Saturday, September 29, 2007

Go to this site to vote for your favorite Asheville blogs. It's the last day and I might even be listed in there somewhere. I think it's been up a week or so and it's over tonight.

Blog Asheville Awards Voting Is Up!

"O.K. Here it is. There are two pages of voting. If I find that people are voting for one page but not the other, I will glare sternly and remind you that your favorite blogs are also nominated on the other page. I used Survey Monkey, and they only allow ten questions per survey. So work with me here people."

Or you could go directly to the surveys and select your choices.
Part 1
Part 2



saturday morning me//
well, i'll be fucked doggone, i missed saturday morning/
bleery-eyed/weary dyed/brain fried/hog-tied/
need a xanax cocktail/a side order of splifferoos/
fashion backward: black jeans/football jersey/dingos/tiara/
shuffling along the lethargy express/all aboard/
so what about you? huh?/

A hard on doesn't count as personal growth.


Friday, September 28, 2007

Rev. Billy Graham: A Prince of War Exposed

The propaganda machine of the Evangelical Christian Right will soon be in counter attack mode. One of its darling preachers is about to take it on the proverbial chin. The Rev. Billy Graham, who has created a multimillion dollar media empire, that a Rupert Murdock would envy, is the subject of a shocking expose’ due out on Nov. 15, 2007. It’s entitled, "The Prince of War: Billy Graham's Crusade for a Wholly Christian Empire". The author is Cecil Bothwell. He hails from Asheville, North Carolina and is an award winning investigative reporter. Bothwell’s unflattering portrait of Rev. Graham shows him as a wily warmonger and a lackey for the Establishment. He describes Rev. Graham as a public figure who: "Undermined the Founders’ skeptical Deism and sought to rebrand the U.S. as a Christian nation, [and] its armies [as] the rightful instruments of [a] Christian crusade and empire."

Read the Review

Asheville's Cecil Bothwell's compelling book sure has people talking. I can't wait to read it.


Michael Stipe of R.E.M. on Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma


Shuffle 'em up and show us your ten.

1. Dinosaur Jr - We're Not Alone
2. Djivan Gasparyan - A Wind Is Blowing
3. Jethro Tull - With You There To Help Me
4. Morphine - Buena
5. Ian Brown - Keep What You Got
6. Six Organs of Admittance -Assyrian Blood
7. Jeff Mangum - Little Birds
8. Portishead - Wandering Star (live)
9. David Gilmour - Raise The Rent
10. Alela Diane - White As Diamonds


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Three killed as Myanmar troops battle protests, Four killed in Myanmar protest crackdown, Five feared dead as Burmese Junta attacks protesters. AFP confirmed.

Would any of those *protesters* happen to be Monks? Yes, I'm afraid they would.

I've been trying to find more news from that region. Now I see from Reporters Without Borders why. There's a news blackout.

Reporters Without Borders and the Burma Media Association are outraged by the measures adopted by the military junta to prevent journalists and activists covering the on-going crackdown on protests. Most of the country’s mobile phone lines have been cut and the Internet network has been drastically reduced. Charges by police and troops on demonstrators in Rangoon, especially near the Shwedagon pagoda, have left several dead, while dozens of people have been arrested and injured.

"The generals have not hesitated to use force to repress peaceful demonstrations widely reported in the international press," the two organisations said. "Knowing it is protected by China and the international community’s impotence, the junta has cut the country off from the rest of the world in order to better crush the nascent saffron revolution. We appeal to the international press to step up its coverage by trying to get journalists into the country so that this dramatic situation is not played out behind closed doors."

At 3 p.m. today, the military authorities disconnected most of the country’s mobile phone lines, preventing journalists and demonstrators from reporting on the crackdown launched by the security forces in the heart of Rangoon. Several journalists have been injured today, including Than Lwin Zaung Htet of the magazine The Voice.

