Tobacco 'orbs' melt in mouth

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tobacco 'Orbs' Melt in Mouth

For smokers who can't light up in the office or at a restaurant, a new aspirin-sized tablet, called "Camel Orb," will let tobacco melt in their mouth. The dissolvable product — arriving January in stores in Portland, Ore., Columbus, Ohio, and Indianapolis — is the first such product by a major tobacco company and is part of a booming market in smokeless alternatives to cigarettes as smoke-free laws sweep the nation.

"It's meeting the needs of smokers," says Rob Dunham, of R.J. Reynolds, maker of Orb and Camel cigarettes. With lozenge-like Orb, he says there's no smoke, no spit, no litter.


New option for smokers now. Wouldn't have satisfied my oral cravings, I'm afraid although now I'm still enjoying a non-smoking life since quitting on 8/8/08.

Include this claim key in a blog post:


Recently subpoenaed Bush/Rove IT expert, is Wellstoned

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Karl Rove, left | Mike Connell, right

Recently Subpoenaed Bush/Rove IT Expert, Is Wellstoned

You know about the guy who could blow the lid off the Rove e-mail and Siegelman case? He died in a plane crash last week.

Connell was an expert pilot whose plane crashed in clear weather. He held virtually all the secrets to how George W. Bush was illegally foisted on the American people---and the world---for eight horrifying years.

More importantly, he was a computer guru. If Karl Rove was "the brains" behind getting George Bush elected, Mike Connell knew how to make it happen because he knew how the GOP steals elections.

By manipulating computerized results in Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004 Connell made history. By some accounts, he was about to tell the attorneys in the on-going King-Lincoln-Bronzeville federal civil rights lawsuit how he did it. He also expressed a willingness to appear under oath before Congress and had sought protection for himself and his family.

But now he is dead.

WATCH VIDEO | link | More »

The more layers you pull back on this under-reported onion, the more it stinks.


Timeless Travelers: Time and the Art of Gil Bruvel

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Timeless Travelers: Time and the Art of Gil Bruvel

Gil is so talented. Be sure to check out his sculpture, paintings and chess pieces.



Doll Face by Andrew Huang

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


A machine with a doll face mimics images on television screen in search of a satisfactory visage. Doll Face presents a visual account of desires misplaced and identities fractured by our technological extension into the future.



Winter Solstice 2008

Winter Solstice 2008:
Dec 21, 12:04 pm Universal Time

EST: Dec 21, 7:04 am
CST: Dec 21, 6:04 am
MST: Dec 21, 5:04 am
PST: Dec 21, 4:04 am

Each year druids, pagans and a wizard or two head to Stonehenge.

* A solstice candle, lit at sundown and allowed to burn in a safe place through the night, is a simple tradition deeply connected to ancient ways.

* Nighttime wishing ritual: Go outside and settle into the night. Listen. Think about the night as if it were an island. Have in mind what is important to you — what you want to release from your life and what you want to welcome into your life in the coming year. Breathe each thing you want gone, one at a time, into the palm of your hand, then blow them away into the winter sky. Do the same with each desire you wish to enter your life. When you are finished, go inside and light a red candle. Put it in a safe place to burn out completely. The candle is a symbolic guiding light to draw your desires to you.

* Honoring the directions: Many ancient cultures acknowledge and use the four compass points in their rituals. Here are some qualities for each direction in the Northern Hemisphere. These come from the wonderful book, The Winter Solstice:

* For a simple family ritual on Winter Solstice, you can pass around an orange. Each person peels off a portion of the rind, while thinking about one thing in their lives they would like to "peel away." Once it's fully peeled, the orange is passed around again. Each person eats a section, while thinking about one new wish or intention for the new year. If it's a mandarin orange, save the peel to make mandarin peel tea! (via)

* Don't miss this link by Dr Judith Rich - Winter Solstice: A Paean To The Pregnant Darkness. She is truly a blessing.

Hope you have a scintillating Solstice
A delightful Yule
May your mirth be multi-orgasmic
Your visions vibrant
Your glee glorious
Your festivities fulfilling
And your halls decked with Love and Peace.



Must Love Meth

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Must Love Meth

A local drug-testing company is desperately seeking tweekers.

