Monday, June 30, 2003

Is it Monday already?

Do any of you pet owners have flea problems this year? If you manage to kill them all off, and treat your animals, you'll still bring them in from outdoors and they'll breed and take over again. This is one of the worst battles I've had with fleas, and others say the same thing. You're constantly trying to stay ahead of them and there's no good way to get rid of them without using massive quantities of chemicals in your home. None that I know of.

*Edited to add: We've been using Frontline for the fleas, but not year-round. We have been getting all our pet supplies online at Drs Foster Smith for years now. You can get everything you need except rabies shots. If you spend lots of $$ at the Vet, you should really check this site out. You'll be amazed at the money you can save.

The Distillers, fronted by Brody Armstrong, was rated #1 by Miss Minx in her 100 Rock Women Poll. My daughter, Skye, has been wild about them for some time now.

Need a leather bra and thong set? Visit Retail Slut.

No one does it better than dooce.

Quote For Today

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you. ~Rita Mae Brown

I'll bet I can piss you off from here.


Sunday, June 29, 2003

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday.

Is there a song, probably an older song, that stops you dead in your tracks whenever you hear it? That takes you back to another place and time? The "Long And Winding Road", by the Beatles, is that song for me. We were moving that summer of 1970 from Tennessee to Asheville, NC,; about a 60 mile trip. My sister and I drove over in my VW bus behind my parents over a very steep, long, and winding road. I had just graduated from high school a few days earlier, and had left behind Billy Stanton, my boyfriend. I knew this was a turning point in my life and I cried most of the way over the mountain road thinking about leaving my childhood home behind, impending college life, and Billy.

After years of lobbying, Renee Zellweger finally gets to play Janis Joplin in Piece Of My Heart. Brittany Murphey and Melissa Etheridge had also tried for the role. Hmmmm. I'll reserve my comments until I see the film. Shooting doesn't begin until early 2004.

What if you could see screen captures of your web pages as they're going to look on any operating system platform? On any browser? Now you can, with Browser Cam. I've not tried this yet. Free trial period. [via coudal]

surf these waves

You Live Your Life As If Its Real::Serving up fine political satire. See Jun 23's Presidential Jeopardy post.

Coudal Partners:::Beauty & Design

Tagline::A Movie Weblog

Quote For Today

I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge, silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art. ~Kahlil Gibran

If you can't laugh at yourself, allow me.


Saturday, June 28, 2003

:::Strom Thurmond Legacy

If you are from the South, and you liked US Senator Strom Thurmond, that said all you'll ever need to know about that person. Many remember that he was a racist for much of his long life, as well as an opponent of the civil rights movement. He made efforts to change some of his blatant bigotry later on, but southern purists scoffed at those attempts. Had other positions changed in his life, it may have been easier to swallow.

There are many people from SC that remember Strom very fondly as the Senator who led all the parades riding his horse; as a man who took time for everyone, and as a man who *wink* *wink* married a much younger lady and fathered a son at age 70-something.

I was raised with basic genteel southern manners, like 'would y'all care for some tea,' and 'don't speak ill of the dead,' so I vacillated over posting an unflattering comment about someone who's so recently passed. I'm sorry to see anyone pass from this good earth and can truly sympathize with the Thurmond familys' breaking hearts.

But just as the media-hyped, party line Thurmond legacy is being remembered, it's important to remember people for who they really were. I remember a different legacy about Strom Thurmond and the notoriety he was synonymous with. A legacy of narrow-mindedness that reeked from his segregationist pores. A legacy of a man who thought "niggrahs" should have separate water-fountains and stay on the back of the bus. This is how I'll remember Strom Thurmond's legacy.

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

:::"Strom Thurmond murdered by shock of Supreme Court integrationist sodomy ruling."

:::"We have a tendency, as a people, to not speak badly of those who have passed away, but it's important to remember people for who they actually were, not some rose-colored vision of who they were, or pretended to be." Christopher George, Alternet in his 'Strom Won't Be Missed' piece.


Good Morning! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I'm so glad you stopped by.

Happy Birthday, Maggie!

::::Stop in and wish her a Happy Birthday today. I'm sure Andre was very good to her.