The authorities have closed Internet cafés in Rangoon while the government-controlled Internet Service Provider, Bagan Cyber, reduced Internet traffic speed. It is getting harder and harder to send or receive photos and videos sent from Burma. Dozens of foreign journalists have been refused tourist visas by the Burmese embassy in Bangkok.

Burmese blogs, websites and Internet cafés have been closed for the past few days, while it is becoming increasingly difficult to call Burmese mobile phones from abroad, especially to Ba Maw, Mandalay and Myitkyina.



Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Republican Dirty Tricks Begin
which would actually indicate that they had stopped at one time

If you can't win, cheat. Apparently that's the Republicans' answer to our work in California. If they have their way, this reliably "blue" state won't be so blue in 2008.

Faced with a strong Democratic presence, Republicans are campaigning for a new election system instead of their own candidates.

If they get what they're after, it could cost us the White House.

(Re: Howard Dean email from via Bob Herbert,>)

"The folks who gave us the Willie Horton ads, the Swift boat campaign, the purges of black voters in Florida and endless other dirty electoral tricks are at it again. Like crack addicts confronting the irresistible vial, the evil geniuses of the G.O.P. can't seem to help themselves. This time -- with an eye toward seizing the White House again next year, even if they lose the popular vote -- they're trying to rewrite the rules for the distribution of electoral votes in California…

"Under current law, all of California's 55 electoral votes go to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote statewide. This ''winner take all'' system is the norm in the U.S. It's in place in all but two states, Maine and Nebraska, which have just four and five electoral votes, respectively. Now comes a move, from lawyers with close ties to the Republican Party, to scrap the current system in California and replace it with one that would divide up the electoral votes in a way that would likely give 20 or more of them to the candidate who loses the popular vote in the state…Under this new proposal, the 20 or more electoral votes that would be denied the winner of the statewide vote in California could well be enough to hand the White House to a Republican candidate who loses the popular vote nationally…

"…The effort to change the way Californians vote for president has been cloaked in the typically deceptive garb that the G.O.P. pulls out for its underhanded maneuvering. The proposal has been dubbed the ''Presidential Election Reform Act.'' It is being led by Thomas Hiltachk of Bell, McAndrews and Hiltachk, a law firm that has represented both the state Republican Party and G.O.P. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. According to The Associated Press, the firm was also linked to a political committee, largely funded by Bob Perry, that targeted Democratic candidates in 2006. Mr. Perry, a longtime supporter of George W. Bush, contributed millions of dollars to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, whose intense and deceptive campaign in 2004 was so damaging to the candidacy of John Kerry. This crowd is no more interested in genuine electoral reform than Britney Spears is."

Will it ever fucking end??


Watching a report on the Jena 6 today I recalled a black and white conflict during my high school days. In my freshman year I went to an all white school. That was my only option. The black students had a school and that's just the way it was in 1966. I was 14 and this was rural Tennessee.

We'd only gone to school a few days or weeks when I began to hear rumblings about "busing" those black students to our school. It was fine with me. I was aware of the indignities that black people had endured and each step towards equality was a move out of the dark ages and in the right direction.

I heard that the school officials were against busing but the black students were coming anyway as "forced busing" came to the south in the sixties. There were probably 300 white students and 50 black students to be bussed. I didn't know how this would play out in smalltown, usa. It wasn't going very well in much of the south.

When the black students came to our school they weren't respected at all. Some of them found crosses put up in their yards and it wasn't being seriously addressed so most of the white students wanted to do something about the mistreatment of our new black friends. We had welcomed them into our high school and our homes and we were all in this together now, or that's how I saw it.

So a walk-out was organized. Are you kidding me? That only happened at Berkeley and Cambridge, didn't it? At 9:00 am the next day we were to all walk outside and remain there until we could speak to the inequalilty of the black students. Would it really happen? And what would happen to us for walking out?