Despite the talk of rising unemployment, Riptide has found work for members of South Florida's lighter-fluid-and-Drano-ingesting set.

Listen up, industrious fellow stirring a steaming vat of farming chemicals in the trunk of his 1988 Caravelle: Segal gives its volunteers $668 for 24 weeks of outpatient testing. Not a fortune, but where else can a meth addict get paid just to be himself?



Elena S captured by Sølve Sundsbø

Enchanting images of IMG’s Elena S captured by extraordinary Norwegian photographer Sølve Sundsbø at the annual performance of Tchaikovsky/Balanchine’s Nutcracker Ballet.



Benicio Del Toro: Viva la revolution!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Benicio Del Toro: Viva la revolution!

For the general audience, here’s the release plan — The film will be released on December 12, 2008 for 1 week in NY and LA as the full 4 hour roadshow version. This will be a special presentation with an intermission and a collectible program book.

In January 2009, CHE will open as two separate admissions: CHE PART 1: THE ARGENTINE and CHE PART 2: GUERILLA, and then will be available nationwide on Video-On-Demand.

* Read Cuba newspaper article - link
* Observer's review - link
* photos from the film - link
* Soderbergh's The Argentine and Guerrilla - link


Bush's Final F.U.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bush's Final F.U.

With president-elect Barack Obama already taking command of the financial crisis, it's tempting to think that regime change in America is a done deal. But if George Bush has his way, the country will be ruled by his slash-and-burn ideology for a long time to come.

In its final days, the administration is rushing to implement a sweeping array of "midnight regulations" — de facto laws issued by the executive branch — designed to lock in Bush's legacy. Under the last- minute rules, which can be extremely difficult to overturn, loaded firearms would be allowed in national parks, uranium mining would be permitted near the Grand Canyon and many injured consumers would no longer be able to sue negligent manufacturers in state courts. Other rules would gut the Endangered Species Act, open millions of acres of wild lands to mining, restrict access to birth control and put local cops to work spying for the federal government.

"The administration is handing out final favors to its friends," says Véronique de Rugy, a scholar at George Mason University who has tracked six decades of midnight regulations. "They couldn't do it earlier — there would have been too many political repercussions. But with the Republicans having lost seats in Congress and the presidency changing parties, Bush has nothing left to lose."

Fucker. How much raping and pillaging can one country be forced to endure? This article will really piss you off.



Travelers in a cosmic journey...

We are travelers in a cosmic journey - star dust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. But the expressions of life are ephemeral, momentary, transient.

Buddha once said "This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds. To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance. A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky."

We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, light heartedness and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile.

--Deepak Chopra


Arthur TV

Arthur TV


Kris Kuksi

Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Fantasma" by Kris Kuksi

One of the selected works in the "Imminent Utopia" exhibit at Joshua Liner Gallery in New York, NY (Nov.-Dec.)

"I get inspired by the industrial world, all the rigidity of machinery, the network of pipes, wires, refineries, etc. Then I join that with an opposite of flowing graceful, harmonious, and pleasing design of the Baroque and Rococo. And of course I add a bit weirdness and the macabre." --Kris Kuksi.


Joel-Peter Witkin

(via/zonezero) | Reality is an Invention Balthus (2008) | One of the best surrealism photographers around.




Art by Oleg Dou. Always eerie and wonderful.



Thursday, December 11, 2008

You already know that here on Easy Bake Coven if I mention crafts, it's going to be alternative crafts I've pulled from my coolasshit folder.

Cut Out & Keep is an online magazine and community where you can make and share step-by-step craft tutorials. You can share your projects or get inspired with other crafty supastars.

But what I like best about this crafty community is SNIPPETS, their online magazine, which is definitely NOT your usual square-john craftiness happening here.

The last issue was dedicated to Day Of The Dead, and an interview with the talented Melora from chamber-rock band Rasputina, interviews with the Crafty Chica, Toni Carr, Baking With Medusa and Adrienne King (from the Friday 13th movies). Also a DIY altar, recycled milk-jug skeleton, house monsters and horro-cupcakes.

link | link


The Right Livelihood Awards

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Activists, journalist receive 'alternate Nobel' awards

Each year, only a few people win the prestigious Nobel Prize, and the prize is only awarded in the fields of physics, physiology/medicine, chemistry, literature, peace and economy.