::::Have you registered at the National Do Not Call Registry yet? Stop Telemarketers. The website has registerd 1000 calls per second.

::::Check out the Flattery Generator I found at Theo's for daily affirmations.

::::Medical community shocked. Pot doesn't cause brain damage; study says. Alcohol harms your brain, but weed doesn't.

::::Feeling a little mischevious? Send-A-Bird to someone. Or just do the voodoo thing.

::::Are you going to Heaven? Take this quiz and find out. [via presurfer]

::::Artsy-fartsy site of the day: AltPick

Quote For Today

When the people fear the government you have tyranny...when the government fears the people you have liberty. ~Thomas Jefferson

saturday morning me//

coffee/2 oatmeal cookies/cigarettes/

XL Gap tee/barefoot/is it hair or bird nest?/

grey cat meowing/husband scowling/

listening: Thorns-I Can't Remember/

how's about you?/

If I'd shot you sooner, I'd be out of jail by now.


Friday, June 27, 2003

Good Morning!

»I find this very interesting and don't believe many people outside of NYC know about it. It's the secretive 'M.O.B. Project', an e-mail-driven experiment in organizing groups of people who suddenly materialize in public places, interact with others according to a loose script and then dissipate just as suddenly as they appeared. The most recent one met this past Wednesday, June 25.

»Strategies To Cleaning. A most clever analogy of our cleaning idiosynchrocies. [via kaneblues]

»Baghdad's Indymedia. [via samizdat]

»Fun Link of the Day: When Office Supplies Attack. [via idletype]

»The Stones' concer in Toronto is certainly the deal of the decade at $16 USD, but you'll probably have to sit through a Dan Ackroyd and Jim Belushi Extravaganza first. They're hosting this shindig.

»The Supreme Court ruling (6-3) overturned a Texas 1986 sodomy law Thursday saying it violated a right to privacy and forced the State out of the bedrooms of gay and lesbian consenting adults, and heterosexual ones as well. Brav-fucking-o. End privacy-adults-bedroom rant. [via cnn]

»Pretentious, party of one? Friendster. Elitist match-making. Just the sound of it makes me wanna hurl.

Quote For Today

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

~George Orwell

Girls don't make passes at guys with fat asses


Thursday, June 26, 2003

Nick Cave sang Bring It On on Letterman last night. I had seen him earlier Wednesday night on a 1989 film called Wings Of Desire, singing From Her To Eternity. Also watched a good older movie with Bjork, called Dancing In The Dark. Rhonda and Laurie just returned form seeing him in concert in Chicago last weekend. (edited for movie correction)

Ta-Da...I am now using the New, Improved Blogger. We'll see.....

I'm thrilled that every single one of you take time out of your busy day to visit me. I bust my ass to visit you, too. Believe it. And I'm just as busy as the next person, but if you can make the time for me, I'll certainly make the time for you. Some people wonder why they don't have many visitors to their weblog, when they hardly visit anyone else. Driving with your turn signal on through blogland totally oblivious to your fellow bloggers doesn't garner much blog love. Blogging is as fulfilling to me now with many daily visitors as it was when I started out with 1 or 2 daily visitors. (when Maggie and Shirl were the only ones visiting!) I'll never bitch about who doesn't visit; just offer gratitude for those of you who do. Not trying to bark at anyone, just a heads up for some who may be unaware.

NewsHax, a political satire site I found on J-Walk. Unbalanced. Unfair. We Report. We Decide. [via j-walk]

Fun Site du Jour: Mondrian Machine. Neat. Make your own Mondrian design.

Quote For Today

One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star."


The second day of a diet is much easier than the first day. By the second day, you're off of it.


Wednesday, June 25, 2003

»Let us not forget that President Clinton was IMPEACHED for making ONE untrue statement about his private sex life. President Bush, on the other hand, took this nation to WAR on the basis of a whole string of lies perpetrated not only by him but by his entire administration. Thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians were maimed and killed by these lies, and American servicemen are still being killed in Iraq at an average rate of one a day. Yet not only is Bush evading impeachment, he's not even being seriously investigated. Where's Ken Starr when you need him? [via: the email activist]

»Rolling Stones in Toronto July 30

»Here's a strange new clock I found online. Click on the picture of the clock in the upper left corner. [via: Coolios]

»Saw Liz Phair on Jay Leno last night. Her new album, her first in 5 years, reviewed by NYTimes---and not very favorably. The comments on donewaiting are more fun to read.