Next day at school I heard the commotion of chairs scooting around and voices down the hall as students began pouring out into the hallway, heading for the front doors. Tommy C, who had organized the rally didn't say one word when he walked passed me and others in the hall. I'll never forget that grin on his face so I knew that he would somehow make it right, but I was still shaking all over. Outside on the grass we all gathered and wondered what would happen next and at around 9:20 or so our principal came outside with a sheriff's deputy and told us to come in or we'd all be expelled. No one budged. In fact, we laughed. And we stayed right where we were; smoking cigarettes, talking nervously with each other.

The principal again returned and told us that after talking with the school board, they would finally look into the harassment, the intimidation, and the racism against our black students and they would punish those people accordingly, or words to that effect. It was a victory for all of us students. That conflict was a turning point for me and was the first of many times that I would stand up and rally support for Equal Rights. For blacks, for gays, for women. For everyone.


Monday, September 24, 2007

Why is everyone so bent out of shape about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit? It's not like we're giving him a big parade and a key to the city. I know he's a real asshole and has pissed off most everyone and I wouldn't cross the street to see him but he has the right to visit here, doesn't he? We all know he's using us for publicity and political gain, but we are making too much of it.

Now playing: Iron & Wine - Boy with a Coin
via FoxyTunes


Sunday, September 23, 2007

You know that saying, When the student is ready, the teacher will appear? Also true when I read something that answers my latest questions.

I ran across a post regarding Mabon that begins: "Harvest, for me, used to be a far more literal thing..." And goes on to say"...Very little of what I had planned to accomplish this year has come to any sort of fruition, if it sprouted at all. Some plans started to grow straight and tall, only to flop over like an inadequate boyfriend before anything useful came of them."

"The lovely thing about a spiritual relationship with Nature is that you come to understand that each year is a life cycle--birth, growth, decline, death, rebirth, all come within a single Turning, and like life itself, are renewed every year."

"And so, before you lament those things left undone, those ideas gone feral, and those best-laid plans that went spectacularly awry, remember that this, too, shall pass. Both the beautiful and the harrowing pass. Success and tragedy, life and death, all pass. Trying to hold on to any point on the Wheel won't stop it turning. Those things we harvest one year must be sown again as seed the next. We are not owners, but conduits; we are both the weavers and the woven, but the tapestry is never finished."

What she said. Today I will examine my harvest and shut the barn door. Closed for inventory. (Figuratively.)

(from: Dancing Down The Moon)



Sept. 23, 2007

Mabon, or Autumnal Equinox, wil soon be celebrated. The Wiccan calendar contains 13 full moons (Esbats) and 8 Sabbats, or days of power, making 21 Wiccan ritual occasions. The Esbats are for celebrating the Goddess. The Sabbats mark the sun's yearly cycle and tell the story of The Wheel of the Year. On this day, the length of night time is equal to the length of daytime.

Blessed be this season of Mabon, time of the second harvest, the harvest of fruit and wine.
Tonight all things are in balance: Goddess and God, Life and Death, Light and Dark.
Tonight the darkness will conquer the light, leading us deeper into the waning year.

Mystic Journeys
333 Merrimon Ave
Asheville, NC
828-253-4272 Sunday, September 23, 2007, 7:00 PM. Equinox Rite with Byron Ballard

Event Details: "Modron's Children: a Celebration of the Second Harvest"

Modern Pagan practice in the West often honours the Autumnal Equinox as the second of three harvest festivals. Come learn the lore of Mabon and dance the Harvest Ring! This will be a joyous rite as we bid farewell to Summer's bounty and prepare ourselves for the time of introspection that leads us to the final harvest at Samhain. We will begin promptly at 7, so please arrive in time to get ready. Ritual dress is always a beautiful addition to any rite but not required. A love offering will be collected for use of the space.

RSVP for Mabon Ritual | Co-sponsored by CERES

Blessed Mabon

Now playing: The Fiery Furnaces - Ex-Guru
via FoxyTunes


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Monks Allowed Past Suu Kyi's House

Detained Myanmar democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi stepped out of her home in tears Saturday to greet Buddhist monks marching past the compound where she is being held.

