Wednesday, April 30, 2003

My First Album story in Rolling Stone magazine is a fun read. My first album was "Meet The Beatles" my Dad bought for me when I was 10 or 11 a young thing.

Janeane Garofalo won't back down. Alternet has a new piece on her.

It isn't enough for Neal Pollack to be The Greatest Living American Writer. Pollack wants more. What a surprise.

Quote For Today

"When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that in itself is a choice." ~William James

Putting the "ass" in classy.


Oh yeah. She's undone. Our daughter made some long distance calls without asking and ran the phone bill up real good. What does her pushover Dad do to punish her? Since our almost 15 yo dear daughter had been feuding with her grandmother, my husband said, "Sweetie, if you call your grandmother and be real nice, you'll be off the hook." She was expecting a month or more of no phone; I thought we were still discussing it. Damn, she's gonna run right over both of us like a bulldozer.

Sky knows she got away big time. I was thinking no phone---and/or pay the bill off by doing extra chores around the house; cutting the grass, etc. And I'm also thinking what's to prevent her from doing this again, or something else freaky? Not one fucking thing. I'm so mad I could eat nails.


Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Happy Tuesday to ya. Tuesday is my 2nd favorite day of the week after Friday. Fridays are full of giddy anticipation, and Tuesdays are like a do-over for the Monday you totally screwed up.

See your favorite celebs flipping "The Bird".

Jack Osbourne, 17, Ozzy's son, is in rehab for problems with drinking and drugs. From one addict to another, I'm glad he's getting help and I wish him well.

WaPo talks about the bloggers grassroots effort to drum up support for Howard Dean, Democratic presidential candidate for 2004. Similar to the ground swelling effect that blogging had on Trent Lott.

Living in the South most my life and now in the Blue Ridge mountain range, I've never felt tremors from an earthquake before. I read that parts of GA, AL, NC & SC and TN experienced a tremor measuring 4.9 at 5:00 am this morning. You didn't really think my big ol' ass was up outta bed at 5, did you?

Digital Dreams. Something to pass the time away at work.

More nekkidness. [may not be safe for work] This photographer, Spencer Tunick, mostly takes pictures of the naked human form. You can sign up to pose for him, or take a look at his work.

An alternative spiritual directory site for you. Om Place.

Quote For Today

Heaven for climate. Hell for company. ~Mark Twain

Pull my finger.


Monday, April 28, 2003

Bloghdad News

Lots of hell raising going on over at BlogShares. I read some comments at Soloner's. And more at Kiss My Blog. Some people are either opting out of BS, or fading out completely. Anyone else had any problems with BlogShares? [Via: Intermission]


Blog Love To You!

More importantly, everyone's spreading the love. Stopping by shows me that you lovingly took the time out of your busy life to say hello to me. I love and appreciate my blogging friends. That's why I try to make time for them as much as I possibly can.

SARS getting closer and closer to home. Especially scary when church no longer offers you the chalice to drink from; everyone will dip their "bread" into it now, instead of the whole congregation drinking from the same chalice during communion.

How can we say Haliburton broke the law when Cheny and friends made the laws?


"I've got an itch."

"What. You got crotch crickets?"

"No, silly. Tricks are for kids."

Quote For Today

You never lose by loving. You lose by holding back. ~Barbara De Angelis

I'm out of bed and I made it to the keyboard. What more do you want?


Sunday, April 27, 2003

Shirl features a "Peep Show" on her site. [Rated: G]

Webby Award Nominees

»Woody Harrelson's activist site, Voice Yourself, is worth a look.

»Repeat of the Visual Thesaurus. This link is the online version; there's also a desktop version that's would be great for writers.

»Nobody here. Just me. {Go to the interactive English version and just click around and watch the strangeness.}


Beck's online journal.

Malkovich is preparing lunch, carving thin slices off a huge piece of prosciutto that has its hairy hoof still attached. John Malkovich article today in NYTimes. Love him.

