Monday, September 30, 2002

Susan, Unplugged

I enjoy these sites of mine, easy bake coven, and susan*jayne, mostly because I can write anything without worrying if I'm using the correct tense, or the spelling is right, or who's toes I might be stepping on. Or if I sound too left or too right [hardly]. Outside of blogging, I worry about those things. Every "i" has to be dotted, "t" crossed. Literally. And, mostly, since I abhor pretense more than anyone, I can come here and write about my cat if I feel like it. Or how I think Bush sucks and Gore really won the election. Here I don't have to wring my hands or gnash my teeth trying to write something profound and deep. A raw, pretentious-free zone. And I'm honored to have you come along with me.


Sunday, September 29, 2002

Robyn salutes Bush as he does the 'hook 'em horns' sign.

A Momentum Building?

I've noticed people publically speaking out against the potential war in Iraq. Until very recently, the Democratic silence was deafening. Until, the president-elect, Al Gore, spoke out on Bush's preemptive war doctrine. The wheels are in motion, people. Then Daschel found his cajones on the Senate floor, dusted them off, and barked at Bush a little, too. On deck was Ted Kennedy, voicing his opposition. Robert Byrd came before him, but I'm not sure I understood his rant. We've had more folks display their idea of letting war be the last choice instead of the first choice. No war is the best choice, but if we can move Bush away from having it at the top of his agenda, it's a start. London had a massive march this weekend as hundreds of thousands spoke out and marched in the streets. DC is speaking out against the war as part of the demonstration against the IMF/World Bank. There seems to be momentum building. I like it. I recall a time when it wasn't popular to be against the Vietnam war, but I still marched and protested against it. Every chance I got. Years later, most everyone agrees it was wrong for us to have been there.


Saturday, September 28, 2002

Father Time

Shirl has a nice Dickens' [Barnaby Rudge] quote today about aging. How Father Time lays his hand lightly on you as you physically grow older, but manages to keep your heart and spirit young. Well, that's what I got out of it, anyway. Just as long as Father Time doesn't come for a lap dance, I should manage very well.


Friday, September 27, 2002

Robert Redford Siting

He's 65; has blond-grey-brown hair, around 5'11" and tonight he's under the same western North Carolina moon as I am. In beauty-conscious Hollywood, he's always spurned plastic surgery. He's shooting on a closed set but was seen filming yesterday in a large downtown parking garage with Willem Dafoe. I wonder if he's been offered any southern hospitality yet.
I've been getting many, many visitors stopping in looking for new info about RR and his new movie "The Clearning", through google and yahoo. Sorry, I only know very little about it, but will post when I find out anything.


I Remember..., Or What I Did Today When My Power Was Out

My guitar has a mind of its own when I pick it up. It recalls songs my mind has long forgotten. "Don't Think Twice" was half way done when I remembered I learned it at age 14 to impress Bobby Goddard, who was then a senior. He had shown me the three basic chords needed to play most Dylan tunes many moons ago.

"Today" from Surrealistic Pillow, by Jefferson Airplane made a rare appearance. It took me back to a Vermont summer where I first learned that song. Am I subconsciously going back to my teens when I first started playing and singing? Then some Stones, "Lady Jane" and "Anybody Seen My Baby".

My husband came in to join me. We picked out some blues with a silly made up version of "Stormy Monday". While I had him in that frame of mind, I started singing, "It's My Own Fault, Baby", knowing he'd join in. I then sat back while he took over. It was my subtle way of asking him to sing and play. I remembered the songs he used to play on stage before we even met. And how I fell in love with his singing and playing and started asking around about him. I remember the first time he spoke to me. He finally walks over to me one day, looks me square in the eyes and says, "Can I get a Heineken?" I was the bartender. He was the main attraction.


Thursday, September 26, 2002

Does anyone out there at all have one of these items or something similar? I'm trying to find a little digital camera that take pics with the pc and without the pc. For under $100. The little "eye" sits on your monitor for webcam pictures only and the other camera can be used either way. Please leave a comment or email me if you have had an experience with these little cameras.


*I had a post yesterday and a nasty picture taken of Nick Nolte when the cops picked him up. But I decided it was condescending of me to plaster that unflattering picture of him again on the web. So I took it off. I had also posted an unflattering picture of myself taken when I was obviously bombed. [Moral: We've both f*cked up, we're both now in recovery, no pictures necessary!]


Regarding Tom Daschle speaking out to Bush yesterday...


Had Lost Them in Senate Cloakroom

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle found his balls on the Senate floor

yesterday, just moments before launching into a stem-winding attack on

President Bush’s alleged politicizing of national security issues, Senate

sources said.