Just what will it take for democracy in Burma? No, thanks, America. We don't need your brand of democracy.

"Today is extraordinary. We walked past lay disciple Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's house today. We are pleased and glad to see her looking fit and well," a 45-year-old monk told about 200 people at Sule Pagoda in downtown Yangon. "Daw" is an honorific used in referring to older women.

"She came out to the gate and paid obeisance to us and later waved at the crowd when we left," said the monk, who did not give his name.

Suu Kyi, 62, has been under detention for more than 11 of the last 18 years, and continuously since May 2003. She is the leader of the National League for Democracy party, which won a 1990 general election but was not allowed to take power by the military.


Friday, September 21, 2007

No Extradition for the BC3!

Marc Emery, Michelle Rainey, and Greg Williams are Canadian citizens who were heavily involved in anti-prohibition activitism for over ten years.

The United States Justice Department and DEA want Canada's government to extradite these three political activists to face 10 years up to life in US prison! The extradition hearing has been scheduled to begin on November 5th, 2007. Canadians and Americans MUST do their part! Even a phone call makes a difference!

Click the image below for five things you can do to help the BC3 fight extradition!

If you support drug-reform, harm reduction, or basic human liberty and freedom of choice, please take a few minutes and do whatever you can.

link | Watch the 60 Minutes CBS broadcast about "Marc Emery, Prince of Pot" at


September 21, 2007 - PARK(ing) Day

Conceived by REBAR, a San Francisco-based art collective, PARK(ing) Day is a one-day, global event centered in San Francisco where artists, activists, and citizens collaborate to temporarily transform parking spots into “PARK(ing)” spaces: temporary public parks.

The Mission:

To rethink the way streets are used, call attention to the need for urban parks, and improve the quality of urban human least until the meter runs out!

link | link

a nod to foontz on 60s beyond


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Company That Killed Iraqi Civilians Gets Lucrative Drug War Contract

$15 billion of your money up in smoke for under-fire mercenary company, other defense contractors.

What do you do when you've been kicked out of Iraq for killing civilians and your company's reputation is in shambles? Fear not, the drug war is always hiring, and there's nothing on earth you could do to disqualify yourself from employment in the accountability-free industry of international drug prohibition.

While Blackwater's mercenaries beg for mercy for killing a baby and 19 other people in Baghdad on Sunday, they're already working on another lucrative government contract on yet another foreign adventure: the "war on drugs." [Village Voice]

Details are sketchy since the government doesn't report eagerly on the creepy deals it makes with baby-killing mercenary groups. But Village Voice says they're building giant remote-control surveillance blimps.

It remains unclear what these blimps will be used for or what other secretive drug war endeavors Blackwater will be undertaking, but this much is for sure: it will all be phenomenally expensive and it won't change a damn thing.

Never, ever forget that War is big business.


"Thousands of protesters gathered in Jena, Louisiana, today to show support for the "Jena 6," six black teens charged in the beating of a white classmate. Today was the day Mychal Bell expected to find out his punishment for his alleged role in the beating at Jena High."
Bush: "The events in Louisiana have saddened me."
Thanks for sorting it all out for me, o mighty pontificator .



Foxy Grandma

Trying out new feature on Blogger that includes FoxyTunes' "now playing" feature.

Now playing: 1 Giant Leap featuring Michael Stipe & Asha Bhosle - The Way You Dream
via FoxyTunes


Generation On Fire

There's no shortage of books, films, and accounts of the Sixties. Some of the protests and the pioneers are reasonably documented, but I believe there's still an important element of the early sixties and civil rights movement that's underreported so I'm thrilled when I see a book like this gaining the attention it deserves.

In his new book, Generation On Fire, Jeff Kisseloff highlights those voices of revolutionary civil rights activists by applying an extraordinary voice of his own.

