concert he was performing with his band, Sky Cries Mary.) His strong forearms are covered in tattoos of voodoo and Santeria symbols and illustrations from the Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore's firefly poems. While he has been many thing -- rock star, yogi, premed student, aspiring tennis pro -- his current incarnation may be the most unlikely: His is a tree house designer, and his growing list of clients includes Sting, Donna Karan, Val Kilmer, and Julianne Moore.

This new career began in 1998, when a friend asked him to contribute an art piece to an outdoor exhibition she was curating in Bald Hills, Washington. "I told her I would build this big nest," Romero says, "and you could sleep in it." He had no idea he would tap into a national fascination with tree houses.

For the next nine months, Romero was firmly steeped in the world of his nest. Like a bird, ne gathered fallen twigs and reeds and vines from nearby trees and then had to figure out how to build something structurally sound, sustained at 30 feet off the ground. "It was coming straight out of the ether," he says. "I had no idea what I was doing. It was purely conceptual, but it had to be engineered well. It had to be safe." The result was a creation that looks sort of like a bearded bungalow perched among the branches of a giant leaf maple.

When his brother saw the nest, he requested one, so Romero built him the Eagle House, a pine and cedar trapezoid that straddles four trees in the Cascade Mountains. A few months later, Romero was visiting Sting and his wife, Trudy, at their home in Tuscany (Romero knows them through the yoga world). He told them about his first two tree houses, at which point Trudie asked, "Why don't you build us a tree house?" And so came tree house No.3.

For more information on the treehouses, Click Here.



Friday, August 11, 2006

Random Ten Songs on mp3 player

1. Space Captain - Black Crowes
2. Naked As We Came - Iron & Wine
3. Waters of March - David Byrne (With Marisa Monte)
4. Then Kill Caesar - Current 93
5. Isn't It A Pity - George Harrison
6. Moon Occults The Sun - Espers
7. Qana - Patti Smith
8. Dirty Water - The Standells
9. It's You - Vashti Bunyan (& Animal Collective)
10. Analogue Skillet - Jackie-O Motherfucker


Thursday, August 10, 2006

News from Patti Smith


August 9 full moon. This is the day Jerry Garcia died. He was born on the first of August and passed away on the ninth, so it's nice to think of that span as Jerry week. It certainly seems that he well deserves a 9 day week. So it's winding to a close. I lit him a candle, listened to him singing Palm Sunday, and looked at his paintings in a big Jerry book.

August 2, the birthday of my sister Kimberly, was the anniversary of William Burroughs' passing. While in my old house in Michigan I found my seventy year old bottle of Chartreuse squirreled away. I bought it in the eighties with him in mind. We promised each other we'd share a drink one day, but we never got around to it. I reread his Port of Saints and looked at a catalogue of his gun shot paintings. I traced my son and daughter's names written in his hand on an old Christmas card. Then I cracked open the Chartreuse and poured us each a shot. The green sugary liquid put me in mind of nineteenth century absinthe, so while I had my ritual drink with William, I kept in mind the likes of Paul Verlaine, Baudelaire and Arthur Rimbaud.

August 3, on the birthday of Beverly Lee, a member of the wondrous Shirelles, Arthur Lee passed away. I met him a long time ago. He was just a little older than me. He was soft spoken with a vague criminal air. Forever Changes left its mark. I was in Michigan when he died and I walked down to the end of my dead end street and sat on a bench beneath a weeping willow. It was at least one hundred degrees but I still had my trusty black coffee, steaming fresh from Seven Eleven. I played back Amoreagain and Orange Skies in my mind. These songs of Love are so deeply rooted I can hear them as clear as if they were wafting from a turntable.

My son's birthday rolled around. August 6 was the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. Over one hundred thousand people were massacred in that drop. Too many candles for one to light. I was back at my post on the bench looking out at Lake St. Clair. A huge Monarch brushed my cheek. I figured the butterfly, symbol of immortality, served to evoke them.

A few weeks ago I was in London. I visited a small bar painted green and lit with a green light. William used to frequent this joint some years ago. You can only enter through private subscription. I wasn't drinking. I was just visiting. It was three in the afternoon. There were a few old-school characters nursing their whiskies. Suddenly, in the center of the friendly yet oppressive silence, one of them cried out "Syd Barrett is dead." This took me off guard. But the fellows spontaneously raised their glasses, issued a " here! here! Syd!" and then retreated into their private worlds. For that one moment they were of one mind. And I was with them, saluting someone I never knew. Someone who made music. Someone who loved Arthur Lee.

