Friday, October 20, 2006

Esalen Institute's new online TV station. Videos of Abraham Maslow, Aldous Huxley, B.F. Skinner, Ram Dass, and many more luminaries from Esalen's forty-year history.

MyPath*TV is the largest collection of mind, body, spirit programming on the Internet. This unique Web destination has something for everyone and delivers it straight to your desktop. Our affordable plans allow viewers to access commercial-free programming in a full-screen TV-style format instantly, 24 hours a day, with new programs added weekly.

Great site!



Tuesday, October 17, 2006

On This Day

1966 -- US: Anarchist collective, "The Diggers," holds its first free street feed in San Francisco, California. We are all Emmett Grogan! 20th Century American Digger, anarchist rabblerouser and a mysterious and elusive figure who became legendary in the counter-culture of the late 1960s.


Australia's Richard Neville

Australia's Richard Neville

An open letter to President Bush

Dear George,

While not a supporter of you or your catastrophic agenda, I have no wish for you to suffer the same of fate of President John F Kennedy. In the last few days, millions of world citizens have seen the latest tabulation of horror inflicted on Iraq. 655,000 are a lot of corpses, George, far exceeding the rate achieved by Saddam Hussein. Added to this are a massive number of the disfigured, the orphaned and the destitute; the wreckage of infrastructure, the collapse of tertiary education. You have often invoked the “yearning of Iraqis to be free”, but what they want most is to be free of your troops.

Think about it - over 500 Iraqis killed every day, a third of which are directly due to actions by coalition forces. The rest of the violent deaths are a consequence of the occupation. Instead of reacting with compassion to the report in The Lancet, you dismissed it as a “discredited guess”, despite the widely accepted methodology. 655,00 dead! Too much blood, too little oil. It’s beginning to look like genocide, George, which is why thousands of Iraqis are fleeing the country. A White House induced diaspora. How do the new minted exiles feel about you? How can the loss of a homeland be compensated? Saddam today is on trial for his crimes. Tomorrow, the man in the dock could be you. Yet this is unlikely, because your administration has bent the law into providing immunity. The question arises, how will the victims of your policies gain restitution? [MORE »]

Australia's Richard Neville


SCI: Eco-Warriors, Music Rulers & Party Savages

Monday, October 16, 2006

When the String Cheese Incident comes to town, it's usually an event. Sure, SCI fans would say that, but I'm talking about what often goes on when they come to your town.

Years ago after playing an outdoor gig, they observed their fans staying behind cleaning up the venue. SCI soon began helping, too, by giving back to the communities that embraced them and most recently coordinated Fall 2006 Food Drives with Conscious Alliance. It's a great outfit comprised of visionary artists who made excellent posters, and musicians who raise money and donate their time to those in need.

On the day of the show in Asheville (NC) last week, SCI and voluteers spent the afternoon cleaning up trash along the river banks.

But for 2007 New Years, a gale of cultural forces will unite for two super freaky nights at the Sea Of Dreams event, that's put together by Anon Salon, Peak Experiences, (the new millenium's Bill Graham,) & Madison House in San Francisco. You can see from their previous events that this one is not to be missed if you are anywhere west of the Mississippi.

String Cheese Incident
along with other bands will be there and every element and orifice will be rocked for your entertainment pleasure.


Patti Smith - CBGB's Final Night

CBGB might be set to re-opening as a venue in Las Vegas, but Patti Smith - who played the farewell show at the original venue last night (October 15) - won't be performing there.

Talking to a crowd of reporters - including NME.COM - during a question and answer session held during her soundcheck, the singer admitted she felt more at home with the original CBGB in New York.

"We had a job in Las Vegas four years ago and we sold 85 tickets and they cancelled the show," she explained. "I've never been there. When you only sell 85 tickets out of 2,000, you don't go into that town."