Mother invents 'orgasm machine'. "Called Vielle". The article says its a real timesaver. (Ok. I set 'em up; you can lob them outta the park. Anne?)

Some blogging buttons you may need. [via: LinkMachineGo]

Quote For Today

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truely endless. ~Mother Teresa

Insert pretentious blog quote here.


Saturday, April 26, 2003

Online Peace Rally?

The war may be about over but the conditions for future preemptive, near-unilateral wars are obviously still in place. Add your face and voice to this peace community, Faces For Peace.

The United States will next week appoint a former head of Shell Oil to run Iraq's oil industry, it was reported today. [via: times uk; seen: agonist]

The Dalai Lama speaks out on the zen of science and meditation and how to lead a peaceful life.

Any of you online photographers wanna play Saturday Snaps?

Online swap site for books, dvds, cds you no longer want at Swappington's.

Good Alternative Directory - Zenzibar.

Find out how big your ecological footprint is. This was a real eye-opener. (survey takes a few minutes)

Quote For Today

To be yourself, in a world that tries, night and day, to make you just like everybody else - is to fight the greatest battle there ever is to fight, and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings

saturday morning me/

camouflage capris/ black tee/ black birks/

newly highlighted hair/no make-up/

espresso/honey wheat bagel/

marlboro between my teeth/doing the

gym-pharmacy-grocery shuffle/

how's about you?/

It ain't pretty being easy.


Friday, April 25, 2003

Twisted Sister will reunite next month for a brief USO tour and select U.S. and European dates over the summer. I'll never forget taking my son to see Twisted Sister (and Iron Maiden) in the eighties. It was his first concert. We had such a great time. He was so blown away; he couldn't believe he was actually witnessing such an event. Of course, I enjoyed watching him most of all.

[via: link seen at gofish]

Jane's Addiction plan to release their new cd, Hypersonic, on July 3. They're very excited about it and plan to play 6 of the songs when touring with Lollapalooza, along with the vintage material.

The Dixie Chicks are sold out for their first concert of their upcoming tour on May 1, (50 miles from me), at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC. A radio talk show host is sponsoring an anti-Dixie Chicks concert that same night in neighboring Spartanburg, SC. Their former fans misplaced patriotism by proxy is a scary thing. Although I've never been a fan of theirs, I do wish them well since they've become such media underdogs. According to the 627 talk radio shows that make up the Liberal media, that is.

F%#king migraine headaches. I don't know what's worse---the throbbing pain or the unproductive incapacitation. Much of my Thursday was shot to hell. But I'm raring to go now.

Quote For Today

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't squat with your spurs on.


Thursday, April 24, 2003

in the stillness, i take down my dusty guitar and rest it's hollow body on my lap. fingers quick to find old tunes from years ago---"don't think twice, it's allright", peter, paul, & mary version; jumping over to 'stormy monday', always love playing the blues. strings squeakin', thinking of joey and all the other guitars and fiddles he's made for us. now there's a story. fingers tender, remembering a time when they stayed calloused. every callous and every song tells a story.

the holiday inn, the old vfw, or even standing on the back of a flat bed truck, pluggin' in amps and guitars, takin' the mike with my blue jean mini-skirt and red boots on; hair streaming down, looking hotter than a fresh f%$ked fox in a forest fire. (to be young and naive again) i'm ready to belt out some grace slick or janis or fleetwood mac. can we do some 'jefferson airplane' tonight, guys? but you said we'd be doing.....ok. i'll sing 'rocky top'---one more time.

The lady who wrote 'Rocky Top' (together with her husband), died last week. It's a old bluegrass standard that every Tennesseean knows well. You'll hear it played at inaugurations, by marching bands, at your neighbor's back yard bbq.

I so appreciate your point of view that I almost regret dismissing it.


Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Does anyone know if the New Blogger will be just for Blogger Pro users?