Kisseloff profiles 15 people who had the courage to stand up to social injustice in the 1960s and continue to fight against racism, sexism, pollution, and other social ills. Among his subjects are Freedom Riders Bernard LaFayette and Gloria Richardson, peace activist Daniel Berrigan, Vietnam vet turned protester David Cline, gay rights activist Frank Kameny, and feminist Marilyn Salzman Webb. Kisseloff precedes each interview with a brief historical overview and includes photographs of the activists in the 1960s and currently. Interview subjects explore their personal development as activists and the convictions that have carried their activism into their middle and later ages.

Generation On Fire


An Interview with Dayna McLeod

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An Interview with Dayna McLeod

Dayna McLeod is a Montréal-based performance artist and video maker… and she’s very funny. Winner of many prizes and awards, her work speaks to the masses with rare and powerful humour rooted in visionary feminist politics. It’s very likely that you’ve seen Dayna, but didn’t even know it: she embodies her message everywhere and in every way–from her infamous Santa Beaver to her newer (picture on the right) Monarchy Mama–her art travels far and wide.

Monarchy Mama is an interactive, in-situ performance piece that pushes monarchial iconography beyond its limits of excess, gluttony, sexuality, and exploitation into the realm of absurd disgust. Entering the venue in a floor-length royal robe, I situate myself on a platform, stage, or pedestal that is easily accessible to the audience. Dramatically throwing the robe to the ground reveals a multi-mammaried body. Wearing a throat to crotch body suit made out of vinyl breasts, a regal Marie Antoinette wig, satin gloves, and royal jewels, my intention with this piece is to challenge an audiences' relationship to government, and the romance, sexualization, and fetishization of state and country. The audience will literally be able to "suckle at the teat of prosperity" as each breast is filled with vodka.

Interview by Mél Hogan for ArtThreat | Via

Before she says a word she's already demonstrated a feminist/political viewpoint. What a fabulously spirited performer!


Subgenuis Condoms

Subgenuis Condoms

...and more found here. Available in assorted bags of 12, 60, and 144.

via: klintron

You know I love me some condom ads -- check out some of the others I've found right here.


Into the Wild

Monday, September 17, 2007


Eddie Vedder has written the sound track for Sean Penn's movie Into the Wild, based on the book by Jon Krakauer. Later this month Vedder will release a CD of songs written for or inspired by the movie, the closest thing to a solo album he's ever done.

Into the Wild is the true story of Chris McCandless, a good kid from a prosperous but unhappy family, who left home, changed his name to Alexander Supertramp and in 1992 walked off into the Alaskan wilderness. He died there of starvation 16 weeks after he arrived.

McCandless was an adventurer who celebrated his college graduation by destroying his driver’s license and his social security card. Hitting the open road, and intending to turn his back on his family, he later abandoned his car, burned all his money, and set out on foot to traverse the continent. He kayaked down the Colorado River to Mexico, hopped trains and hitchhiked back north up the coast, then trudged beyond the outer limits of civilization to spend more than 100 days in the rural northern territory of Alaska. His body was discovered in the Alaskan wilderness by two buffalo hunters in 1992, some weeks after he had apparently died.

Into The Wild goes on limited release September 21st.



Saturday, September 15, 2007

George Carlin became a pop-culture sensation for the first time in the early ’70s, most notoriously with his "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television," but his recent monologues have been just as sharp and devastating. Now 70, and living along the canals of Venice, he's about to celebrate his 50th year as an entertainer. Carlin today aims much of his comic wrath directly at his first devoted audience: the Baby Boomers, all grown up and in charge. The "excessive and exaggerated" generation of Bush and Clinton has really let him down.

(via: LACityBeat)

He sure as hell makes "70" look pretty good.


The White Rose Society
By Dorothy Snodgrass

Am I foolish to dream of a White Rose Society in this country to restore our honor and atone for the needless loss of American military and innocent Iraq’s?