“What are you doing down there?” Senator Daschle said after seeing his

balls on the floor of the Senate well. “I’ve been looking all over for


Yesterday’s recovery of Senator Daschle’s balls brought down the curtain

on one of the Senate’s longest-running mysteries: what happened to the

Democrats’ balls?

The answer to that riddle, as unbelievable as it may seem, is also

surprisingly simple: the Democrats’ balls have been in the Senate

cloakroom for the last several months, seemingly lost forever.

Charles Hepworth, who runs the cloakroom used by all one hundred senators,

said that the Democrats had checked their balls in the cloakroom months

ago and had forgotten to claim them.

Somehow, Mr. Hepworth said, the Democratic balls became lost in a tangled

mess of other unclaimed items.

“It’s really a disaster area in that cloakroom,” Mr. Hepworth said. “The

Republicans lost their economic plan in there months ago and they still

can’t find it.”

Yesterday, though, was a time of celebration for the Democrats, who were

unanimously jubilant to be reunited with their long-lost balls.

“I’ve got to tell you, it feels great,” said Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA).
[via: borowitz report]


Wednesday, September 25, 2002

The 'Dooce' Is Back

And she's lobbing fastballs. She's married since she left "Blogtopia", as skippy says. Stop by for some laughs about her dog and the neighborhood dog.


Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Smallpox Vaccines Coming?

Federal health officials today instructed states to prepare to vaccinate every American in the event of a biological attack using smallpox, and issued a detailed plan showing how each state could quickly inoculate as many as one million people in the first 10 days. Not even the so-called 'saber-rattling' and positioning troops closer to Iraq disturb me as much as hearing that we're seriously proceeding with smallpox vaccines. I suppose that's because smallpox has the potential to directly effect me. Although I do believe I had that shot in grade school. I'll have to research this a little further. I wonder if anyone else remembers having vaccines in school? [via:]


Monday, September 23, 2002

Redford Film Begins Shooting Today

It's showtime for the latest made-in-Asheville movie.

Filming is scheduled to start today on the crime-thriller "The Clearing," starring Oscar-winner Robert Redford as a kidnapped business tycoon.

"The Clearing" is the latest big-name, big-studio movie to shoot in Western North Carolina in recent years, following such features as "Hannibal," "Last of the Mohicans," "My Fellow Americans" and "28 Days." The region is also home to the Blue Ridge Motion Pictures studio and film professionals who live here year-round. Since this will be Mr Redford's residence for a while, I suppose the local media will soon have some Robert Redford sitings to report. [via:]


No Expectations

Does anyone actually get out of the house on time on Monday mornings? Without forgetting something? Or arguing with your family about something trivial? I should just resign myself to the fact that on Mondays I will probably always be late, fuss with my husband and/or daughter and forget something important. That's how it usually is at my house and that's how it was at my home growing up, too. Or maybe it's a problem that only visits me and my home.

Fall Officially Begins Today
My house is around the curve and you can see the beginnings of the fall leaves.

looks a little fall-like


Sunday, September 22, 2002

Looking For A Job

How about a "foot sniffer"? Or a "funeral parlor cosmetologist"? A "tampon tester" [a guy]? Beer tester---not so bad.

[link seen:]

Fun Stuff

Fun stuff for your desk---at home or work.


Birthday Blues? Not Me

My husband and I were talking about birthdays and which ones, if any, bothered us. He said his last birthday that ended in "0" really bothered him. I suspected as much, but he never said anything and neither did I. When I turned 29, I thought it was the end of the world. I guess because 29 was so close to 30, and the old "don't trust anyone over "30" thing was ingrained in my psyche. I mean, 29 really got to me. I'd rather not go into details, but looking back now it seems strange to think I was so distraught about aging. Back then, I thought getting older meant I'd have to look like my mother, or that I'd automatically conform to the party line or something. Now, after seeing so many wonderful, smart women age gracefully before me, it's more of an honor to grow older.


President Bush has declared: “you’re either with us or against us.” Here is our answer: We refuse to allow you to speak for all the American people. We will not give up our right to question. We will not hand over our consciences in return for a hollow promise of safety. We say NOT IN OUR NAME. We refuse to be party to these wars and we repudiate any inference that they are being waged in our name or for our welfare. We extend a hand to those around the world suffering from these policies; we will show our solidarity in word and deed. [via:,]


Saturday, September 21, 2002

A young Muslim man, who refused to give his name, shows his feelings toward the media outside the Federal Court House in Buffalo, New York September 18, 2002 where he sat to show his support for the six local suspected al-Qaida supporters who appeared inside the court, September 18, 2002. The six men have been charged with providing material support to al Queda from nearby Lackwanna, New York. REUTERS/Mark Dye [via:] I'm not sure who this guy is actually 'saluting'. The media?