Update 8:02pm: Ok. To snoop around the new Blogger stuff, go to the New Blogger page and below your blog listing, sign in to make a new blog. This will set you up in Beta New Blogger and you can see for yourself the new editing area, etc, as you make a new blog and try out the beta version of Blogger.

Love magnets. May not be safe for work. (java needed)

Artist Keith Haring's online coloring book.

A new Jimi Hendrix exhibit will open June 7 at the Experience Music Project museum in the late guitar legend's hometown of Seattle.

Ready for another "Rate My ..."? Here's an Australian "Rate My Tattoo" site. And here is a list of Top 100 "Rate My" sites.

Some may pooh-pooh the claim, but with over 2 million sold, golden turds are the latest hit consumer product to raise a stink in fad fetish Japan. [via: davezilla]

" trying to outdo the 'never-say-die' kudzu across the road." (Spring thoughts)

Quotes For Today

April is the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain. ~T. S. Eliot

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on. ~Robert Frost

Stop Global Whining.


Tuesday, April 22, 2003

In the mail yesterday afternoon, I received a beautiful handmade card from Crink. It's a combination of beautiful silver scripting of the word "Peace" in many languages, with silver embellishments designed geometrically and attached onto a forest green background. Truly a work of Art. Thanks, Crink. I appreciate that.

Sadly, Nina Simone, eclectic soul and protest singer, passed away yesterday.

It's Earth Day!

Donate to Earth Day Network and receive a signed Peter Max print. This international group supports over 5,000 groups in 184 countries (this site is in 6 languages). Here's also a Canadian Earth Day site. Google also has a neat logo on their site today.

Gwen Stefani updated her weblog/journal recently explaining what's new with her now that she's married and 'No Doubt' is on hiatus.

$43,050,671,685? The cost of the war in Iraq affects every single citizen. [via: Anita Roddick's].

Anyone ever seen this before? Ever?

Quote For Today

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

As you were. Nothing more to see here.


Monday, April 21, 2003

My server was down from late afternoon until late last night. Damnit.

New Liz Phair songs at her site.

Here's one of the first pics of Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson on the set of their upcoming Starsky And Hutch movie.

The New Carpetbaggers? {The Email Activist is also a good site.}


When my sister (who's really two years younger than I), and I are out and I've introduced her to someone, I ALWAYS add, "She's the oldest". We've always giggled about this. I'd first said it with a straight face once in an Atlanta bar after several cocktails, and the other person said something like, "Really? I thought so". Which immediately threw me to the floor in fits of laughter.

When we were in our twenties and had spent the rent money on clothes and makeup, cocaine and wine, dinner parties and travel, we were absolutely determined to never grow old. To postpone it somehow while burning the candle at both ends. But I soon realized for the first time that I wasn't going to live forever. I stood a little closer to the mirror. Is that a gray hair? But I'm just 27. Old at 27? Yeah. I really thought I was.


Quote For Today

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.

~George Bernard Shaw

If we can put a man on the moon, why not all of them?


Sunday, April 20, 2003

If you celebrate Easter,

Happy Easter to you!

And if you don't celebrate Easter, have a wonderful Sunday!

Now, the Iraqui Information Minister talking doll. Why did I not see that coming?

More "Peeps" links than you'll ever need to see in a lifetime.

Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon got their apology from the baseball Hall of Fame president, sort of.

Easter memories on s u s a n * j a y n e today.

Quote For Today

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. ~J. B. Priestley (1894-1984) American Writer

Just set down my coffee and s-l-o-w-l-y back away.


Saturday, April 19, 2003

Kill Two Birds And Get Stoned, a new book by Kinky Friedman, about the adventures of a struggling novelist, has just been released.

Running For Prez in 2004?

"Wesley Clark: As everyone here already knows, he's my favorite (daily kos speaking here) in this race. He's solid on national security, well-spoken, presidential, pro-choice, pro-gun, pro-affirmative action, anti-PATRIOT Act, and believes strongly that the government should provide for the less fortunate amongst us. But is he running?" [asks daily kos]

A website on 'Which Country Is Next'. In a liberating kinda way, I suppose they mean?