»Bubble Magic. Choose one crystal ball and get your reading.

edited to add: The American Apology Shirt. [via Nurse Ratched's]

Quote For Today

If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are, if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.

~Joseph Campbell

Anxiously awaiting Wilford Brimley's 'Angina Monologue'.


Tuesday, June 24, 2003

When I saw this, I knew I'd want to pass it along for you to play with. The right photo (not mine) could make a cool little picture presentation. Go to Stamp It Out and create your own stamps--[not real stamps]. Seen on J-Walk.

Search for Saddam growing more urgent. Saddam Hussein has been killed more times than Kenny in South Park.

Hunter S Thompson still recovering from his honeymoon and still loathes Vegas.

Gawker Stalking: Ashton Kutcher, Sam Rockwell, and more.


Good evening, or good morning. So nice of you to stop by.

I'd seen this link around for a few days, and finally decided to click on it. Meet The Droopners! They're refrigerator magnets.

My husband revisited the Classics today. I don't mean Moby Dick, Little Women, or War and Peace. I mean these Classics: "I bet you sit around and just think of all the ways I'm fucked up, don't you?" "You think I made some frivilous-ass purchases at the store, right?" He upped the ante and I heard, "Are you sure that I'm Skye's real father?" and he began grinning at the 'why are you being such an asshole' look I shot him as he finally got my attention. He went on to explain how we haven't had a genuine, shit-slinging, below the belt name-calling, 'not-your-mama's-drama' argument in so long, that he wasn't sure he remembered how it was done. I assured him it was easy as riding a bicycle; no practice necessary.

Whichbook. A completely new way of choosing what to read. Pick your choices of long or short, optimistic or bleak, funny or serious, etc, and books are recommended for you.

Happy Birthday, Tam!

Hope you enjoy your day. Her husband bought her a nice digital camera.

Quote For Today

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. ~Paramahansa Yogananda

Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties.


Monday, June 23, 2003

Good's Monday.

Ann Cunt Coulter has a blog from whence she now spouts. There goes the neighborhood.

[via fimoculous]

Time's 50 Best Web Sites [via poynter]

Get your online Universal Life Church certificate. You, too, can be a legally ordained minister just 5 minutes from now. No purchase necessary. [via j-walk]

Famous testicles. Not Safe For Work.

[via coolios]

Ozzy's Invite For Prince William. There's your Reality Show.

Dave Grohl - man of a thousand bands.

recent listening::"it's the losing" - the pretenders

recent viewing:: b monkey

Quote For Today

Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it onto future generations.

~George Bernard Shaw

If we can put a man on the moon, why not all of them?


Sunday, June 22, 2003

I watched Howard Dean on Meet The Press this morning. Tim Russert had reems of questions for him to answer, and he had answers for all the accusations leveled against him. No one has set my drawers on fire yet, but HD would get my vote if he gets the nod.

observations on a sunday morning

The Eastern US from Maine to Florida has had rain of biblical proportions most every weekend this spring. Besides spoiling weekend plans, the rain has saturated grounds and led to flood watches or flooding while the west is experiencing droughts and wildfires.

I enjoy discovering a golden nugget of a movie in the mine of crap and studio hustle. Memento, made in 2000, is one of those good engaging thrillers. It stars Guy Pearce and Carrie-Anne Moss. The movie is presented in reverse and told interspliced with black and white.

life's simple pleasures

returning home---the joy of your home, no matter how messy or in disarray, it's always good to be back home after a vacation, after toiling long and hard, or just after running errands and shopping. It's good to come back to the sanctity of your own home; your safe cocoon.

a cup of coffee---whether you make it yourself, or it's served to you. whether it's the first cup of the day, or an after dinner cup. whether you make a ritual about the whole preparation or keep it simple; it's soothing, reliable, and even nurturing.