But what about the people who work in other categories?

The Right Livelihood Award is the answer.

Amy Goodman is joining three remarkable women from around the world to receive the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. The three women are Asha Hagi Elmi, co-founder of Save Somali Women and Children; Krishnammal Jagannathan, an 82-year-old activist from southern India; and Monika Hauser, a gynecologist and founder of “medica mondiale.”



Friday Randon Ten (on Saturday)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

easybakecoven's Profile Page

Engine - Neutral Milk Hotel


William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe

Thursday, December 4, 2008

William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe

WILLIAM KUNSTLER: DISTURBING THE UNIVERSE has been accepted by the Sundance Film Festival.

The late civil rights attorney William Kunstler was one of the most famous and controversial lawyers of the 20th century. He represented civil rights and anti-war activists, as well as accused terrorists and murders. In William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe, filmmakers Emily and Sarah Kunstler explore their father's life, from middle-class family man, to movement lawyer, to the most hated lawyer in America.

The festival takes place from January 15th to the 25th.


William Kunstler was one of the most famous lawyers of the 20th Century. His clients included Martin Luther King Jr,, the Chicago 8, the inmates in the Attica prison rebellion, and members of the Black Power and American Indian Movements. In Disturbing the Universe: Radical Lawyer William Kunstler, filmmakers Emily Kunstler and Sarah Kunstler investigate their father's transformation from a middle-class family man into a person of courage who risked everything for his beliefs. This is a a documentary work in progress. The expected completion date is Fall, 2008.

William Kunstler was either very much hated or he was also an absolute rock star in the 60s and 70s.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey's in the oven, and breakfast has been served, spit up and stepped on. My dearest ones are visiting.

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. and to all American expats. Paul reminds us.


Warhol: Sticky Fingers

Friday, November 21, 2008

Warhol: Sticky Fingers

Auction for one of Andy Warhol Sticky Fingers: The Rolling Stones. It's signed and is expected to fetch $2,500 - $3,500. That's not an outrageous price and I'd really like, uh, to have it. Anybody?

Seller's Description:
Most outrageous of all the Rolling Stones albums, signed by Warhol with his infamous photograph of a crotch shot and a real metal zipper. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. At first, several department store chains refused to display the album because of the model's rather snug jeans. "If you stand back from that cover," says album designer Craig Braun, "you can actually see the guy's dick. I used to kid Andy: 'I know you had that guy playing with his dick before you shot the picture!'"


Damn, I have this someplace at my family's home. Currently the only Stones album I can locate there is High Tide and Green Grass (with Brian Jones standing in front of the line of the guys).


Sarah, Sigh...

This video found on Pam's House Blend is a must see. Watch the guy in the background. Safe for work, but may not be for the faint of heart.



Friday Random 10


Food Court Musical

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A joyful prank with dancing and singing.



Wednesday, November 19, 2008


{via}: Arizona is a Brooklyn via Asheville, NC band that I’ve been following since I fell in love with their first album Welcome Back Dear Children.

They’ve recently released a new album entitled Glowing Bird (on Asheville's Echo Mountain Records). With this new LP Arizona has put together their deepest, broadest and most emotionally charged batch of songs to date. Produced (again) by Danny Kadar (My Morning Jacket, Iggy Pop, The Avett Brothers), Glowing Bird was set in motion when the band decided to shack up together in a rural North Carolina farmhouse to record the new songs.

It's what I'm listening to lately. They will be playing at The Orange Peel (Asheville) Friday, November 21. AND Blitzen Trapper Thursday, November 20 in Asheville at The Orange Peel.

Suzin Sez: ARIZONA has a soft psychedelia and mellow-y sound with nice harmonies. Go forth and ...

Listen: Heath by Arizona


Harmony Korine On His New Collected Fanzines

The Collected Fanzines, released today, compiles eight long-gone booklets from 1992 to 1999, a period that spanned Korine's graduation from high school, Kids, and his first two features, Gummo and Julien Donkey-Boy.


