Friday, October 20, 2006
Esalen Institute's new online TV station. Videos of Abraham Maslow, Aldous Huxley, B.F. Skinner, Ram Dass, and many more luminaries from Esalen's forty-year history.
Great site!
CBGB might be set to re-opening as a venue in Las Vegas, but Patti Smith - who played the farewell show at the original venue last night (October 15) - won't be performing there.
Talking to a crowd of reporters - including NME.COM - during a question and answer session held during her soundcheck, the singer admitted she felt more at home with the original CBGB in New York.
"We had a job in Las Vegas four years ago and we sold 85 tickets and they cancelled the show," she explained. "I've never been there. When you only sell 85 tickets out of 2,000, you don't go into that town."
"CBGB is a state of mind" she declared, "and what's going to happen is young kids all over the world are going to have their own fucking clubs and they won't care about CBGB because they're going to have the new places and the new places are always the most important."
"In a classic sting operation, some 50 politicians were fooled into thinking they were being interviewed about aspects of next year's draft budget, currently before parliament. Instead, a make-up artist with a satirical TV show swabbed their eyebrows to get a sample of their perspiration, which was then tested for traces of cannabis and cocaine. Twelve allegedly tested positive for cannabis and four for cocaine, all apparently taken in the 36 hours before being approached."The show got pulled before it was supposed to air last night because of complaints it violated the politicians privacy.
On Ann Coulter:
I actually feel sorry for her. Once your career is based on denigrating 9/11 widows, what's your second act? Unless you dig up Mother Teresa and stick a dildo in her eye, nothing could be more offensive.
On the Mark Foley scandal:
We do have pages on The Daily Show. I just want to make one thing clear to their parents, and to everyone else: We WILL sodomize them.
On John McCain, and the media's general adoration for him:
You know, he has the Straight Talk Express. And he's driving it to Bullshittown.
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