Saturday, February 28, 2004

The Serious, The Silly & SMM

It's Not Nice To Fuck With Mother Nature

60 out of 60 nonpartisan, internationally respected scientists agree: The raping of the planet by Bush and Friends must end.

In fact, the report, which was slipped to the press earlier this month after being kept under wraps by the White House for four months was authored by the U.S. Department of Defense.

According to the Pentagon study, the question is not if abrupt climate change will happen, but when. It could be, according to the report's authors, as soon as the next three years, with the most devastating fallout potentially occurring between 2010 and 2020.

At that point, we could find ourselves in the midst of a new ice age in which mega-droughts devastate the world's food supply, drinkable water becomes a luxury worth going nuclear over, 400 million people are forced to migrate from uninhabitable areas, and riots and wars for survival become commonplace.

I believe that would qualify as a Red Alert in Tom Ridge's color-coded book.

[via: Ariana Huffington]

This is a president, after all, who truly believes he is doing God's will by turning this country into the most lawless, internationally loathed aggressor on the planet, something I'm sure is very reassuring to those countless thousands of dead Iraqi civilians and hundreds of dead Americans and others.

don't ask me why i have lollipops on my head

This avatar-making site is fun to explore. I'm sure you can be much more creative than I. If you make an avatar, leave me a link so I can see what you came up with. Bsti @ Chapel-Perilous started all this. (He's got many avatars posted at his site.) via: Chasmyn

saturday morning me//

the morning calls for espresso/

3 ding-dongs & a ho-ho/no, not really/

just being silly/ate fusilli & had a boy named willy/

warm black sweats/driving moccs/black hat/

covering messy dirty blonde dreads/

listening: malcolm holcombe sing/

watching: squirrels in the side yard/

hey, how about you?/

Today is the last day of some of your life.


Thursday, February 26, 2004

"All right, Mr. DeMille," Desmond says, thinking she's making a movie, "I'm ready for my closeup." Ralph Nader is having his Norma Desmond moment. Desmond, you'll remember, is the faded Hollywood star of "Sunset Boulevard." Unable to accept that her fans have moved on, she descends into madness and murder. In the last, great scene, with lights and cameras trained on her, she dramatically moves down the staircase into the hands of the police.

"I am big," Norma Desmond says. "It's the pictures that got small."

Had Nader uttered the same words on "Meet the Press" substituting "politics" for "pictures," no one would have been surprised. Some people just can't make a dignified exit.

[by: Froma Harrop, a Providence Journalcolumnist]


Significant snowfall expected in Asheville - 8" or more. I've just returned home after trying to beat the storm. I had to park my little Honda at the church parking lot 2 blocks away and walk. It was one of those snow-driving, 'praying- all- the- way - to- every- Goddess- God- and- Patron- Force- I- could- think- of' trips home. Makes me admire my northern friends all the more for their endurance in Winter. OK. Time to settle in with some coffee and Amaretto or Bailey's or.....I know. No booze for me today, thanks. (For those who may not know, I'm a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.)

{Goof-Off @ Work Links}

Message In A Bottle - tell them what to say and they send a message for you.

Throw Rocks At Boys - (Game)

Courtney Love's To Do List - Fucking hilarious. [seen @ blacktable]

A thing of beauty is a joy until sunrise. After that, you could find yourself in coyote chew-your-arm-off mode.


Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I'll take, "What topic has Easy Bake Coven always avoided like the plague?" for $200, Alex. It's Ash Wednesday today. Also George Harrison's birthday, born February 25, 1943. What a bright, sweet soul we lost.

Word Perhect is fun. [seen @ burp]

Writer, poet, artist Ana Castillo, has a blog.

Can you prove it? Doonesbury creator, Gary Trudeau, is offering $10,000 to anyone who can definitively prove that George W. Bush fulfilled his duty to country. [seen @ rori's]

Boxing Bush Game - Go smack the shit out of the fucker. I haven't tried this yet, but I love the concept which sprang from San Francisco rock promoter, Ian Brennan, who has challenged Bush to a charity fight this spring.

Does anyone use the newsfeeds? News aggregators? I've been using Bloglines. Which one do you use?