I've always been intrigued by Harmony, especially as a director, and think he's way ahead of his time.


Repo: The Genetic Opera

Repo: The Genetic Opera

House-ridden Shilo often sneaks down to her mother's mausoleum to gripe and sing about her angsty misfortune, while Giles secretly guts people in his free time. But when Shilo wanders out into the city she gets entangled with the likes of GeneCo's president Rotti Largo (Paul Sorvino), who had more than a passing interest in her long-dead mother. His three power-hungry kids (Paris Hilton, Skinny Puppy's Ogre, and Bill Moseley) bicker over who will inherit GeneCo and all the while the city looks forward to the corporation's upcoming opera.

trailer | link


The Real Housewives of ATL

The Real Housewives of ATL

The last episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired tonight and I'm still reeling. I spent much of my life in Atlanta so that was the hook for me. Well, I sure didn't recognize the people. Only the scenery.

Nouveau riche athletes' wives and others desperate to be accountable for something. There was "I wanna die in Dior" tone-deaf Kim putting the "ass" in classy with a perpetual bad weave and a country music dream.

Hit me up with another drag on that Newport, doll. Poppy says to come on home. Me? I'm still trying to stop my head from spinning.

AJC | Watch Video


Alex Grey celebrates Obama Victory

Sunday, November 16, 2008

ALEX GREY celebrated BARACK OBAMA’s groundbreaking victory by depicting the president elect’s "universal mind" in a new portrait now on display at Grey’s personal museum in NYC, the CHAPEL OF SACRED MIRRORS. {via}


Photo Spread(em) by Stephen Meisel

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Provocative photo spread(em) by Stephen Meisel bothers me. I know that's what he does and I appreciate his talent but much of the images show the guys to girls ratio at 5 to 1. Coupled with cellphone snapping snatches and I repeat, this spread(em) bothers me.



Prop 8 Protest in Asheville

Proposition 8 Protest Today
By Lin Orndorf

A large crowd of LGBTQ folks and straight allies gathered in Asheville's Pritchard Park to protest Proposition 8.

Cool and windy but a very successful showing today at Pritchard Park. See the photos and read more about it at Gay News - Out In Asheville where Lin Ornduff has put together a comprehensive account.



The Wild Wordsmith of Wasilla

The Wild Wordsmith of Wasilla
by: Dick Cavett

Electronic devices dislike me. There is never a day when something isn’t ailing. Three out of these five implements — answering machine, fax machine, printer, phone and electric can-opener — all dropped dead on me in the past few days.

Now something has gone wrong with all three television sets. They will only get Sarah Palin.

I can play a kind of Alaskan roulette. Any random channel clicked on by the remote brings up that eager face, with its continuing assaults on the English Lang.

There she is with Larry and Matt and just about everyone else but Dr. Phil (so far). If she is not yet on “Judge Judy,” I suspect it can’t be for lack of trying.

What have we done to deserve this, this media blitz that the astute Andrea Mitchell has labeled “The Victory Tour”?

I suppose it will be recorded as among political history’s ironies that Palin was brought in to help John McCain. I can’t blame feminists who might draw amusement from the fact that a woman managed to both cripple the male she was supposed to help while gleaning an almost Elvis-sized following for herself. Mac loses, Sarah wins big-time was the gist of headlines.

I feel a little sorry for John. He aimed low and missed.

What will ambitious politicos learn from this? That frayed syntax, bungled grammar and run-on sentences that ramble on long after thought has given out completely are a candidate’s valuable traits?

And how much more of all that lies in our future if God points her to those open-a-crack doors she refers to? The ones she resolves to splinter and bulldoze her way through upon glimpsing the opportunities, revealed from on high.

What on earth are our underpaid teachers, laboring in the vineyards of education, supposed to tell students about the following sentence, committed by the serial syntax-killer from Wasilla High and gleaned by my colleague Maureen Dowd for preservation for those who ask, “How was it she talked?”
My concern has been the atrocities there in Darfur and the relevance to me with that issue as we spoke about Africa and some of the countries there that were kind of the people succumbing to the dictators and the corruption of some collapsed governments on the continent, the relevance was Alaska’s investment in Darfur with some of our permanent fund dollars.