Spam We Will Never See

Penis reduction pills!

Gain weight fast!

Reconcile with your boss!

Get into debt overnight!

Sexy, mature, well-adjusted women with realistic body shapes are waiting to hear from you!

Do you suffer from perfectly adequate self-esteem!?

Prozac, Valium, Viagra! Who needs 'em? Relax, you're doing fine! [via: antipixel]

They first changed the TNN name from The Nashville Network to The National Network. And now, they've changed it again to Spike. Yes, I said, Spike. It's all racing and 'rasslin, so why don't they just rename TNN the Redneck Network (TRN)?

Quote For Today

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." ~Kahlil Gibran

saturday morning me/

pink chenille robe/flannel pants/grey tee/

rubber sandals/bed head ponytail/coffee iv/

2 apple newtons, ok--3/atl paper/

liz phair/marlboro between my teeth/

how's about you?/

don't make me go uppercase on your ass.


Friday, April 18, 2003

Hell Readies A Room For... [apologies to mm]

A Levittown, Pennsylvania mother is accused of duct-taping her two foster children. Her husband took the pictures to prove it. Some people are just sick. I saw this last night and these two small kids looked like mummies wrapped up in the duct tape.

Easter eggs found here--the computer "hidden" kind. I used to be fascinated by the 'teapots' on a Windows screensaver---ages ago.

Bloggin' Around

When I visit, I refer to him as Theo, and at we all call him Kane. But that is not their names. It's weird how we assign names according to web site titles. There are probably more. Well, just as long as no one starts calling me Easy.

Ericka has a new design. And Trinity, too. She also happens to be sunburned from a day at the beach yesterday. And so does Serenity (I mentioned earlier this week). Anyone else have a new design I may have missed?

I could spend tons of time looking around this site. Kyle Whelliston's Intersection. Beautifully written weblog and a super design and execution.

Fleetwood Mac will kick off the Today show's summer concert series when they perform on the NBC morning program today, Friday. After the performance, drummer Mick Fleetwood and singer-guitarist Lindsey Buckingham will participate in a live online audio chat at noon ET today -- click here to submit your questions.

Damn, that was great. They sang Go Your Own Way, Peacekeeper, their new one. And Rhiannon. I'm so tired of their old stuff---but the new cd, Say You Will, is kick ass.

Quote For Today(an oldie, but goodie )

"You may only be one person to the world, but you may be the world to one person."


Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it.


Thursday, April 17, 2003

Good morning. I know how valuable your time is. Thanks for giving me just a couple of minutes of it today.

Super sensory chill-out. A nice new-wave kind of site.

[via: presurfer]


Hasty, incomplete news reports have suggested that coalition troops found chemical weapons, or even nukes, in Iraq. They haven't -- at least not yet. And the rest of world is watching skeptically.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, be sure to tune in to the KPFK interview with Rickie Lee Jones 90.7 FM on Thursday, April 17th at 5:00 PM.

I believe Cher and Michael Jordan are competing to see who can do the most farewell performances.

Quote For Today

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. ~ Henry Van Dyke

This website looks best when viewed on company time.


Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Why is it that FoxNews' Bill O'Reilly gets a pass but Trent Lott has to step down? At a Republican fund raiser, he is heard saying "I hope they're not in the parking lot stealing my hubcaps," referring to a group of inner city students who're are there to sing. After his "wetback" reference last month, methinks we need a muzzle for Bill.

Greenville, SC, two counties over from me, and birthplace of Rev Jesse Jackson, still shot down approval of a Martin Luther King Day yesterday. Unbelieveable.

Irish actor, Colin Farrell is poised to put his hell-raising talents to test - by playing legendary bad boy rocker Ozzy Osbourne. This should be pretty interesting.