Friday, September 20, 2002


Nicole Kidman is in discussions to star in the film version of "Bewitched" with Mike Myers the top choice in the role of Darren, according to The Hollywood Reporter. I can see it.


Crayons That Didn't Make The Grade

I saw this on Shirl's site today. There are pictures of new crayon colors that just didn't measure up. There's "Spank Me Pink", "Spousal Abuse Blue", "Found in a Diaper Gold", etc.


Thursday, September 19, 2002

Did anyone see Bush on tv yesterday speaking to an audience in Tennessee? I'm still looking for a link to it. Referring to Saddam Hussein, he said something like:

"We have a saying here in Tennessee, well they have it in Texas, I guess Tennessee has it, too...

Fool me once, .........................................................................

...........................................(deer caught in headlights look).........

..(oh, you can almost see the wheels turning).................................

................................................well, we won't get fooled again!"

Go get 'em, George. I suppose he was trying to say: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." I almost feel sorry for him. I said, almost.


Christopher Reeve

An anonymous donor has offered to contribute $1 to CRPF, Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, for every birthday card sent to him for his birthday. He is celebrating his 50th birthday on September 25. I saw a story about his progress last night on television. He's now able to move his feet and legs just a little bit; certainly a huge step for him. [just click on the words 'birthday card']


Wednesday, September 18, 2002

The Banger Sisters

This movie comes out this Friday, September 20. It probably won't make a huge splash because it doesn't speak that well to the younger demographic that flood the theaters so readily. It speaks to me and my generation so it'd be nice to see it do well. It's about two former groupies now 50-ish who meet up again as one is living in the past and one is hiding from it. So says the promo. Susan Sarandon and Goldie Hawn, two extremely good actresses, and both academy award winners, star in the Banger Sisters. The soundtrack, features one song from Chris Robinson, Goldie's son-in-law, and the soundtrack may, unfortunately, go over better than the movie does.

Send money so some lady is able to go to nursing school and then leave her husband, I believe. Shameless...


Dept Of Debauchery: Ex TYCO CEO Threw $2.1 Million Birthday Party For His Wife

A memo detailing plans for a $2.1 million 40th birthday party Mr. Kozlowski staged for his wife, Karen, calls for an extravagant, Roman Empire-theme event on the Italian island of Sardinia.

A Tyco pre-party memo described the event: "The guests come into the pool area, the band is playing, they are dressed in elegant chic. Big ice sculpture of David, lots of shellfish and caviar at his feet. A waiter is pouring Stoli vodka into [the statue's] back so it comes out his penis into a crystal glass. Waiters are passing cocktails in chalices. They are dressed in linen togas with fig wreath on head. A full bar with fabulous linens." Tyco shareholders picked up half the $2.1 million birthday bash tab. Talk about your wretched excess. The problem is that he billed the company for 1/2 of the expenses. Did we get to see him do the "CEO Shuffle" [as I call it or 'perp-walk' as it's also known]?


Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Questions [from fluffernutters to the war machine]

The Republicans obviously aren't the only ones bought and paid for by the 'war machine'. When are the Dems going to speak out against going to war? Why is it that Scott Ritter is the only one speaking out? And he's a life long Republican.

Updated: Added links to what Scott Ritter's been saying lately.


Monday, September 16, 2002


I was reminded of the mention of fluffernutters, [while visiting Kathryn's site today,] on "The Sopranos" last night. Christopher, Tony's nephew, stopped by to visit his long suffering mother and asked her to make him a fluffernutter. I've heard of these before, but didn't know what they were. Kathryn says they're popular in the Northeast as a comfort food. [note to self: pick up some marshmallow creme at the grocery this week] By the way, The Sopranos' premiere last night was great.


I want to acknowledge Yom Kippur today. And I believe today is also Kymberstorm's birthday.

Some areas around the US had cooler temperatures this morning, but here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina, it hasn't gotten below 60° yet. But it didn't stop my husband from making a fire in the fireplace yesterday. Although we have a furnace [never use it] and electric heat, he insists on gathering and chopping wood each winter to heat some of the house. Must be that hunter/gatherer thing. There's just something magical about a fireplace and I couldn't imagine living someplace without one.

[Come on, Blogger, you know you can do it. Yesterday's post wouldn't post until today and today's post is giving me a fit, too.]


