Aubrey de Grey on "The Singularity" and "The Methuselarity"

Monday, September 28, 2009

With his long flowing beard and optimistic predictions about engineering an end to death, Aubrey de Grey has become a legend within the longevity community. He is currently the Chief Science Officer of SENS Foundation, a US-based charity focused on applying regenerative medicine to the problem of aging.

His most recent book is Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs that could End Human Aging in our Lifetimes.

The general concept, which for the past nine years I've pioneered and promoted under the name "Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence" or SENS is, in my view, our best bet for seriously -- maybe even indefinitely -- postponing the ill health of old age for people who are already alive today. I have broken down the problem of "preventative maintenance for the human body" into seven major sub-problems, many of which are well on the way to being overcome with contemporary biomedical technology and the remainder of which are, in my view, probably less than ten years away from proof of concept in laboratory mammals and less than 25 years away from clinical application.

link | Aubrey de Grey photo credit BJ Klein, Wikipedia.


Allergies Blow

Gesundheit! Bless you. Can I get you a tissue?

Fall allergy season kicks off around Labor day and usually lasts a few weeks so why as I still sniffling, blowing, and wheezing?

I never had allergies until I was in my forties. Now the onset of spring and fall is filled with sniffling, blowing, and wheezing.

I really should see about getting the allergy shots.


Saturday Morning Me

Saturday, September 26, 2009

saturday morning me//
grey shorts/black top/black flipflops/
forecast:rain, laundry, slovenliness/
daughter & grandson visiting/
listening: phoenix calling me "Mum"?/
so how about you?/

thought for today
be grateful for whoever comes… each has been sent as a guide from beyond. ~rumi


Stewart Brand: Save the Slums

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Some people see a squatter city in Nigeria or India and the desperation overwhelms them: rickety shelters, little kids working or begging, filthy water and air.

Stewart Brand sees the same places and he's encouraged. The pioneering environmentalist, technology thinker, and founder of the Whole Earth Catalog has written a new manifesto, Whole Earth Discipline, in which he defends genetic engineering, nuclear power, and other longtime nemeses of the green left as good for the planet.

Read More »


Meredith Dittmar - Works

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dittmars human-animal-plant-energy amalgams contain threads of common elements and colors to express deep levels of union across themes of biology, technology, and consciousness. Her characters are frequently involved in quiet expressive moments, or lounge facing their audience so they can share their inner space.

(Lots of polymer clay.)

link | via


Sheela Na Gig - Goddess of Fertility

What are Sheela Na Gigs?

Flaunting females and masturbating males adorn our medieval churches. Why?

I confess that I'd love to see some of our current pop artists put their own spin on a painting of the Sheela-Na-Gigs.

Sheela Na Gigs are quasi-erotic stone carvings of a female figure usually found on Norman or to be more precise Romanesque churches. They consist of an old woman squatting and pulling apart her vulva, a fairly strange thing to find on a church wouldn't you say? The carvings are old and often do not seem to be part of the church but have been taken from a previous older, usually romanesque, building.

MORE» PJ Harvey had a song called Sheela Na Gig and Flickr has a group of Exhibitionist church carvings.


Saturday Morning Me

Good Morning, friends!

saturday morning me//
nappy hair up with chopstix/
shortie gown/barefoot/glasses on nose/
grapes/wheat toast with pnut butter/
green tea (jasmine pearls)/
listening: kurt weil, see video below/
so how about you?/

Useless Fact Of The Day
A flea's penis is roughly 2/3rds the length of its body. So if someone tells you, "You're hung like a flea", it's not an insult. Show them the respect they're due.


Waterpod - Afloat in the New York Harbor

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photograph by Michael Nagle for The New York Times.

For the last two months artists have been floating around New York City on the Waterpod, a 3,000-square-foot experiment in community living and artistry.

Founded by Mary Mattingly, whose medium is mainly photography, it was envisioned as a self-sustaining living space, an eco- and art-friendly sphere that could be recreated in the future, when land resources might be scarce.

See Waterpod Images, from concept to fruition.


Behind the Veil of Racism

Monday, September 14, 2009

When people say they don't like Obama because he's a socialist and he's like Hitler, their ignorance is showing. Finally a black guy that it's alright to hate. They can wrap up their vitriol, call it "politics" and voila! You've hidden your racism.

I'm sickened at these signs that have appeared at the weekend rally in DC. Signs referring to Obama as a "long legged Mack Daddy" and one printed sign that was being passed out read "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy."

The rallies do nothing more than allow some conservatives' thinly disguised bigotry to pass for conservative rally slogans as they smugly admit when challenged, "I'm not a racist".

I've seen a lot of both thinly disguised and blatant displays of racism in my lifetime so I know it when I see it. I recognize it when I see it slyly hiding behind religion or trying to hide behind freedom of speech. When it looks like a duck and talks like a duck and it walks like a duck, you better believe it's a fucking duck.


Get Behind Me, Satan

Brian "Head" Welch, former KoRn guitarist, is thinking about Jesus so he doesn't touch his penis. He explains:

"The Jesus tattoo on my hand keeps me from masturbating and I haven't been with a woman since my ex-wife left me almost five years ago. I go to those extremes to be like Christ and it works for me." Read More »

"Um, I can't dear. Jesus is watching."

There's so much going on here I don't know where to begin. 1) Since when is masturbation wrong? B) Sex makes you evil? 3)And the Jesus/Christ remarks? How much time do you have? I don't like that someone our kids might listen to can be so misinformed/ing.

Source | (bottom photo found via via examiner)


Skull Tote For Bitsy

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Patty Pilates" has her own little skull bag now.