Were it not for that distinctive T-shirt, it’s doubtful I would ever have known about the White Rose Society. But meeting a friend recently, I was attracted by his T-shirt. At the top there was a line of Arabic script, beneath that the phrase, “We Will Not Remain Silent.” I was informed that this motto dated back to 1943, when a small group of students at the University of Munich, sickened by the atrocities of the Nazi’s, especially the persecution of the Jews, formed a resistance movement, which they named “The White Rose Society.”

Spending almost an entire day at the Berkeley Public Library, and assisted by a reference librarian who was equally intrigued by this Society, I unearthed a wealth of materials, the most valuable being the book, “A Noble Treason: The Revolt of Munich Students Against Hitler.” Thanks to the librarian’s computer skills, I was provided with a print-out of all four leaflets written by these students—leaflets calling for German youth to overthrow the regime.

"The name of Germany will be dishonored forever lest German youth finally rise to smash [Hitler’s] tormentors and invoke a new, intellectual and spiritual Europe.” These leaflets were not the rabid ravings of wild-eyed radicals, but rather were beautifully-written, scholarly documents with quotations from Aristotle, Friedrich Schiller, Goethe and Lao Tzu. I was especially taken by the opening sentence in the First Leaflet:
“Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be ‘governed’ without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. It is certain that every honest German is ashamed of his government.”
Given today’s shameful Iraq war debacle, might we not substitute “honest American” for “honest German"?


The parallels to the Iraq slaughter are obvious and the writer asks: "Why are today’s university students not rebelling at the Iraq war and other injustices?" Go. Read the rest of this piece to find out what happens to these 4 students. Thank you, Dorothy Snodgrass. Outstanding piece of work on an exceptional group of students.

Read the leaflets
White Rose Society Martyrs
Protest of the Youth


Led Zeppelin Reunite for One Night Only

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Led Zeppelin Reunite for One Night Only

Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham (son of the late John Bonham) will reunite to perform onstage - One Night Only - as Led Zeppelin.

The British band will play a one-off show at London's 22,000-capacity O2 arena on Nov. 26 as part of a tribute to Atlantic Records co-founder and chairman emeritus Ahmet Ertegun, who died last December. The band recorded for Atlantic its entire career.

The Who's Pete Townshend, former Rolling Stone Bill Wyman, Foreigner and Paolo Nutini will also perform at the event. Profits will benefit the Ahmet Ertegun Education Fund, which provides scholarships to universities in the United States, United Kingdom and Ertegun's homeland, Turkey.

Tickets costing £125 ($254) will be allocated on a lottery basis TODAY through the web site. (Good luck getting in this site today) There is a limit of 2 tickets per person.

Confirmation of the show, putting an end to several months of speculation, came at a press conference today at the O2 when the three surviving members of Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones, confirmed they would reunite onstage for just the third time in 27 years. The drummer for the evening will be Jason Bonham, son of the band's original drummer John Bonham, who died from a heart attack in 1980.

The concert will follow the release of a new Atlantic/Rhino two-disc, 24-track best-of set, "Mothership," due Nov. 13 in the United States.

via email | via


Just Dressed

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome to the world, buddy! My first grandchild, Phoenix Sebastien. 7lb, 10oz @ 12:29am, 9-9-07. I'm completely undone.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

This message is from a Virgin Mobile user. Enjoy.


Welcome Phoenix Sebastien 7lb 10oz 12:29am 9-9-07


Moonshine Elections

Friday, September 7, 2007


Black Box Voting has found "Moonshine Election patterns" in 16 states, which together carry 210 electoral votes.

Kentucky is a swing state where 87 out of 120 counties had a majority of Democratic registered voters, yet 106 out of 120 counties voted for Bush in 2000; 108 voted for Bush in 2004. It wasn't low turnout -- in fact, turnout has been going up. It was Kentucky politics: Registered Democrats went into the voting booth, Republican votes came out. (Details on website)


We discovered that a man named Joe Bolton has inside access to nearly 200,000 votes, most of them in the most troubled areas, locations that have a history of vote fraud, family-run government, drug-dealing sheriffs, what-have you.