Sunday, September 15, 2002

John Edwards' Campaign Strategists Believe They're On The Right Track

John Edwards, NC Democratic Senator, is unofficially getting his Presidential campaign together with the help of the two men that are "Huntin' for Nascar-Lovin', Moon-Pie-Eatin', Bluegrass-Listenin', Shotgun-Totin' Democrats." John, are you sure you've thought this thing through? As hard as we in the south try to lose this hillbilly image, you dust it off and display it proudly in hopes of winning a presidential bid.


Saturday, September 14, 2002

Shit's Gettin' Deep

Scotland's Herald newspaper wrote (August 16), "The Pentagon has moved 50,000 soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines within striking distance of Iraq in the past 10 months under cover of deployments targeting global terrorism, according to senior UK military sources."

The more I read, and find out that instead of our selected officials giving more credence to Afghanistan these past 12 months, they've been getting all their ducks in a row for an Iraqi invasion.


Friday, September 13, 2002

Tooling Around Blogworld

Well, Ms Diva Maggie sure gets her rant on today about Bush. Everyone is more than a little concerned about the latest decisions regarding us and Iraq. And Shirl has a fun link on her site today that's a little rare, but funny, about plaster casts. Yes, it IS what you think it is. Kim is curious about a blocked address coming in on her stats referrer page that said, "Field blocked by Outpost". That's a new one on me. Ilana's gotten a new award for her great site....The always entertaining Skippy has a post about the Oldest Known Penis, which belongs to a crab, and other goodies. Sara is a little leary about it being Friday the 13th and the detainees in Florida. I think everyone is a little leary nowadays, not just because it's Friday the 13th. Kymberstorm hasn't had a day off in forever and could certainly use one real soon.


Warren Zevon Has Untreatable Lung Cancer

Spokeswoman Diana Baron said Zevon, who was told of the diagnosis by doctors last month, is spending time with his grown children, as well as writing and recording. He'll be in the recording studio next week, she said.

Rhino Records will release "Genius: The Best of Warren Zevon" on October 15. Zevon's most recent album, "My Ride's Here," released this year, features contributions from Irish poet Paul Muldoon, journalist Hunter S. Thompson and author Carl Hiaasen, as well as a cameo from talk-show host David Letterman. I read someplace that he quit smoking about eight years ago. I always thought he was cool; I hope he and his family are doing well.


Thursday, September 12, 2002

President On TV Last Night

The president came on television last night and laid out his plans to resolve the problems in Iraq. He explained what worked in the past, and maybe more importantly, what we've learned from Saddam Hussein, et al, since the early 90's. He may have over simplified it, but I felt like he let me in on vital information when he said we're much better prepared for any confrontation now, and that Saddam is less prepared now than he's ever been for war. He answered many concerns of mine, while assuring me that he'd be astonished if it would take more than a week for Iraq to be 'toast'. [his word]. Thanks for easing my mind and for putting things in perspective, Mr President....I mean, Mr. Clinton.


Santana's New Album Due Soon

"Shaman", Santana's follow up album to their huge seller "Supernatural", released in 1999, is due out sometime in October. The first single is called “The Game of Love” featuring Michelle Branch. The single and video will be released on September 23, 2002. Carlos made a big comeback after his last album, showing there's definitely plenty of music left in him. I'm anxious to hear this new album and hope it's another big success for him.


Wednesday, September 11, 2002

I am surprised at how close to the surface this year-old tragedy still is to me; even though I am personally pretty far removed from the situation. I can only imagine how raw these emotions still are with those that are directly involved. Today as I reflect on 9.11.01, I'll be grateful for my many blessings and my prayers will ascend to those whose hearts are still on the mend.
picture: Vincent Laforet/The New York Times


Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Senator Elizabeth Dole?

Today, nine Democrats and seven Republicans are seeking the seat held by GOP Sen. Jesse Helms, who is stepping down after 30 years. Which is probably how long ago Elizabeth Dole, lead contender for that position, was an actual resident of North Carolina. Ms Dole, leading Republican nominee, hasn't lived in NC since she got out of school. Besides an occasional visit to her mother, she didn't show up again, until there was a vacancy pending for one of the Senatorial positions. [The top Democrat runner is Erskine Bowles, a former White House Chief of Staff. ] She'll probably win this primary, and just might win the general election in November. Oh, well, she can't be any worse than Jesse, can she?