All My Children, will be showing the first daytime lesbian kiss on April 22. Hopefully, one day this will be so normal that it will no longer be newsworthy.

The Penis Blog Project--match the blogger to the penis. Sounds like fun. Anyone for Sushi? (Not Safe For Work.)

(You've probably seen these already.) First we had the Iraqui regime playing cards. And, now there's the Bush regime playing cards. I'll pass.

**This slow-ass dial-up, low memory dinosaur I'm typing on freezes up each time I try to open Serenity's site today. I can tell she's got a new design and that it's a lovely pink color, but it freezes up and I can't get in. Will try again later, Srenity. I bet it looks great.

**updated @ 1:02 pm

Quote For Today

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ~Marcel Proust

I still miss my ex-husband. Will my aim ever improve?


Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Happy Tuesday!

Action ideas for Tax Day.

Through The Past Darkly

The Rolling Stones are fighting to stop a controversial new film, The Wicked World of Brian Jones, about their early days which focuses on the suspected murder of founder member Brian Jones.

Don't forget your Easter Peeps this week.

Me? I'll just have the 'Uncle Sam' cereal. 10 grams of fiber. Holy blast off, Batman. [via: davezilla]

Or would you prefer Strawberry Fields cereal?

Janeane Garafolo, "The anti-war movement has nothing to feel sorry for - time will bear that out."

Quote For Today

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.

~Kahlil Gibran

Hoover wins contract for Iraq's power vacuum.


Monday, April 14, 2003

2 Years Old!

Weblog Anniversay, April 14, 2001. From LiveJournal, to Blogger, to MT, and back to Blogger again. Go ahead. Have a slice. I took out the calories. (thanks, laurie)

Taxes are DONE and filed electronically. Fourth time I've done it this way and the only way to go.

Quote For Today

Strive to find ways that unite us; not divide us. Show me someone who appears different than me and I'll show you ways we are the same. ~Me

Champagne taste on a Red Bull budget.


Sunday, April 13, 2003

I watched Brent Sadler's live coverage, ahead of coalition forces, from 12:00 am to 3:00 am early this morning on CNN. This independent reporter was shot at several times as he raced through checkpoints in Tikrit, Iraq, in search of a story that was being shown live all over the world. No live link as good news of the 7 POW's found alive has bumped his report off of CNN's site. But, that's certainly fine with everyone. You couldn't know how much news I watch and read. Bordering on obsessed.

"They tied my hands behind my back and threw us in a truck and said that they were going to take us to Tikrit, to the intelligence headquarters. At that point, our translator said, "If they take you to the headquarters of the intelligence service, you're certainly going to die. You'll be executed." Kevin Sites of CNN barely escaped with his life Friday in Kirkuk, Iraq.

+ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + +

I've noticed that my husband has gone from Engineer on the Hellbound Train to Captain Bringdown and the Buzzkills, as he talks to our daughter this morning. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, you'll always be uncool to your kids. And this uncool Mom really needs to do her taxes very soon---blog a little; file my taxes. That's the plan. After I putter around outside with some yard work.

Quote For Today

The accumulated darkness of ages is dispelled at once by bringing the light in, not by trying to chase the darkness out.~Paramahansa Yogananda

Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2?


Saturday, April 12, 2003

Happy Saturday to you.

After enduring Saddam as America's puppet and then as America's monster, the Iraqis have been promised security and democracy. They have had a Western war. They are entitled to a Western peace. That peace is not a porn magazine, a case of dried milk and Mr Chalabi in a golden palace. It needs a long-term Western guarantee of civil order, even in the teeth of fierce local and regional opposition. Rudyard Kipling called it the "savage war of peace" in The White Man's Burden. That is the burden of this victory. It must now be fought. more»

