Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"US prepares military blitz against Iran's nuclear sites."

Putting this info out there is the equivalent to the Bush taking off his shirt, handing someone his jacket and saying, "Let's dance, Iran!"

Does it feel like Preznit Redneck wants to kick everyone's ass? Not your best quality in a world leader. [/shudders]

The moves of a desperate man? His ratings have fallen to an all-time low of 34%.


School House Rock videos now available on iTunes. Now that just makes me smile as I recall what great fun it was for my now grown son to watch. Has it really been 30 years? Damn, that would make me...uh, carry the 2...

(via the blogebrity kids)


Monday, February 27, 2006

It's now time for New Rules, everybody.

New Rule:
Powerball Jackpot winners must stop saying they're not sure if they're going to quit their jobs. Of course you're going to quit your job. And I have news for you. Your co-workers want you to quit your job. Nobody wants to be on the pork-processing line next to the unbearable ass in the Gucci smock.

New Rule:
Ice dancing is not a sport. Take away the skates and the sequins and it's just a public wife-beating. If you saw this happening in a trailer park, you'd call the cops.

New Rule:
If you're too lazy to peel your own fruit, get scurvy and die! Hoping to appeal to teenagers who say they're too busy to peel oranges, Sunkist is introducing a new pre-cut, pre-peeled snack version. Not to be outdone, Baskin-Robbins has created a new cone-less ice cream that your mother pre-chews and spits down your throat.

New Rule:
Since our new national position on science is, "Screw it, we prefer witchcraft," let's not just retire the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Let's drive it to one of the five stupidest states and have the locals beat it with sticks. Putting it in a museum is too dangerous. Someone could steal it, fly it into space and notice we revolve around the sun. They almost booed that, I noticed.

New Rule:
Paula Abdul must go back on drugs. "American Idol" will always have a place in my heart. It's where I met Clay. And what could be more exciting than televised karaoke? But everyone knows the show is most entertaining when Paula is thick-tongued and sleepy-eyed and poised on the brink of yelling, "Who wants to do me?!"

And finally, New Rule:
When a woman over 60 has a baby, it's not a miracle from God. It's a miracle from genetic engineers, fertility experts and the good people at Merck. Here in California last week, a 62-year-old woman with 11 children, 20 grandchildren and three great grandchildren, gave birth again. To a 40-year-old man who walked out.

At an age when most women are content to putter around the garden or perform the opening number at the Grammys- -Janise Wulf, age 62, told the press at a news conference, "Age is a number. Every time you revolutionize something, there's going to be naysayers." To which the reporters replied, "We're over here!"

And, lady, let me tell you something. You're not a revolutionary. You're a vagina with no off switch. Twelve kids? Let me guess. You're either a Catholic or a hamster. Look, I don't want to be the one to say that this lady is too old and she's already had enough children. But, this lady is too old and she's already had enough children!

Hey, when you're 62 and you want children, you have two choices: a) in vitro fertilization, or b) luring them into a house made out of candy.

But, in vitro fertilization is not for 62-year-old grandmothers. It's for 35-year-old lesbians.



Wow! I didn't know about this. Being on the Blogger's X Y or Z list seldom affords me the inside skinny. I'd certainly whore this blog out for a 5-day expenses paid trip to Amsterdam. Hell, I'd do it for a paid weekend here in Ashvegas.

Blogads arranged for about 20 bloggers to go to Amsterdam, all expenses paid, courtesy of Holland.com. The details are here. All of the trips will take place in February. (bloggers already back home)

No blogging about the trip will be required. In exchange for the trip each blogger will [a] be interviewed about the trip (the Dutch Tourism Board may be using this for online/offline promotions), [b] give Holland.com one month of premium adspace, and [c] put the "Bloggers in Amsterdam" logo in their nav bar for one year, linking it to this blog post to disclose the nature of the trip. The mantra here is transparency.

I believe they've all returned by now, but what a wonderful opportunity for these lucky bloggers and I can't wait to read all about it on their web sites and see what the bloggers in Amsterdam have to say.

Link for more info as well as the list of the bloggers.