Sunday, September 8, 2002

Smoking In The Girl's Room

It really doesn't seem that long ago since I was in high school. But it was [1967-1970]. And it was a different world. One of the major changes I've noticed is 'No Smoking'. I imagined my daughter walking into a smoky bathroom at her high school and before I could fast forward my head to this millenium, she quickly informed me that tobacco of any kind is no longer allowed. That startled me. Because smoking was such a rite of passage for my generation. There were designated spots outside on school grounds for smoking between classes. And when I went to work after school, an ashtray on my desk was as normal as my telephone or pencil holder. Later, studies came out against smoking, and the cessation of smoking in public places began. Even though I live in North Carolina, tobacco country, where the tobacco news is sometimes slanted, I heard about all the lawsuits against the industry. When I was younger, it didn't occur to me that I'd be discussing the days when we used to smoke at work and school. And maybe one day I can discuss the days when I used to smoke, period.


Friday, September 6, 2002

Pitch Dark Bar Opens For Blind Dates

This may not be such a bad idea. At least it'd save you from that pesky "chew your arm off" coyote method. You know, where the guy you 'picked up' looked fine at closing time, [while you were inebriated,] but after waking up beside him the next morning, you peek over to steal a glimpse and vaguely recall the night before. Realizing your arm is under his neck, you comtemplate gently slinking out of bed and running to hide in the bathroom, but when you start to make your getaway, it, he starts to awaken. So, you decide to chew your arm off rather than awaken the beast.


Thursday, September 5, 2002

The Political M & M Show [Maureen Dowd], [Molly Ivins]

Who's Your Daddy

Mareen Dowd breaks it down by saying that it's nothing more than a pissing contest [my words, not hers] in her 'Who's Your Daddy' column in the New York Times yesterday. But the more Junior goes along with his vice president and surrogate Daddy and stakes his entire presidency on trying to finish the job, the more he underscores the contention that his real Daddy went wobbly. "...General Haig simply spit out what other conservatives imply: Daddy wimped out in Iraq and Junior has to fix it." Is 43 now afraid of being seen as a wimp as his father was? I believe them's fighin' words in Texas.

Dirtied By Iraqui Oil

When Dick Cheney was CEO of the oilfield supply firm Halliburton, the company did $23.8 million in business with Saddam Hussein, the evildoer. But she does go on to say that both parties have had similar interest in terrorist sponsoring countries. But hearing Cheney denounce Saddam is truly "Give us a break" time, because of his company and the subsidiaries he's been directly involved in maintained such lucrative corporate interest.


Wednesday, September 4, 2002

Scientists Now Prove You Can Catch Cold From The Internet!

Usually from your blogging friends. No, not really. I first read about Kymberstorm having a bad cold last week. And now, Shirl started a cold last night. First, my throat started hurting, but I thought I'd just been smoking too many Marlboro Ultra Lights. And then my temperature was 101.5 last night, so then I knew it wasn't the cigs. I haven't had a cold/flu in ages, but with the changing of the temperatures and the season, I suppose it's not unusual. Get well soon, Shirl, and any others who are feeling yucky.


Google Alternative?

Most everyone uses Google for their searching needs. But if Google suddenly vanished from the internet, what other search engine would you use? I'd like to have an good alternative search engine to use and some that I've tried lately, seem to reveal pretty much the same info that Google does. I believe Google is integrated with Yahoo now. I know it's combined with AOL search. And for independent searching, I no longer am satisfied with such a monopoly as Google anymore.


Tuesday, September 3, 2002

Dear Ann Coulter, You're Fired

Bob Unger, Executive Editor, from the Centre Daily News fired Ann Coulter after pulling her column from his newspaper. "Your Friday column, in which you declared that liberals are "no good," then trashed the entire Kennedy clan as a collection of "heroin addicts, convicted killers, cheaters, bottleggers and dissolute drunks," crossed that line." He goes on to say "... you're mean -- vicious, really -- which is why we do not believe that you in any way serve the public good."

"I take issue with Unger's remark that Ann Coulter has a pretty face. Mr Ed has a pretty face, Secretariat has a pretty face; Ann Coulter has the sort of face a horse would have if it lived on cigarettes and Chardonnay." said roger [from] posted on Smirking Chimp.

I say Bravo to you, Mr Unger, for doing the right correct thing.


Monday, September 2, 2002

Bits And Pieces

Today, September 2, is one of my very best friends [of 37 years] birthday. Don't ever underestimate the friendship of someone who's seen the fabric of your life weave through a couple of husbands, 2 children, and various other life events. It's one of the most important relationships in my life. He lives in Tennessee, which is 75 miles away, but we still get together every other Thursday morning for breakfast. Enjoy your day, Terry.

Rumors of War
Secretary of State, Colin Powell, says U.S. should first seek return of U.N. weapons inspectors before taking any further steps, highlighting differences within administration. When Colin Powell's name was first mentioned as Sec of State, I never dreamed that he'd be the one to balk when Bush wanted to go to war.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


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