U.S. Plans to Run Iraqi Oil for A While - "Even though the country will need outside help," Dick Cheney said, "Iraqis will have to 'make decisions on how much they want to reinvest' in their oil sector." The Defense Department is considering putting in place an advisory board of former U.S. oil industry executives to help run Iraq's oil industry, the head of which is likely to be Philip Carroll, a former chief executive of Shell Oil Co., sources said. Foxes guarding the hen house? more»

Busted! This site "helped" you make barcodes for items that you purchased at Wal-Mart. Presumedly, putting cheaper priced barcodes on higher priced items. Or they called it tactical shopping options. The lawyers call is 'cease and desist'. I wonder if people actually used these bar codes at Wal-Mart. [found:]

If you'd like to register a complaint about the baseball Hall of Fame's decision to cancel Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins visit, here's the link.

April 12

Happy Birthday to David Letterman

Quote For Today

You think that good is hating what is bad. What is bad is the hating mind itself.

~Bon Kai (Buddhist monk)

Ever feel like you were someone else? Maybe a face for each part of you?

saturday morning me/

capri jeans/macrame belt/tiny white tee/

platform sandals-black/ground hazelnut coffee/

angel food cake/strawberries-whole/oj/

sounds-husband whistling/ daughter-snoring/

melanie's "lay down" on the radio/

plans-grocery shopping; atlanta bread co-lunch/

Moshes to Yanni.


Thursday, April 10, 2003

I didn't want my friends up north to have all the fun. North Carolina got snow again today. 4-6 inches.

So far, so good for the people of Iraq. They look extremely joyous. How can you not be happy for them when you see them expressing so much joy? Although it does feel awkward being happy for them when many suffered and died to get them to this point. And some can argue that many more were killed and tortured before we ever went in. There's still a long way to go to bring civility to the people of Iraq and the killing is still going on. I'm still taking in these scenes of war and it's aftermath and trying to process my feelings towards it all. All I know for sure is war sucks. We can all agree with that.


Good Morning... !

Absurd #1

The anti-smoking ads that Phillip Morris forced off the air and didn't want you to see. Part of the huge settlements against them lets them have this type of leverage over ads if it "vilifies" the tobacco companies.

Absurd #2

"To suggest that my criticism of the President put the troops in danger is absurd," said Tim Robbins, responding to baseball's Hall of Fame president, who has cancelled an event that Tim and Susan Sarandon were to appear in because of their anti-war stance.

»Many new movies are coming out soon. "Charlie's Angels 2: Full Throtle" is featuring Demi Moore after a 5 yr hiatus as a former Angel. Adam Sandler's "Anger Management", with Jack Nicholson will probably be pretty funny. The "Matrix Reloaded", and "Starsky and Hutch" is just going into production with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson in the starring roles, and also Carmen Electra.

»Play "Kiss Up", the game.

Quote of the Day

And then the day comes when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom ~Anais Nin

Last in line for nobel peace prize; First in line for pie!


Wednesday, April 9, 2003

Good morning...

Five journalists killed in 24-hour period, as the U.S. bombs the Baghdad offices of Al-Jazeera and Abu Dhabi TV and shells the Palestine Hotel, where most journalists stay.

Like the baseball pitcher that fires a curveball a little inside and close to the batter to "brush him back" at home plate. He wants to intimidate him so the batter doesn't do his job as well as usual. Are the US forces "brushing back" the journalists so they won't be able to do their job so well? Is truth the war's friend?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

»Archive of the world's ugliest bridesmaid dresses.

[via: presurfer]

»Don't hate me because I'm ghettofab. Just returned from my favorite salon called, "If you got a head, we can f*** it up". Now this is what I call over the top.

**There seems to be a problem accessing this site now. You may have to take a look at Google's cache of the site.

[via: presurfer]

» I got the dress; I got the freakin' 'do. So, who wants to take me out?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Show your patriotism where it'll do the most good.

Quote For Today

One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star.


What the hell, go and put all your eggs in one basket.


Tuesday, April 8, 2003

Thanks for hanging with me today.