And, she concluded, “never, ever did I talk about, well, gee, is it a country or a continent, I just don’t know about this issue.”

It’s admittedly a rare gift to produce a paragraph in which whole clumps of words could be removed without noticeably affecting the sense, if any.

(A cynic might wonder if Wasilla High School’s English and geography departments are draped in black.)

(How many contradictory and lying answers about The Empress’s New Clothes have you collected? I’ve got, so far, only four. Your additional ones welcome.)

Matt Lauer asked her about her daughter’s pregnancy and what went into the decision about how to handle it. Her "answer" did not contain the words "daughter," "pregnancy," "what to do about it" or, in fact, any two consecutive words related to Lauer’s query. [Read More »]


National Protest Against Prop 8 - Saturday

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Pritchard Park

Organizer: UNCA Students for a Democratic Society | Facebook | Wetpaint

x-posted Around Asheville


This Dancin's Not Dirty

Although painful to watch, it is not criminal for Madison County's Rebecca Willis to dance which she proved after an eight year battle in court and a payoff of $275,000.

She had been banned for life in late 2000 from the Town Depot because some thought her dance moves were too provocative. Her case against the town of Marshall was dismissed, but a fourth District Court of Appeals ruling allows her to keep fighting. The ACLU contends that the dancing ban was a violation of Willis' civil rights.

Go Granny, Go! How tenacious was she to hang in there for eight long years?



Mitch Mitchell Found Dead

And if I don't see you no more in this world
I'll meet you on the next one
But don't be late,
Don't be late



He Spread Like Humidity

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Perhaps the most ingenious and hardworking of these Mexican mobsters is Joaquín Guzmán Loera, better known as "El Chapo," or "Shorty." To the U.S. government, he is one of the most wanted drug dealers in the world, a fugitive with a $5 million reward on his head. In Culiacán, he is more folk hero — part Pablo Escobar, part Robin Hood, part Billy the Kid."

"We respect him," the owner of a restaurant in the town of Altata tells me. "He grew up poor, planting corn and pot. Then he took trucks with false floors filled with pot to the United States, and speedboats from the coast to California. In Mexico we have a saying: He spread like humidity."

The dead policeman is found propped against a tree off a dirt road on the outskirts of the city.

There is a note pinned to the body, a warning to anyone who dares to oppose the powerful drug lord who ordered the execution.

"I'm a cop-cowboy!" the note reads. "Ahoo-ya! There are going to be more soon!"

[MORE »]




* Troops to Return Immediately

* Maximum Wage Law Passes Congress

* Ex-Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice reassured soldiers that the Bush Administration had known well before the invasion that Saddam Hussein lacked weapons of mass destruction.

* George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, was indicted Monday on charges of high treason.



Jeff Darcy, Editorial Cartoonist

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

by Jeff Darcy, Cleveland Plain Dealer


Day One

by Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal Constitution


Steven Meisel Jigsaw Puzzle

Steven Meisel Jigsaw Puzzle

A 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle from pattern-on-pattern photograph of model Meghan Collison as a tattooed pin-up. The image originally appeared in Vogue Italia, a publication for which Meisel has created every cover and lead editorial story for nearly two decades.



Brion Gysin and the Dream Machine

Monday, November 10, 2008

F L I C K E R - The TRUE story of Brion Gysin and the Dream Machine
"Really, I think, behind everything, he was trying to teach people to see differently."
--Genesis P-Orridge, on Brion Gysin
FLicKeR will be the closing night gala for the Rendezvous With Madness Film Festival on Saturday, 15 November, 7pm, Toronto.

There can be go greater confluence than a rendezvous with madness and Brion Gysin.

The dream machine looks simple enough: A 100-watt light bulb, a motor, and a rotating cylinder with cutouts. Just sit in front of it, close your eyes, and wait for the visions to come.



Sunday, November 9, 2008

When Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin got hold of it, the attack went viral. At a now-famous Oct. 4 rally, she said Obama was "pallin’ around with terrorists." (I pictured us sharing a milkshake with two straws.)