Quote For Today

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

~Anatole France

Help me to be the person my dog thinks I am.


Saturday, June 21, 2003

PBR, or Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, making a big comeback, umm splash? Hipsters now drinking the beer that once abandoned Milwaukee, says NYTimes. I haven't had one of these since you needed a "church key" to open one.

Saturday morning at the mystical megaliths of Stonehenge, where Pagans have celebrated the summer solstice for thousands of years.

Did Pamela Anderson finally get her vision restored?

Which random Phallic Object are you? [via crinks]

Great Bush for President 2004 parody site.

Chocolate Dicks, anyone? Adult and Erotic Chocolates NSFW - (Not Safe For Work)

Mick Jagger slams Justin Timberlake. Jagger said, "I've watched Justin, but every single move he does is stolen," according to Britain's

Quote For Today

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears the beat of a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.

~Henry David Thoreau

saturday morning me//

grey fat shorts-(elastic band)/navy duke tshirt/

flip-flops/dogs playing/daughter sewing/

braided ponytail on left/scent: sandalwood/

hot coffee/cold danish/sounds: pixies cd/

how's about you?/

Excuse my typing. I'm reloading.


Friday, June 20, 2003

Kick Out The Jams, Motherfuckers

(a song by MC5, by the way)

MC5 - A True Testimonial, is the documentary film celebrating the trials and triumphs of the Motor City's greatest rock band, in the 60s & 70s.

New Anne Lamott piece on Salon today, "One Hand Clapping".

Singing In The Shadow, will focus on the children of rock royalty; the children of James Taylor, David Crosby, Ozzy Osbourne and many other rock music legends. Showing on Bravo channel July 23.

[via rock daily]

Blue Surburbia is nice, but slow if you're using a dial-up. [via coolios]

Losing The Luster

Max Factor heir, Andrew Luster, returned to California from Mexico. I'm sickned that this asshole had the nerve to say the sex was consensual when the women were passed out on drugs and snoring at the time of being raped. Dis-fucking-gusting slimeball.

Happy Birthday, Tish!

I hope you have a blast on this milestone birthday!

Democracy Activists Mark Aung San Suu Kyi's Birthday with Call for Her Release - [thanks to Tish, I didn't know about her birthday]

Put on the sunblock, Jim. These ten songs can cause sunburn. Molly Simms lists her 10 favorites summer tunes.

Nice photoshop egg pic. [via coolios]

Quote For Today

It's not so much how busy you are,

but why you are busy.

The bee is praised.

The mosquito is swatted.

~seen at bryns

Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full. I say, are you going to drink that damn thing or not?


Thursday, June 19, 2003

Divorce Online

How convenient. I've renewed my car registration online, and I've filed my taxes online, but I didn't think I'd see how to get a Divorce online. It's faster, cheaper, and lawyer-free, so why the hell not? and are just two sites that offer online divorce. [via aol news redirect]

It's great that they found Andrew Luster, the guy that was convicted for rape and fled. I watched 48 hours last night about him, which was a repeat, but after giving women GHB and other drugs, then raping them and filming it, he should be thrown UNDER the jail.

More tv viewing: Walking With Cavemen on the Discovery channel was good. Anne, had talked about it recently, so I stayed up and watched the midnight show.

I've got morning appointments, so I'll surf and visit blogs later today...

Quote For Today

All that we are is the result of what we have thought.


The truth may set you free. But it sure as hell won't make you many friends.


Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Emotions overwhelming as families are reunited

Back in April, this story about the dozen or so black citizens were arrested on the word of one undercover agent that they had sold him cocaine. He had no proof at all. Just his word. It's taken these people 4 years of being locked up to finally get to the truth and set them all free. Can you even imagine the injustice of it? To be stripped of four years of your life from a racist narc? (In April, I gave one of my Dickhead Awards to the undercover agent.)