Saturday, February 25, 2006

saturday morning me//
hazelnut coffee #2/cigarette #0!!/large oj/
navy football jersey/black workout pants/
& sporting the tired sox-sandal look/
just walked the dogs/passed out dogsnax/
saw doves/cardinals/jays/heard woodpecker/
listening: "One Too Many Mornings" - Bob Dylan/
so how about you?/


Thursday, February 23, 2006

PEARLS & BRASS - The Indian Tower is the new cd by Pearls & Brass who will be at ArthurBall this weekend.

This power trio is reminiscent of Sabbath and Cream so how bad can that be? (more...)

Listen to Pearls & Brass' Wake In The Morning.

CITAY - Ex Piano Magic member Ezra Feinberg teams up with the dual Tim's from The Fucking Champs (Drag City) to explore the underappreciated acoustic side of Sabbath, Zeppelin, Metallica, Heart, Eno etc. to create a thoroughly modern folk-rock epic. Let the California sun shine through your speakers. "The unititiated listener could easily be excused for thinking this might be some lost early 70's masterpiece."

Acoustic Led Zep sound put a big smile on my face and kept me wanting more. Also at ArthurBall this weekend. (more..)

Listen to Citay's Cuffs.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

BBC Radio's Virtual Druggie
How's this for a concept: an anti-drug site that actually dispenses useful, somewhat accurate information? BBC Radio One has an anti-drug site called Excess All Areas that says: "If you're partying hard, make sure you party smart. Our virtual clubber takes the drugs so you don't have to." Choose a drug from the menu for the clubber and watch the fun begin learn something. {via wmfu blog}

Link - (make sure your sound is turned down if at work)

-:|:- -:|:- -:|:- -:|:- -:|:- -:|:- -:|:- -:|:- -:|:- -:|:-

WFMU |> Irwin Chusid |> Outsider Music |> Key of Z


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Supreme Court Sides With Church On Hallucinogenic Tea

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday that a small congregation in New Mexico may use hallucinogenic tea as part of a four-hour ritual intended to connect with God.

The tea, which contains an illegal drug known as DMT, is considered sacred to members of O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal, which has a blend of Christian beliefs and South American traditions. Members believe they can understand God only by drinking the tea, which is consumed twice a month at four-hour ceremonies.

Excellent news!



Sunday, February 19, 2006

Exxon Valdez Disaster

March 24, 1989 will forever plague history as one of the worst environmental disasters of our time. Eleven million gallons of oil spilled into the Prince William Sound killing thousands of wildlife and destroying a complex and delicate ecosystem. Exxon promised they would clean up the spill and promised that those affected would get their lives back. Sixteen years later and the people are still waiting for their lives to become "whole" again.

Watch The Day The Water Died | Expose Exxon

By The Numbers
11 million gallons of oil spilled
5 billion dollars Exxon charged
16 years have passed with no compensation

What can you do? At the very least, drive PAST an Exxon station.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Can She Do It?

What is this fresh hell that exists without nicotine? This is me as I try to wean myself from nicotine. Seven days and counting...wheeee!


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Lab Officials Excited By New H-bomb Project

For the first time in more than 20 years, U.S. nuclear-weapons scientists are designing a new H-bomb, the first of probably several new nuclear explosives on the drawing boards.

If they succeed, in perhaps 20 or 25 more years, the United States would have an entirely new nuclear arsenal, and a highly automated fac- tory capable of turning out more warheads as needed, as well as new kinds of warheads.

"We are on the verge of an exciting time," the nation's top nuclear weapons executive, Linton Brooks, said last week at Lawrence Livermore weapons design laboratory.



Saturday, February 11, 2006

integral naked

take the plunge into primordial awareness

and don't miss the IN-Avant Garde Gallery and more


saturday morning me//
cough cough--no more shermans/
gulping espresso/looking for my mojo/
pj harvey - down by the water on the player/
snowstorm on the way/do you have all your supplies?/
pass that spliff before i drift--i'm good/
so how about you?/


Thursday, February 9, 2006

principia discordia
(or "How I Found Goddess And What I Did To Her When I Found Her")

Mixing found objects and stolen headlines, fine art drawings and photographs, police tape and musical scores, Principia Discordia is a limited series of 100 collages by Paul Watson.

Very ambitious project of collages and currently working on #44.



Yummy Wakame has a treat for the girls. It's suggestive but safe for work.


Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Has anyone else noticed the juxtaposition of the smoldering black churches in Alabama against the death and memorial of Coretta Scott King?