"CBGB is a state of mind" she declared, "and what's going to happen is young kids all over the world are going to have their own fucking clubs and they won't care about CBGB because they're going to have the new places and the new places are always the most important."

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See Photos - ID: bozetta, PW: rednose


Black Panthers - 40 Years

Saturday, October 14, 2006

So much going on in the month of October to celebrate the 40th Reunion of the Black Panther Party.

All weekend, former and current members of the Black Panther Party are holding events to commemorate the 40th anniversary of an organization that brought breakfasts to poor school children, and emblazoned the image of black power on the national consciousness.The party attracted people like former UCLA lecturer Angela Davis, whom the late Governor Ronald Reagan vowed would never again teach in the University of California system.

At right is Angela Davis now and the bottom photo is how I'll always remember her; speaking at rallies and motivating a nation. She was one of my role models when I was growing up.

Now a tenured professor in the History of Consciousness program at U.C. Santa Cruz, Davis says the war in Iraq and the socio-economic rift exposed by Hurricane Katrina show that the party’s message 30 years ago is still relevant today.

» More on Angela Davis
» Today's Washington Post article
» Black Panther Party Legacy and Alumni
» BBQ-ing With Bobby (Seale)


And then it happened. The logo. The product shot. The soothing voice-over. It was a commercial for a brand-new product: Kellogg's Organic Rice Krispies. And your heart goes, Ugh.

You say it aloud and the words tend to catch in your throat and make you sort of gag. Kellogg's Organic Rice Krispies, with "organic" in big scripted flowing font across the top of the box, all steeped in bogus warmth and happiness and false notions of health and nature and protecting your Perfect Child from the millions of icky poisons and unhealthy crap churned out by giant megacorps exactly like, well, exactly like Kellogg's.

Kellogg's Organic Rice Krispies. It's sort of like saying "Lockheed Martin Granola Bars" or "Exxon Bottled Spring Water."

Self-immolating, and not in a good way.

That's when I heard it. The plaintive wail, the sigh, the crack and the moan and the whimper, like a tree shooting itself in the head. It was the final death knell of the "true" organic movement, breathing its last.

Because yes indeed, it's over. Organic is dead. [More »]


Friday, October 13, 2006

Random Top Ten mp3 Songs

  1. Squarepusher - Hanningfield Window
  2. King Crimson - The Court of the Crimson King
  3. Bob Dylan - It Ain't Me Babe
  4. Boards of Canada - Chromakey Dreamcost
  5. Patti Smith - Mother Rose
  6. Espers - Dead Queen
  7. Neon Blonde - Wings Made Out of Noise
  8. Jeff Beck - Rock My Plimsoul
  9. Animal Collective - Hollinndagain
  10. Melanie - Lay Down, (candles in the rain)

Today's Quote:
"I'm not disturbing the peace. I'm disturbing the war."
-- Ammon Hennacy


Thursday, October 12, 2006

La lene (The Hyenas) is an Italian show that is known for pulling pranks of public figures. This is what they just did:
"In a classic sting operation, some 50 politicians were fooled into thinking they were being interviewed about aspects of next year's draft budget, currently before parliament. Instead, a make-up artist with a satirical TV show swabbed their eyebrows to get a sample of their perspiration, which was then tested for traces of cannabis and cocaine. Twelve allegedly tested positive for cannabis and four for cocaine, all apparently taken in the 36 hours before being approached."
The show got pulled before it was supposed to air last night because of complaints it violated the politicians privacy.

How can we make this happen here in the US?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some good quips from Stewart (which we paraphrase, since we don't have a transcript).

On Ann Coulter:

I actually feel sorry for her. Once your career is based on denigrating 9/11 widows, what's your second act? Unless you dig up Mother Teresa and stick a dildo in her eye, nothing could be more offensive.

On the Mark Foley scandal:

We do have pages on The Daily Show. I just want to make one thing clear to their parents, and to everyone else: We WILL sodomize them.