Happy Birthday! Paul McCartney is celebrating his birthday today. He's 61. Was he your favorite Beatle? He was definitely mine. Or did you like John, George, or Ringo better? I remember where I was the moment I first heard "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" on the radio. I was on a family road trip to Florida, and we were driving down a south Georgia backroad on a hot sticky summer day. The DJ announced that the Beatles' song was coming up and Robin and I started squealing so loudly that my father lost his usual unflappable cool. But we convinced him to turn it up loud (or is it loudly?) for us just this once. Then in February 1964, they were on the Ed Sullivan Show. It was rated rock's top TV moment. We were sitting about 2 feet from the tv watching that, too. You knew something huge was happening with music that us kids loved and the world would never be quite the same.

Quote For Today

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears the beat of a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.

~Henry David Thoreau

I better be going. I have to get up sometime tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Thanks for the objective, agenda-free support yesterday on my recovery anniversary and for not being judgemental. It's been a long time straight, but still extremely hard for me to discuss any of the details from my past.

See 35 years of Rock Poster Art here. [via j-walk]

Evan Dando is glad to soon leave New York behind for Paris after September 11 and the subsequent political climate.

Retired General Wesley Clark moves closer to announcing his candidacy for president; most likely as a democrat. He helped clarify events in Iraq for me as a frequent guest on CNN. If he does announce, I'll certainly study his proposals closely. But at this point, the first non-Republilcan who steps forward and demonstrates that they've got a pair, will be getting my vote.

Watchblog is a 2004 election news, opinions and commentary. Nicely done.

[via fimoculous]

There's a new gossip site in cyberspace, called Tabloid Column.

Collect the eggs and don't let them break in the Scrambled Eggs game. I didn't do so well, but it's really quite simple.

Porn-o-matic. Where you fill in the blanks to write a porno scene. Caution: X-Rated.

Quotes For Today 3 favorite little quotes on faith

Pray for a good harvest, but keep on plowing. ~Unknown

Leap and the net will appear. ~Unknown

Step out in faith. ~Unknown

Keep your hands where I can see them.


Monday, June 16, 2003

Rehab Is For Quitters

Today is my recovery anniversary. Twelve Years. After many, many, and yes, many more years of substance abuse, I finally sought help for my addiction and thankfully have remained drug-free since June 16, 1991. I lost my cherished home I'd bought on my own at age 24. But I didn't stop using. I went from main custody to weekend custody of my son to my ex-husband in a nasty court battle. I still didn't stop using. I saw many friends die and my heart ached for them, but I didn't stop using. I wouldn't be ready for another 8 years. For no specific reason other than I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, I sought help for my drug addiction. And I have been drug-free every single day since June 16, 1991. Fucking A. I did it for myself in my own time and that's important to know about addiction.


There's now a CyberBeg site. A sampling of the begging on the site: "money needed to get deploma" (their spelling) "My last shot at LOVE & my son may have ruined it!!" "need bOOb REDUCTION -- or Chiropractor - help it hurts ;-( "

Shee-it. I suppose I should congratulate the San Antonio Spurs on their NBA Finals win over the New Jersey Nets last night. Tim Duncan just can't be out maneuvered by anyone. Even though the Nets didn't win, and it looked more like a comedy of errors a lot of the time, I still enjoyed watching the series and am curious to see if Jason Kidd will stay with the Nets now that he's a free agent.

Perry Farrell of Jane's Addiction, will be co-hosting with Jimmy Kimmel all this week with Jane's Addiction appearing on Friday.

Goth Barbie and Marilyn Manson Ken? Someone made all these and many others which are pictured here. [via: j-walk]

Quote For Today

Even a thought, even a possibility, can shatter and transform us.

~Friedrich Nietzsche

I'm out of estrogen and I've got a gun.


Sunday, June 15, 2003

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there today. And Happy Father's Day to my father, as well. He passed away in 1990, but his presense is still around. How fortunate I was to have the best father in the world for as long as I did.

Welcome Back To School a must read

A class of third grade students in Jackson, Mississippi, started a 'welcome-back-to-school' class project to make a potted plant to take home, and wanted a plant that was easy to take care of. So it was decided to use cactus plants. But, the teacher decided she'd better not let the children take the plants home after all. [more>>]

[via: presurfer]

Another great online clock. This whole site is fascinating. [via: presurfer]

Museum of Talking Boards. Ouiga Boards and others dating from the late 1800's to present day. Have you ever played with an Ouiga Board before? Spooky, isn't it? [via: sugar n spicy]

Quote For Today

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."