In 23 Kentucky counties, citizens are required to trust their votes to someone named Joe Bolton, who is not an elected official and who is not even a government employee. They probably don't even know they're trusting Joe with their votes, because newspapers don't mention him and the county clerks have no line item for his checks in their published financial statements.

We went through all manner of investigations trying to even locate Joe Bolton, and those are chronicled in the short video and the full reports. Eventually we caught up with him. He has been programming the voting machines in his home in a remote location that even the county election officials don't know much about.


Black Box Voting: Okay. Well you've been doing this for 35 years, has anyone ever asked you to do something that made you uncomfortable?

Joe Bolton: Oh, absolutely, get it all the time, I get that all the time you know. "Could you rig this machine?" And I don't know whether it's a conspiracy or a joke, you know, "Could you rig these machines for me Joe? How much would it cost me?" I've heard that for 35 years.

Joe told us all kinds of things, like the Appalachian tradition of vote-buying -- whatever you may have heard, it is alive and well.

Read More »


Sham Motorcade Passes by APEC Security

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sham Motorcade Passes by APEC Security
September 6, 2007 - 7:14am

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - Members of an Australian TV comedy show, one dressed as Osama bin Laden, drove through two security checkpoints Thursday before being stopped near the Sydney hotel where President Bush is staying.

The stunt embarrassed Sydney police who have imposed the tightest security measures in city history for a summit of leaders from Pacific Rim countries, including Bush.

Police arrested 11 cast and crew from the TV program, "The Chaser's War on Everything," and impounded three vehicles, the Australian Broadcasting Corp., which airs the show, said on its Web site.

Cast members put together a sham motorcade, hiring two motorcycles and three large cars on which they put Canadian flags. Police waved the motorcade through two checkpoints before pulling it over near the Intercontinental Hotel where Bush is staying.

Cast member Chas Licciardello got out of the car dressed in a white tunic and cap and wearing a long fake Osama bin Laden-style beard.

"No particular reason we chose Canada," cast member Chris Taylor was quoted as saying on The Sydney Morning Herald's Web site. "We just thought they'd be a country who the cops wouldn't scrutinize too closely, and who feasibly would only have three cars in their motorcade _ as opposed to the 20 or so gas guzzlers that Bush has brought with him."

Bush is a frequent target of "the Chaser," as are Australian politicians. Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said the stunt proved security was working.

"Whatever you think of the humor of 'the Chaser,' the honest truth is they were clearly not going to harm anybody in a physical way," Downer said. "They presumably were, as is the nature of their show, aiming to humiliate a lot of well-known people."

--The Associated Press

good on you, Chaser cast

link | via


please accept my apologies

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Someone recently asked me to join Quechup, an online community last week and I obliged. I usually do. (that invite turned out to be spam, too)

Tonight this online outfit starts emailing everyone in my email address book. Everyone. And I certainly didn't authorize it.

So please accept my apologies for the hassling email if you happened to receive one. Or god/goddess forbid a hassling cellphone call. That's how I realized what was going on when I got an email on my cell phone from this community.

NOW I see that everyone else is having the same problem. Word to the wise: avoid it like the fucking plague. Bastards. Can you imagine some bullshit email intrusion ripping through your email addresses? All those employers, relatives, friends, corporations, newsletters, ISPs, hosts, etc. Damn.

I cannot delete and/or respond to these return emails fast enough.


Later, Sailor...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Later, Sailor...

Is everyone back in the groove yet from the weekend? I was especially happy to have spent time with my favorite cousins and it just meant the world to me to see the two of them. We reminisced about childhood memories that usually involved tricking our parents somehow. We spoke of those family members that have passed on, the successes and trials of those still with us, and laughed mostly.

We grew up together in two houses on the same piece of property. We later moved and visited each Christmas and took trips together and we stayed at Boone Lake on our boathouse. I almost forgot about that. It seems so long ago.