Make it stop. Please. I don't think I can take much more. Go read first hand account of journalist-producer, Stuart Hughes, who was injured in Iraq by a landmine recently and just said goodbye to an old friend. His Northern Iraq weblog tells his personal story and there's a chilling account of those with him when injured on April 2 on the BBC News site that is worth reading.

(Picture on the Port of Oakland link) An anti-war demonstration at the Port of Oakland turned violent this morning when Oakland Police opened fire with wooden dowels, "sting balls," concussion grendades, tear gas and other non-lethal weapons when protesters at the gates of two shipping lines refused an order to disperse.

Before you start hating the protesters, listen to what they say. Many do what they do out of peace and love. But some may claim that protesters start all the violence. My husband and I have both seen for ourselves undercover police dressing up like "hippies" and provoking fights with the police at peace rallies. This was years ago in New York, and in LA, but it can happen anywhere.

[via: common dreams]

Someone recently asked me about the little "no war" blinkie on the right side of this site and I just found that site. Several other blinkies are included; some a little more explicit. Not safe for work.


As I try to sleep

I count the graceful white sheep

Smothered in mint sauce

walked into strip bar

my girlfriend hugging a pole

do I have to tip?

Quote For Today

Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills? ~Kahlil Gibran

Going from zero to bitch in record speed.


Monday, April 7, 2003

It's another gloomy-ass Monday. No motivation. No get-up-and-go. No kidding. If I don't see the sunshine soon......I've recently been helping a friend with a new website look. And I've been working on my much neglected susan*jayne site lately, too, aka Easy Bake Coven Lite. And spending a lot of time at home with my husband, who's been pretty much homebound lately. (he recently found out he has type II diabetes and they're still trying to find the right dose, type of medicine.) He's a contractor and a musician, so he works for himself. So that's fortunate that he won't lose his job for not showing up lately. He doesn't do well staying at home and has been weak as a kitten. He has felt SO much better these past 3 days or so. I think he really got a giant scare and his eating and exercise routine has drastically changed. He's out on a walk right now. (Even if it is to the neighbor's house to burn one. That's still exercise, right?) So, I'm very hopeful that he's on the road to mending somewhat.

Quote For Today

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." ~Albert Pike

Putting the "ass" in "Classy".


Sunday, April 6, 2003

Good Morning...

As if all the killing and mutilating, etc, is not enough.....I'm so sick of the war. And can't even fathom how someone directly involved must feel. Really physically ill and mourning over all the death and dying. Enough, damnit!

This is so sad. NBC 'Today' Co-Anchor David Bloom Dies in Iraq.

I had just seen a picture of him on Robyn's site and was also going to comment on his "studliness" when I saw someone had just posted a note about his passing. If I must watch tv news, I had always sought out his mug to explain it to me, whenever possible. Damn.

I thought this was completely absurd...An Oregon anti-terrorism bill would jail street-blocking protesters for at least 25 years in a thinly veiled effort to discourage anti-war demonstrations, critics say. [via: bird on the moon]

Quote For Today

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness." ~The Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso

Just waiting for my sainthood papers.


Saturday, April 5, 2003

Good Morning...! yuck.... thundershowers. But if we didn't have the rain, I wouldn't have all these lovely flowers in my yard. Even though the rain is beating the shit out of their lovely blooms at this very moment.

**Finally got this to post today---after trying for 5 hours. Sometimes Blogger likes me to use my address; and sometimes it works best if I use the address. Tempermental little thing.

Radiohead's new cd, "Hail To The Thief", leaked out all over the internet recently and besides file sharing, a radio station in Canada is also playing it saying the buzz it creates is worth risking legal action. It was supposed to have a June release date.