It was only a few short years ago that you crossed the street to avoid walking close by that devil girl with the skull tee shirt and now you dare to walk on the wild side.

Run along and see if you can find yourself some divine shoes to match, you naughty girl!



Saturday Morning Me

Saturday, September 12, 2009

saturday morning me//
black l/s henley/black on black printed leggings/ballet flats/
blonde and grey ponytail long & low on the side/
listening: Grim Reaper Blues by Entrance/
breakfast: oatmeal/cheese/grapes/oj/coffee/
cigarettes i've NOT had since 8/8/08? 10K+/
forecast? strap on the old headset and work/
so what about you?/


Update On My Husband

Friday, September 11, 2009

Steve's in Charlotte, NC, at a rehabilitation center for his spinal injury now after a 2 week stay in the hospital for back surgery and recovery.

His days are full of physical therapy. Learning how to get from a wheel chair to the bed and vice versa and exercises to build up muscle. He still can't stand on his own. His legs aren't working well enough but each day there is improvement so that is the main thing and we all remain hopeful. :D


Best Burning Man Photos

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

There are no shortage of Burning Man photos to be found on the internet but The Blight.Net can always be found to have the very best captures.

Burning Man is an annual art event and temporary community based on radical self expression and self-reliance in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada.


Living My Life by Emma Goldman

I was looking through my saved books and partial books online and thought this book of Emma Goldman was worth a post. You can read all 500+ pages online which I find amazing.

"How well I remember that day! It was a Sunday. The West Shore train, the cheapest, which was all I could afford, had brought me from Rochester, New York, reaching Weehawken at eight o'clock in the morning.

I came by ferry to New York City. I had no friends there, but I carried three addresses, one of a married aunt, one of a young medical student I had met in New Haven a year before, while working in a corset factory there, and one of The Freiheit, a German anarchist paper published by Johann Most."



Illustrations of Rima Staines

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stunning. Breathtaking. Sweet. Charming. I feel like I've stumbled upon a secret mystical treasure.

The illustrations of Rima Staines from The Hermitage are astounding.

Looking through her drawings you are impressed by the beautiful details of her exquisite work and awed that she lets you in to experience it.

I've included a photo of her at the top and one of a cd cover she did for the (a new-to-me) band Telling The Bees; of whom she says is: a band of four lovely Oxford based musicians who might describe their music as ...darkly crafted folk, classical, cinematic, prog, acoustic-chill, psychedelia! At the bottom is a photo of the magickal truck she lives in now.

She leads an interesting life. Rima currently lives in a "...beautifully converted, magic truck, all filled with puppets and clocks and feathers and stones and things. It's like sitting in a fairy tale." per Telling The Bees website.
Thank you, Rima Staines, for giving us this beauty to enjoy.


The Choice

Let's Look At Both Sides

"...and on the other side you have stupid people, crazy people, dangerous people, stupid dangerous crazy people, people who think you're Hitler, and the Senate Finance Committee. I know that's a tough choice."


H Plus Magazine

The Fall 2009 Issue of h+ Magazine features Erik Davis on Dollhouse, Tweaking Your Neurons, The Psychedelic Transhumanists, Sex and the Singularity, Jonathan Coulton’s Inner Squid, and more.

Read it online in the current H+ Magazine.


donkey sexbokeh

Sunday, September 6, 2009

from the website:
"Apparently, when I was taking AND editing this one....I failed to notice the donkeys screwing in the background! Rad."
donkey sexbokeh
Originally uploaded by sungazing
this made my morning.


Saturday Morning Me

Saturday, September 5, 2009

saturday morning me//
oj/coffee#2/banana/cig#0!--still quit/
folding my undies/hanging up clothes/
aka doing laundry/
listening: royal trux/
leopard headband/black gypsy top/
jeans/chambray work shirt/
husband still in hospital--:(/
baby love/baby gap/baby steps/
so what about you?/

late but...sweet awitchy helped remind me-- :)


S E P T E M B E R 2 3 | MABON

Mabon, (May-bon) is known as the Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home, Second Harvest, Sun Enters Libra, the Witches Thanksgiving and Siring Fate. The Goddess is entering into cronehood, and the dark of the year is beginning, so this is a time often associated with mysterious lore and wisdom.

The Wiccan calendar contains 13 full moons (Esbats) and 8 Sabbats, or days of power, making 21 Wiccan ritual occasions. The Esbats are for celebrating the Goddess. The Sabbats mark the sun's yearly cycle and tell the story of The Wheel of the Year. On this day, the length of night time is equal to the length of daytime.

Mabon is a celebration of life and death, and giving of life again, the cycle of the seasons. Mabon is a time to enjoy the fruits of a hard year's labor, to stock up for the long winter. No matter how you celebrate Mabon, or how it came about, or whatever it's true name may be, it is important to know that Mabon a time for giving thanks.

Read about the symbols, incense, food and more of Autumn Equinox (Mabon)
[Read More »] | graphic is from venusia

I wish for you a bountiful harvest, a heart full of gratitude and many warm blessings this upcoming Fall season.



Friday, September 4, 2009

The Lowbrow Tarot Project will showcase 23 amazing artists who will use their creative genius and unique style to take on the 22 Major Arcana [+ the card back] and create 23 new works of art in the rugged glow of the lowbrow art movement to be displayed in an exhibition and table top book and full color card deck in 2010 at Billy Shire Fine Arts.

"There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana, each showing some aspect of the human experience. The cards of the Major Arcana are focused on three themes: the realm of the material world, the realm of the intuitive mind, and the realm of change."


These particular 23 artists that were chosen is a very well rounded lot. Also it couldn't have been easy to narrow it down to just the 23. Bravo.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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