That boathouse sure was some great fun. I recall when that big old monstrosity was built and thinking how tall it looked; not realizing there's a lot of it that goes under water. If I ever get the chance to buy a houseboat I just may do it and live out my days on some beautiful lake. Watauga Lake in East Tennessee is downright magical.

Do you have a dream scenario on how to live out your days? Captain Cook would like to sail around the world so we both have "boat" dreams.

Separate dreams. Separate lives.


Monday, September 3, 2007

Testing: Text post (via cell phone)


Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran

Pentagon 'three-day blitz' plan for Iran

The Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians' military capability in three days, according to a national security expert.

Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for "pinprick strikes" against Iran's nuclear facilities. "They're about taking out the entire Iranian military," he said.

Debat was speaking at a meeting organised by The National Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal. He told The Sunday Times that the US military had concluded: "Whether you go for pinprick strikes or all-out military action, the reaction from the Iranians will be the same." It was, he added, a "very legitimate strategic calculus".

President George Bush intensified the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East "under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust". He warned that the US and its allies would confront Iran "before it is too late".



Assholes of the Week

4:00 PM, 9/3/07
***Regarding the post below, Paul Krassner has apologized to Wes Clark for misrepresenting him.***

"Thanks to Comments on my Assholes of the Week #7 blog, I now add myself to one of them because I criticized General Clark for his silence about Pentagon plans to invade six other countries after Iraq, when in fact he did indeed speak out repeatedly."

Thanks, Paul, for admitting when you've made a mistake.

Paul Krassner's Assholes of the Week

General Wesley Clark, for waiting until recently to reveal to Amy Goodman on "Democracy Now" the following: "About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, 'Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second.' I said, 'Well, you're too busy.' He said, 'No, no.' He says, 'We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq.' This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, 'We're going to war with Iraq? Why?' He said, 'I don't know.' He said, 'I guess they don't know what else to do.' So I said, 'Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al Qaeda?' He said, 'No, no.' He says, 'There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.' He said, 'I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments.' And he said,
"I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."



Temple of Forgiveness

Sunday, September 2, 2007

It would be easy to label David Best as an emancipator. His beautiful Temple of Forgiveness, which is on display for the last time at Burning Man, offers visitors a place to leave past memories behind. Participants are invited to leave a token of a burdensome memory behind. At the end of the festival the Temple is burned to ashes with the sentimental pieces provided by all who wish to participate. Find out why this Temple has had such a profound impact on its disciples and why this will be the last year David Best continues this tradition.

Duration - 00:05:07

What a phenomenal spirit he has.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

"Redacted" stuns Venice

A new film about the real-life rape and killing of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl by U.S. soldiers who also murdered her family stunned the Venice festival, with shocking images that left some viewers in tears.

"Redacted", by U.S. director Brian De Palma, is one of at least eight American films on the war in Iraq due for release in the next few months and the first of two movies on the conflict screening in Venice's main competition.

Inspired by one of the most serious crimes committed by American soldiers in Iraq since the 2003 invasion, it is a harrowing indictment of the conflict and spares the audience no brutality to get its message across.

De Palma, 66, whose "Casualties of War" in 1989 told a similar tale of abuse by American soldiers in Vietnam, makes no secret of the goal he is hoping to achieve with the film's images, all based on real material he found on the Internet.

"The movie is an attempt to bring the reality of what is happening in Iraq to the American people," he told reporters after a press screening.

"The pictures are what will stop the war. One only hopes that these images will get the public incensed enough to motivate their Congressmen to vote against this war," he said.

Abeer Qasim Hamza al-Janabi was gang raped, killed and burnt by American soldiers in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad, in March 2006. Her parents and younger daughter were also killed.

Five soldiers have since been charged with the attack. Four of them have been given sentences of between 5 and 110 years.



Saturday Morning Me

saturday morning me//
it IS saturday, right?
coffee #2/cigarette #58497K²/
black shorts/grey husbandbeater/
fan humming/candle glowing/
apathy in blue/charge the line/
wide stancers need not apply/
listening: Mirror Rim by Effi Briest/
so what about you?/



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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