You've no doubt heard the expression, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised". It's been quoted and parodied many times. But do you know what it means or where it came from?

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" is a poem and song by Gil Scott-Heron which orginated about the political and social turmoil of 1970s America and is still socially relevant today. It first appeared on the 1970 album Small Talk at 125th and Lenox, on which Scott-Heron was accompanied only by congas and bongo drums.

Don Letts, a key figure in British punk's first wave, made "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" documentary, which is still showing around the world. Letts happens to be in Canada this week for the most recent screening. (More on Letts)

Read "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" lyrics here or Listen to the mp3.


War pimp alert:

Frist says military action a posssibility against Iran:

Asked whether Congress had the political will to use military force against Iran if necessary, First said: "The answer is yes, absolutely." [more...]
(via infocleho)

His every move is blatantly posturing for head idiot of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Monday, February 6, 2006

Am I Just One Of Your Cocks?

The latest self appointed cultural watchdog groups will likely raise hell about what was censored during the Rolling Stones' performance during the Super Bowl halftime show and long for the tame breast of Janet popping out.
In "Start Me Up," the show's editors silenced one word, a reference to a woman's sexual sway over a dead man. The lyrics for "Rough Justice" included a synonym for rooster that the network also deemed worth cutting out. Link

In "Start Me Up", they censored the word come in "You make a dead man come" -- although this reporter says Mick censored himself. Not likely. He mentioned the Ed Sullivan 1967 show where Ed made them change the lyrics of "Let's Spend the Night Together" to "Let's Spend Some Time Together".

And in "Rough Justice", they censored the word cocks in the line "Am I just one of your cocks?"

It's beyond strange when you hear a brief silence over where the word "cock" obviously would apply. Oh, and the football games? Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Seattle Seahawks 21 - 10.


Sunday, February 5, 2006

Webtrail - Prince, Absinthe, Vagina, Turfing, Rollins

Earthrites: Turfing is a newtome website I spent far too much time reading yesterday. But I'll hurry back for more. Lotsa good reading and a radio that may also be good, if I could get it to work. May be a problem on my end.

Steven Stapleton has designed the labels for a bottle of Absinthe manufactured by Absinthevertrieb . There is a limited edition of 100 in a specially designed box. Included in this box is a limited edition CD entitled Natal Moonies with the tracks Rock 'n' Roll Station (Lost Bottle Mix) by Andrew Liles and Scapegoat (Something nasty in the woodshed) by the Broken Penis Orchestra.
view absinthe jpg - (via durtro)

I'm not usually a big fan of the musician Prince, but his SNL appearance last night was pretty damn good. His first song ("Fury"?) was a great rock track that accentuated his guitar skills, but the 2nd one (Beautiful, Loved & Blessed) blew like a category 5. He's forgiven for stealing a few moves from Hendrix. Prince "Fury" Video which I searched out and found on a Prince fansite.

There's a blog called All About My Vagina featuring what else-- all things vagina. I found it on Every Woman Is A Goddess posted by Olivia, one of the bright & sassy women from all over the world who post on the group Every Woman Is A Goddess website.

"There are so many hammocks to catch you if you fall, so many laws to keep you from experience. All these cities I have been in the last few weeks make me fully understand the cozy, stifling state in which most people pass through life. I don't want to pass through life like a smooth plane ride. All you do is get to breathe and copulate and finally die. I don't want to go with the smooth skin and the calm brow. I hope I end up a blithering idiot cursing the sun - hallucinating, screaming, and giving obscene and inane lectures on street corners and public parks. People will walk by and say, "Look at that drooling idiot. What a basket case." I will turn and say to them "It is you who are the basket case. For every moment you hated your job, cursed your wife and sold yourself to a dream that you didn't even conceive. For the times your soul screamed yes and you said no. For all of that. For your self-torture, I see the glowing eyes of the sun! The air talks to me! I am at all times!"

And maybe, the passers by will drop a coin into my cup."

-Henry Rollins (via Dr Duke)


Saturday, February 4, 2006

saturday morning me//
cuppa folger's #2/half wheat bagel/
jeans/black t-neck/sockfeet/
dog at my feet/so sweet/
mmt-morning maintenace therapy?/
drizzling outside/sunny indoors/
listening: Joseph Arthur - Echo Park/
so how about you? huh?/


Wednesday, February 1, 2006




* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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