~Thich Nhat Hanh

Don't Be Sexist - Bitches Hate That.


Saturday, June 14, 2003

Saturday morning.....uhuh....

Vote for your least favorite classic rock songs.

Which classic rock band do you despise?

[via: slatch]

Miller Time for Fox

Dennis Miller to join Hannity & Colmes on Faux News next month with a weekly appearance. Jumping the shark comes to mind.

Quote For Today

When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that in itself is a choice. ~William James

saturday morning me//

slept late/purple slinky gown/barefoot/

visine/alka seltzer/tylenol/ginseng/

coffee/pineapple/wheat bagel/cigs/

joseph arthur on npr radio/

hows about you?/

Some days you're the statue and others you're the pigeon.


Friday, June 13, 2003

Poignant David Sedaris piece in the New Yorker. I can't get enough from the Sedaris'---David or Amy. [via: fimoculous]

Uncool, Thy Name Is "W"

Our fearless leader gags on pretzels, utters enough malapropisms to fill several books, and now 'Sir W the Doofus' falls while trying to pull a wheelie on a motorized scooter. This new photo op of our graceful pResident cancels out any semblance of cool he may have attained from the Top Gun fiasco.

If you're looking for new duds, you may want to check out Fancy Deluxe. A suit made from match books and match sticks is interesting. Also a dress made from candy and one with those stick-on eyeballs and more craziness. [via: jwalk]

I'm looking forward to Laura Bush's book and her recollection of the painful scene when George tearfully admits to her he wasn't entirely truthful about his reasons for going to war.

Go Nets! Underdog New Jersey Nets vs San Antonio Spurs tonight in game 5. Series tied 2-2.

Quote For Today

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

As you were. Nothing more to see here.


Thursday, June 12, 2003

Missing weapons may become an election issue. Rummy knows where they are: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on national television: "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." Could you be more vague, Rummy?

There's good news and bad news about Suu Kyi (democratically elected, but kept from serving, president of Burma). She's alive and unharmed. But she's still in protective custody. Myanmar told our US Envoy she'd be released in two weeks. And we say that's not good enough. Democracy just doesn't fare well in some countries. But the Senate has proposed a bill that will impose sanctions which we'll review annually.

Army colonel proposed marriage to many. Serving his country one woman at a time. Who does this bastard think he is? Colonel Sleeze?

I need some of that vagueness now

It's all come back too clearly

Yes I loved you dearly

And if you're offering me diamonds and rust

I've already paid

listening: joan baez - diamonds and rust

Quote For Today

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)

Quick. Coffee before I flatline.


Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Gnashing of teeth and gums are heard 'round the world as the mighty right wails on and on about Hilary Clinton's new book. They think she lied about when she knew about his affair with Monica. She says she only knew when he told her. Which was at the last possible moment he could have---right before the investigative committee questioned him from the White House. When you're so enamoured of someone---your spouse, your children---you always want to believe the best about them. It's hard to be objective when you're leading with your heart. It's so petty to drone on and on about when Hilary knew what.

A little Buddha synchronicity.

Oh, how cute. Here's a little Condom Game for you. Not Safe For Work.

Quote For Today

Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.

~George Eliot

What's another word for thesaurus?


Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Concerning the new interest in the search for WMD, I echo these sentiments as well......"Essentially I find myself curious as to how such a controlled media, which has followed Shrub in lockstep since day one, is now suddenly loudly questioning him."

[via: the rattler]

Erowid is another good all incompassing site I've visited for several years now. Or vist the Tacky Treasures site. [via: j-walk]

Today the nation's leading women's rights groups announced that they have joined forces to organize an historic march on Washington for a woman's right to choose. Organized by the Feminist Majority, the National Organization for Women (NOW), NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood Federation of America, "Save Women's Lives: March for Freedom of Choice" is set for April 25, 2004.

Sign up now!

Happy Birthday, Glovefox! Hope you have a blast.

Quote For Today

To be yourself, in a world that tries, night and day, to make you just like everybody else - is to fight the greatest battle there ever is to fight, and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings

Don't squat with your spurs on.