Today is my friend Betsy Lerner's birthday. It's the day the United States dropped an Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki. It's the day Hermann Hesse died. The day Jerry died. I have returned to the city. Children are racing up and down my street. We humans keep in mind. That's what we do. Tonight is a full moon. Guess when it sets, I will get me a cup of black coffee, sit on the stoop, and contemplate the bombing of Qana, the miracle of love and Dark Star.

Patti Smith


Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Thanks for the add, Bob!

Bob Dylan joins MySpace and makes 15,282 friends.




Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Symbiosis Gathering: September 21-25, 2006
Arts, Music, & Conscious Lifestyle Gathering
Angels Camp, California, USA

Our intention is to create a gathering space for people to exchange ideas, express creativity, explore spirituality, camp together, and enjoy themselves in a positive and nurturing environment. We seek to align ourselves for positive change through the creative arts, music, holistic medicine, and communal networking.



Monday, August 7, 2006


Let your community be small, with only a few people;
Keep tools in abundance, but do not depend upon them;

Appreciate your life and be content with your home;
Sail boats and ride horses, but don't go too far;
Keep weapons and armour, but do not employ them;
Let everyone read and write,
Eat well and make beautiful things.

Live peacefully and delight in your own society;
Dwell within cock-crow of your neighbours,
But maintain your independence from them.



Friday, August 4, 2006

Michael Jantzen's Wind Shaped Pavilion is a design proposal for a large fabric structure that can be used as a public or private pavilion. As a lightweight fabric structure, the wind slowly and randomly rotates each of the six segments around a central open support frame. This continually alters the shape of the pavilion, while at the same time generating electrical power for its nighttime illumination.

His work is fun and functional and aesthetically pleasing as well as environmentally smart. See his website for more outstanding designs.



"I'm not too concerned about getting caught," said Eric, a Bellevue man in his early 30s who peddles pot online through craigslist.

Local and federal law enforcement officials said they're aware dealers like Eric are turning to craigslist and other Web sites to sell pot, but the amounts sold are generally so small they're not very concerned.

Eric, who spoke on the condition that his last name not be used, says he doesn't make much of a profit — if any — but sells enough marijuana so he can smoke for free. He sells small amounts — usually an eighth of an ounce, which brings in $30 to $40. Most clients are friends or friends of friends, Eric said.

Pretty ballsy, I'd say and good that they don't pick on them.



Thursday, August 3, 2006

From the Dept of DUH

Generals Warn Of Civil War scream the headlines. Right after they closed the barn door. Isn't that what everyone's been saying all along BUT the US military?



The impending Minimum Wage bill sounds like a great idea that's long, long, overdue. Right? Think again.

The Estate Tax and Political Blackmail
It's nothing short of political blackmail to claim that the only way for minimum wage workers to get a raise is if we enact a tax giveaway to the richest Americans.

On Friday, the Senate will vote on a bill that increases the minimum wage for the first time in nine years. Conservatives "who never voted for the minimum wage before, you'll see them vote for this," explained Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC).

Why? Because the minimum wage increase -- which is at its lowest buying power in 51 years -- is being coupled with an unnecessary and costly reduction in the estate tax for the super-wealthy, a windfall for a small number of powerful legions in the conservative base.

Can you even get more disgusted with the actions of the Senate? No raising minimum wage unless you line my pockets some more.




Wednesday, August 2, 2006

I saw some strange theremins on eBay. There's an alien head, a large die (dice), a stoplight and several baby doll heads with glowing red eyes.

This particular little number is called a Baby Head XLPC (xtra large photo cell) Theremin Sci-Fi Synth Effects Digital and is to be used with an amp.

"Large photo cell installed on top of the theremin will pick up any existing light in the room and transform it into sounds that are out of this world." [via]



Tuesday, August 1, 2006

The Prayer For Peace

The Global Dance and Music Festival for Peace Uniting 222 locations in 50 Countries

The Prayer for Peace will be played on Saturday, September 16, 2006, at
4pm Pacfic Standard Time

Click Here to play the Prayer For Peace.

Visit EarthDance to find an event near you or download the song and celebrate solo.


From the fabulous & fearless Freeway Blogger. And someone from an airbase in Afghanistan put up a great Impeach Bush sign.




* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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