On John McCain, and the media's general adoration for him:

You know, he has the Straight Talk Express. And he's driving it to Bullshittown.



Black Gum College

Guerrilla Art School

Black Gum College allegedly existed in or around Old Fort, North Carolina during 1972-3. The surviving mission statement of this guerrilla Art School claims that its purpose was "to inject ooze into society so that art can exist in this constrictive culture."

According to legend, students were "recruited" then led blind-folded to "the campus," a forest clearing where they were given workshops in energy transference, witchcraft, and juice drawing. Students were warned against disclosing the college's location or going public with details concerning their education. No one has yet come forth as a former student. Read more»»

Recent drawings by Steve Brown and the final performance of the black ooze

Reception 7- 11 pm October 13th 2006
Performance some time after 9 pm October 13th 2006
Harvest Records · 415-b Haywood Rd · Asheville · NC · 28806
828 258 2999

So far I cannot find one thing on the internet about this art school.

Great God Pan

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Psychic TV's Genesis P-Orridge

"I've had all my teeth replaced with solid gold replicas of the originals," he says, "beauty spots tattooed on my face, silicone injections in my lips, cheek implants, laser hair removal, breast implants ..."

P-Orridge, once on the receiving end of a "This man corrupts kids" tabloid headline, is no longer a man but a self-styled "pandrogyne". "Or a hermaphrodite by choice, if you like," he says. Gone are the Charlie Manson T-shirts and military fatigues. Now, he favours a blond, Bette Davis bob and lingerie.

A new album, Hell Is Invisible ... Heaven Is Her/e, is out on Kill Rock Stars in January, 2007.

I like that he's still evolving, to be the best he can be.



Put Google gadgets on your website. Over 1200 gadgets that were available for your customized Google page can now be put on your own website. Traffic, weather, games, calendar, etc.



Ten Things You Should Never Buy Again

1. Styrofoam cups
Styrofoam is forever. It's not biodegradable.
Alternative: Buy recyclable and compostable paper cups.
Best option: Invest in some reusable mugs that you can take with you. Bring your favorite mug to work.

2. Paper towels
Paper towels waste forest resources, landfill space, and your money.
Alternative: When you do buy paper towels, look for recycled, non-bleached products. Search the National Green Pages™ for recycled paper products.
Best option: Buy dishtowels or rags to wash and reuse.

3. Bleached coffee filters
Dioxins, chemicals formed during the chlorine bleaching process, contaminate groundwater and air and are linked to cancer in humans and animals.
Alternative: Look for unbleached paper filters.
Best Option: Use reusable filters such as washable cloth filters.

(4 - 10)


Monday, October 9, 2006

Prosper, America's first people to people lending marketplace, was created to make consumer lending more financially and socially rewarding for everyone. The way Prosper works is intuitive to people who have used eBay. Instead of listing and bidding on items, people list and bid on loans using Prosper's online auction platform.

An idea whose time is probably overdue. I'm not sure this particular organization is the answer, but I like the idea of completely cutting the bank out of my loan transaction or my investment procedures.



Sunday, October 8, 2006


* Marijuana product placement on grocery shelves? link

* Visualize that the Holy beings enter your heart chakra or a Dharma wheel in the form of lights before you move anything on the altar. There really is a method to moving your altar. link

* A Pima, Arizona, couple has stepped down as leaders of a church that considers marijuana a sacrament and deity. The government contends the church is a front for drug trafficking. link

* Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox - A documentary. link

* I didn't know Richard Clarke had a website. link

* BBQ-ing with Bobby Seale - Yes, that Bobby Seale. link

* Help Hastert Hide the Perv and more silliness - link

* David Byrne offers up “Record Companies: Who needs Them?” and gives his opinion on the Montreal music this week. link

Take some time around this Full Moon to create more balance in your life, in whatever way you feel called. Use the tools you have to stay centered. listen to your heart, and remember: "To go out of our minds at least once a day is tremendously important. By going out of your mind you come to your senses! When you come out of the conditioned, limited and unaware mind the center of gravity naturally shifts to the heart." --Alan Watts


Saturday, October 7, 2006

Maureen Dowd: Death By Instant Message

So now we have our first IM scandal.