Monday, June 9, 2003

I just signed a new deal with Doubleday today. Yes, I have to stay 100 yards away from them.

My husband comes back in the bedroom last night and wakes me to say, "I'm sorry to wake you, but the computer has this blue screen that says Fatal Error or something like that." The poor dear had never seen the BSOD (blue screen of death) before. I suppose it is a shock when you see it for the first time. He only logs on about once a month to read his email.

How much of a pottymouth are you?

[via: presurfer]

Home Vasectomy Kit. Let me know if it hurts.

Dole & Clinton discussing term limits on 60 Minutes...

Dole: Admit it, Mr President, if we didn't have term limits, you would have squared off against Bush.

Bill Clinton: No, not me. I like the democratic candidates we have now and when one of them runs against Bush, I predict another close race. And I hope this time it gets decided by the people instead of 5 members of the Supreme Court.

listening to >> date with the night - yeah yeah yeahs

Quote For Today

For all of the things that we did not say to each other that were better said, a small regret.

For all of the things that we did say to each other, that were best left unspoken, a bigger regret.

For all of your hopes and aspirations, my solid vote.

For all of the obstacles and hoops in your way, my support in removal.

For all of your troubled waters, my bridge.

Don't give me that smartass attitude. I already have one.


Sunday, June 8, 2003

Oh, Blogger, what am I going to do with you?

The word for the day is Revolution, children. As in, we almost had a __________, or Why don't we start a __________?

A Trip Back to the Contradictions of the Stormy 60's

The Weather Underground, a movie-documentary is now playing in New York and a few select venues around the country. During the Vietnam War and the Nixon administration, a group of white-bread, upper-middle-class college students took up guns and explosives to plot the violent overthrow of the United States government. Sam Green and Bill Siegel's energetic and incendiary documentary, The Weather Underground, tracks the history of this radical political group, the Weathermen, and examines the psychology and politics which led its members to commit countless acts of terrorist activism. FBI files on the Weathermen.

Steal This Movie, a 2000 movie about Abbie Hoffman and his life as an organizer, hippie radical and his life on the run is currently playing on cable and at your neighborhood video store. He also wrote a book called, Steal This Book that got a strange reception at book stores at the time and Steal This Urine Test. My copy also got stolen. So did my Soul On Ice copy. That summer I worked the phones at a Crisis Hot Line where we also had that book and others with a note to steal and to drop off your books, as well. But I remember him as an exuberant champion of the underdog and a founder of the Free Store feeder of the poor, and 1/7 of the Chicago 7.

You can make a poster here.

He asked for it all

So I gave my life and love

Crabs were a bonus

[via: haikooties]

Quote For Today

"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December."

~ J.M. Barrie

Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2?


Saturday, June 7, 2003

Good Morning...

Excited about the New Jersey Nets' win over the Spurs in the NBA Finals last night. Jason Kidd had 30 points. If they just can win the next three in New Jersey.....

The UN special envoy to Burma has arrived in Rangoon in an effort to secure the release of detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Pressure is mounting on Burma to know the fate of Aung San Suu Kyi.

As much as I complain about my husband, even now when he walks by, I sit a little straighter and try to suck in my gut, or quickly run my fingers through my hair to straighten it. And when I hear his car pull into the drive, I still get a churning feeling inside---or maybe it's just gas. Will someone pass the Rolaids, please?

"At the Berkeley graduation I told the students that the secret to success was simple -- ignore your parents' expectations, give money to the ACLU, and find out the truth about who you are." By Anne Lamott

The Prince of F*&%ing Darkness and his family are back for all-new episodes of the Emmy-Award winning The Osbournes beginning Tuesday, June 10. Ozzy says he's been driven to get sober after seeing son Jack's problem with alcohol. They're both racing to see who can be the first to have 100 days sober.

Fun pictures drawn from your titles.

Quote For Today

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive.

~Anäis Nin

saturday morning me//


jean shorts/black t/flip-flops/

fetch the rake for my hair, please/

cigarettes bouncing off the keyboard/

apathy in full bloom, d minor/

I've upped my standards, now up yours!



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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