The crowd began chanting, "Kill him!" "Kill him!" It was downhill from there.

What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been

Looking back on a surreal campaign season


Whew! What was all that mess? I’m still in a daze, sorting it all out, decompressing.

Pass the Vitamin C.

For the past few years, I have gone about my business, hanging out with my kids and, now, my grandchildren, taking care of our elders (they moved in as the kids moved out), going to work, teaching and writing. And every day, I participate in the never-ending effort to build a powerful and irresistible movement for peace and social justice.

[Read More »] | {via}


WEHT Glen Schwartz from the James Gang?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

David Byrne has this clip on his website of Glenn Schwartz playing at Hooples in Cleveland, Ohio.

From the website:

"Glenn started the James Gang in the 60s, then moved to California and was in the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. He flipped out soon afterward and was in religious communities. He's had a rough life and is tortured and crazy. Now Glenn is 67 years old and plays in a blues trio for free late every Thursday at a small bar called Major Hooples. There are typically 20-30 people there and he is jaw-droppingly amazing to see. His playing is like electric bolts straight from his psyche. He jumps off his amp and plays guitar with his teeth. And he often preaches fire and brimstone between songs. It's something very special and you won't see anything like it except on Thursdays in Cleveland.”


[Link to video]

Anybody remember the "Jesus Freak" era that sprang out of the Sixties? One trip too many sent some people to Jesus and some people swung from yin (drugs) to yang (Jesus) just trying to find out who they were and some just flat out went to Jesus and kept on tripping. Whatever gets you through the night, I always say.


Burroughs and Kerouac - an unpublished collaboration

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The young generation: Burroughs and Kerouac - an unpublished collaboration

In 1944, two aspiring writers named William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac were implicated in a murder that scandalised New York. The episode inspired a collaboration, a debut that remained unpublished – until now. John Walsh gives the lowdown on the novel that set them on the road.

Fans of the Beat generation have known for years about The Novel That Kicked It All Off, but they've had to wait until the death of a journalist at United Press International for it to be published. The appearance in print of And the Hippos Were Boiled In Their Tanks by William S Burroughs and Jack Kerouac is a literary event, not only because it drew two of the three leading Beat writers into confederacy, but because the book told a story – of male friendship, gay obsession and murder – that came to fascinate a score of American authors.



Thoughts on a New Day

Thoughts on a New Day

Whether you're a liberal, moderate or conservative, this cloud has been real and it has done some damage to our psyches-- nationwide and world-wide. We've been suffering from Political, Partisan Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-- PPPTSD. --Rob Kall

The last time a stranger hugged me on the street was September 11, 2001. This time, the stranger was grinning rather than crying. "Can you believe it," she said. "I was afraid when I woke up this morning I'd discover it was a dream." --Jay McInerney


What Does Dylan Say?

Bob Dylan: "Things are going to change now"

"I was born in 1941," he said, a wavering sentimentality in his scratchy voice. "That was the year they bombed Pearl Harbor. I've been living in darkness ever since. It looks like things are going to change now."



GOOGLE: "can't stop crying + Obama"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Googled:
"can't stop crying + Obama"
and links flooded back in agreement. [via]

If you were moved to tears and you want to talk about it here, feel free to leave a comment. I spoke about my experience on my family website here.


Obama's Speech - Video & Text


If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.

It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.

I confess that I cried most of the way through Barack Obama's presidential acceptance speech tonight. They will speak about this powerful, passionate speech for some time to come and the US will once again be proud of it's President.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We finally got it right.


Obama Election Night LIVE

Sights and sounds from the Sen. Obama Election Night party in Chicago on C-SPAN's Election Cam.

It's started going LIVE at 3:00 PM and at the moment they're walking around Grant Park setting it up selling t-shirts, buttons, etc, as some begin to drift in for the election night party.



DON'T FORGET TO VOTE = cringeworthy

Will be SO glad when people will stop saying, "DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!"

Who the hell actually forgets to vote? ignoramus.


I Voted Today, Did You?

Entering the school to vote while fighting through the crowds.

Top left shading says Presidential Candidates. Barack Obama's name is at top left under that and if you look closely you'll see an "X" beside it.

You all know what to do today.