Collateral damage is just an unfortunate side effect, making it sound like we broke a couple dishes while cleaning up after dinner. Whoops. Gosh, sorry about your dead family, there, there now. Here, have some money. No, it's not easy to find the truth, to see the real numbers or to see the true pictures of war. But there are some honest reports trickling out. Ghastly scenes of a brutalized people. A handful of reporters actually reporting on something other than troop movements and food supplies. But you have to really look. You won't see them on CNN, or on GOP-lickin' Fox News, or even on this Web site. It's just too much. But if you want to know what Bush's little war is really inflicting, you might want to take a look. Here's just one site, from New Zealand, that's collected a number of such grisly images from foreign presses. Also includes photos of dead U.S. soldiers. Warning: Graphic content. Warning: Perspective altering. Warning: Breakfast ruining. Sure they're all, you know, dead. But hey, at least they're liberated. [via:]

Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Ted Stevens (R-AK) said that firefighters, police officers, and other first responders should bear the cost of homeland security by working overtime without pay. Tell Senator Stevens to retract his appalling demand that first responders make further sacrifices and pay the costs of homeland security. Click this link to take action! Retract Your Statement!

Don't forget to stop by and participate in "Saturday Snapshots" on Lynn's site. Post one of your pics that's explains the way you're feeling today. It's her grand opening.

Weblogs Compendium - everything you need for your weblog. Go through the Resources on the left hand side bar.

Quote For Today

"There's no use trying," Alice said, "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice, "said the queen, "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~Lewis Carroll

saturday morning me/

hazelnut cuppa joe with amaretto & paul/cheerios/grapes/jeans/addidas/green football shirt (#5)/olive ball cap/pms looming/over-processed, sun-fried, need a shampoo, curly hair in ponytail/marlboros-make you sterile/hearing: ani difranco, dogs crunching on kibble/how about you?/

Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full, I say, are you going to drink that or not?


Friday, April 4, 2003

Good Morning... Is it Friday already?

Denver Fans Walk Out of Pearl Jam Show

Several concertgoers booed and shouted Tuesday night for Vedder to shut up as he told the crowd he was against the war and Bush. He impaled the mask during the encore of the band's opening show of a U.S. tour. During the show, Vedder said: "Just to clarify... we support the troops." I wonder if he'll do this at each of his shows on their latest tour now? Probably. And if you really came for the music, why walk out? Whatever gets you thru the night...

April 4, 2003 -- Robert Downey, Jr. turns 38 today

War Child CD

'WAR CHILD: HOPE' album - a fundraiser for children in Iraq. David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Travis, Spiritualized, Avril Lavigne, Moby, New Order, The Charlatans and George Michael are also amongst the stars who have contributed tracks to the 17-track record, set for release on April 21.

"Whatever the politics, whatever the rights and wrongs of war, children are always the innocent victims so I am delighted to be able to make this small contribution to a magnificent project that I hope goes a long way to alleviating some of the pain and suffering," said McCartney.

Yasuf Islam, '70s star Cat Stevens, has come out of self-enforced exile to redo his own hit 'Peace Train'. Avril will be covering "Knocking on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan. But, why her? I sure did love Cat Stevens' beautiful music.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Liv Tyler marries long time lover, Royston Langdon, after five years together. He is lead singer for the group 'Spacehog'. Her father is the legendary Steve Tyler, of the group 'Aerosmith'. Liv has also signed up to play 1950's pinup icon, Bettie Page. It may be some time for that as the script is still being written.

"Pink is very in." I just heard that on tv. Who says "in", anyway? My mother and her bridge club pals would say that. Is "pink" pepto bismol "IN"? 'Cause I think I'm gonna hurl.

**Blog Trail This fish needs a bicycle/geek philosopher/are you a whore?/funny pics(not safe for work)/plastic/memefacture/

**edited the geek philosopher link.

Quotes For Today

And in the end

The love you take

Is equal to the love

You make

John Lennon, Paul McCartney - The End

Out on the edge of darkness

there rides a peace train,

'O Peace Train take this country, come take me home again...'

Cat Stevens - Peace Train

A day without sun shine is like, you know, night.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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