We knew it was coming, all this personal information zinging back and forth across cyberspace at the speed of write, all this constantly streaming technology being inexorably adapted to the needs of desire.

IM-ing is like whispering, perfect for furtive, racy exchanges — or slimy, perverted ones. It’s as if your id had a typewriter. In a world where everything is instant, the delaying and censoring mechanisms that contributed to a civilized life are gone.

In the old days, there was a chance that career- or marriage-destroying letters would be, upon further consideration, thrown into the fireplace. IM’s, e-mails and BlackBerry billets-doux, more perilous forms of drunk dialing, have the wings of Mercury and the indestructibility of mercury.

But peripatetic pols, like gossipy high school girls, will not give up computer messaging just because creepy Mark Foley (a k a Maf54) got caught with his e-boxers down.

Indeed, the president and his top advisers were IM-ing just last night about the party’s meltdown. I hacked into the OVAL1600 chat room and prepared a transcript. Warning: politically explicit language, reader discretion advised.

Decider: hey

Rover08: ya

Decider: Dick, u here? Don?

DarthV: ya, potus

Rumstud74: ditto, boss

Decider: I called denny to tell him i just can’t quit him ...brokeback party ... did we decide right?

Rover08: ya ... even if we’re now the party of gays and a weak military, let’s not let the Dems paint us that way

DarthV: obvi

*Continued in the Comments


From the Guardian

"Everyone has their special album: the one nobody else has heard of, the one to bring out when you want to amaze people. We asked 49 musicians, producers and writers to tell us about their records to be reckoned with."

This is an interesting article. How do I pick just one special album I'd want someone to hear? The last album I asked someone to listen to was Espers II by Espers, but I have many favorites and they change because I also like so many types of music. And they're talking about obscure albums, and this one isn't. Harder than it looks.



Cosmic Trigger Event

17th of October 2006

This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.

This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant fluorescent in nature, blue/magenta in color.

The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensely one million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all will be amplified one millions time and more.

Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.

All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.

No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately 10:17am on the 17th of October to 1:17am on the 18th of October. [MORE...]

Sounds a little like PMS, but if we create light beams and have a good reality we can control this event.

(via: chapel perilous)


Friday, October 6, 2006

"Lean," A New Hip High

It's more than a drug; it's a culture. It's what's known on the street as "Lean," a highly addictive cocktail of cough syrup, cold medicine, alcohol and candy -- so potent it makes you "lean" over when high.

The drug first began to get attention a few years ago, when a popular Houston DJ overdosed on it. [MORE...]

I've never heard of "Lean" before. Is it really new or new to the media? There's been cough syrup highs for probably 100 years. I remember a strong cough syrup that was gold and almost as expensive as the precious metal. Long, long ago...

via: addiction and recovery


Vigil to Close the SOA/WHINSEC November 17-19, 2006

Together We'll Shut it Down!

This November 17-19, thousands will gather at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia for the Vigil to Close the School of the Americas! Following on the heels of our first vote in Congress in seven years, this year's Vigil is shaping up to be a powerful time for movement building and an effective tool in the campaign to close the SOA/ WHINSEC.

See if there's a group in your area.


I bitch about the SOA a couple of times a year and I always find it hard to believe this annual protest doesn't get more buzz than it does.


Thursday, October 5, 2006

You guys are so great!

Thanks for thinking about me today on my birthday. I had to get on the road this morning at 5:30 am and am just now getting back home. I'm beat and I need a nap.

Later, I'll have cake and blow out the candles, if they're still standing. At my age you gotta beware of boob prints in the cake. Right, Karen?!


Sunday, October 1, 2006

To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.

- Confucius



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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