I Voted Today, Did You?




Twitter Your Vote

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Twitter Vote Report

Using Twitter Vote Report, voters will be able to share their experiences and resources with one another (e.g. “#wait:120″ meaning that the wait time is 120 minutes). These messages will then be aggregated and mapped so that we can “see” voting problems around the country in real-time.

Our network includes a large number of people who have contributed their time and expertise to this project.

And...Video The Vote

**UPDATE**: from PBS's Simon Owens - An interview with Nancy Scola -- one of the people who helped create TVR -- for an article I wrote for PBS about the multiple Web 2.0 tools citizens are using to monitor the election:
Read Article


Federation of Damanhur

Federation of Damanhur

A United Nations award-winning sustainable community, Damanhur is an eco-society based upon ethical and spiritual values. Founded in 1975, the Federation numbers 1,000 citizens and is located in Valchiusella, in the foothills of Piedmont, only 40 minutes from Turin airport. Damanhur promotes a culture of peace and balanced development through respect for the environment and social and political commitment. The Federation has centres in Italy, Europe, the Americas, and Japan and is linked with organizations worldwide.

link | link

Damanhur is renowned for its beautiful underground Temples, created entirely by hand and decorated with mosaic, sculpture, painting, glass and metalwork. The Halls of Water, of the Earth, of the Spheres, of Mirrors, of Metals, the Blue Temple, the Labyrinth: the Temples of Humankind are a three-dimensional book, that tell the story of humankind through art and beauty. The Temples are also a laboratory where science and spirituality are united in the search for new paths for humanity.



Obama 'congratulates' McCain on Cheney endorsement

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama 'congratulates' McCain on Cheney endorsement

At an event in Laramie, Wyoming, on Saturday, Vice President Dick Cheney said he will cast his ballot for the McCain-Palin ticket.
"I'd like to congratulate Sen. McCain on this endorsement because, he really earned it. That endorsement didn't come easy," according to the remarks. "George Bush may be in an undisclosed location, but Dick Cheney's out there on the campaign trail because he'd be delighted to pass the baton to John McCain."
Obama continues, "He knows that with John McCain, you get a twofer: George Bush's economic policy and Dick Cheney's foreign policy. But that's a risk we cannot afford to take."



VOODOO: Hoochie Coochie and the Creative Spirit

VOODOO: Hoochie Coochie and the Creative Spirit

"When I wak'd, I cried to dream again" - 'The Tempest', by Wililiam Shakespeare, Caliban's speech. First performance before the court of King James, Whitehall Palace, the feast of Hallowmas, November 1, 1611

The work of artists, writers, musicians and dancers who acknowledge the need to reach a heightened or 'altered' state of mind in order to create their work is the subject of 'Voodoo - Hoochie-Coochie and the Creative Spirit', at Riflemaker from 28 October.

From Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Haitian high priests to the Catholic icons of Andres Serrano, from the alcohol-induced stupors of Francis Bacon and F Scott Fitzgerald to the self-obliteration of Yayoi Kusama, from the exploration of power and sexuality in Richard Niman’s sculpture of Hitler as an infant girl, to Igor Stravinsky's dance rituals, the attempts of the artist to enhance the creative process by removing themselves from reality through meditation or mind-altering substances is examined as a fundamental element in the act of creation.

Exhibition visitors enter the gallery through William Burrough's 'Wishing-Box', which was originally located at the front door of the infamous author’s Kansas home. While Bill Evans’ seminal jazz track ‘Witchcraft’ plays, guests are instructed to deposit a written wish in a slot before moving through a curtain into the exhibition. [More »]



Rednecks 4 Obama

Friday, October 31, 2008

via: monkeymuck


SwiftBoat Jews for Truth on Obama

Thursday, October 30, 2008

SwiftBoat Jews for Truth on Obama



Opium Accoutrements

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Opium Accoutrements

For the discriminating addicts among us and dispelling the sleazy opium den images in favor of opulent paraphanelia.

Opium Museum - This website is a virtual museum dedicated to a little-known subject: the artistry of antique Chinese opium-smoking paraphernalia.

Copper Opium Kit (Left) - Silver Travel Kit (Right)



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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