Ever since my tower started making noises, I've been trying to make sure I've got the files I've saved over the 5 years backed up someplace. I suppose I could just buy a blank zip file and save them in that, but I like the fact that I can keep my favorites in Yahoo's bookmarks. I had exported my IE favorites long ago and this morning I exported my Mozilla Firefox favorites into My Yahoo's bookmark. (TO DO: Go to Bookmarks, File, Export, to save a file fist, then upload to Yahoo.)

**Edited to add: Top right photo today is by David LaChapelle. Probably the best photographer out there now. Check out his gallery.

Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2?


Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace's flagship, just thwarted a major illegal logging attempt as they fight against the timber mafia. Incidentally, Greenpeace has a weblog where they chronicle their daily lives and missions. They do more for the planet by breakfast, than I've done in a lifetime.

* Happy Fat Tuesday! Does anyone celebrate it? I sent Skye off to school with chips, dip and drinks for their high school party. They've been making masks for several days now in anticipation of today's party. It's also Grey Tuesday. I give you links to peruse until I can form a cohesive thought.

* Strange clock.

* BlogBinders - Turn your weblog into a Book. These folks will rake it in, I bet. [via: bookslut; another good site]

* New Orleans' Mardi Gras webcam. Busy with all kinds of people this morning. [via: esoteric bowl]

Oh, cool. My Prozac fits into my Pez dispenser.


Monday, February 23, 2004

Ready for me, Monday?

The La Femme. It's a real beauty after you get beyond the blatantly sexist ad spin Dodge put on the car. Just about any car from the 1950's would be extremely nice. They were built of steel and were as tough as tanks. If you ran it into a tree, it may not even get a scratch on it; where the cars now would crumple up like an accordion. Another tired and tested theory of my youth. [via: vieux bandit]

And if it was financially doable, I'd buy myself one and another one for Mac who's celebrating her birthday today. Happy Birthday, Mac!

Johnny Winter is 60 years old today.

Outspoken Clothing


Retro Cafe

Bush Yoga. [via: presurfer]

I'll bet I can piss your off from here.


Saturday, February 21, 2004

{Replay} - Here's tired ol' Ralph Nader again. Ready to announce or not on Meet The Press this Sunday. The stage that's guaranteed to give you the largest amount of hoopla with the smallest amount of effort. Of course he's going to run. Getting 2.7% of the vote last time out isn't enough to discourage him. All the wingnuts will throw their money after him as his Hummer ego takes us all on a ride in his Corvair. Bitter, party of one? In 2002, yes. Not now. We're onto him now and it' won't be that close of a race. Oh, close, for sure. But not, 'Jeb-Bush'll-fix-it-for-me' close. Repentant Nader Voter site is urging former Nader's supporters to cut him loose.

{Battle Of The Johns} - As corny as it sounds, I feel duty-bound to kick Bush's ass out of his residence. John Kerry's too aloof and too much of an beltway insider. John Edwards is an inexperienced hick who used to be a mal-practice attorney. In a perfect world, we'd have the perfect candidates to choose from. Maybe it's one of the other Democrats who are/were running. But it's not and we don't and it isn't. This November, I have a choice between Kerry and Bush. Or Edwards and Bush. Anybody But Bush 2004 as the bumper stickers go.

» {my blog pick of the week} - You Live Your Life

Some of the best poetry I've ever read and consistently good content. Pop in and check him out if you have the chance.

» Topple Bush

» Anybody But Bush

» Shop To Drop Bush

» Anything else to banish from the lingo pool? What about the tired old: "I'm ready to take it to the next level."

saturday morning me//

marlboro #2/coffee #2/carrot juice-fresh/bagel/

black yoga pants/grey hoodie/blue house shoes/

music: susan tedeschi - in the garden/

daughter still cutting zzz's/dog pacing/

husband still bitching about ralph nader/

there's clear, blue sky on the horizon/

so how's about you?/

Something wicked this way, please.


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Political Theatre In The Streets - Have you seen Billionaires For Bush? Billionaires for Bush is a collection of activists who use satire to make a political point. The group demonstrated outside a fundraiser in New York on Wednesday. Getting fired up and in brilliant satire mode for the Republican National Convention when it comes to New York City from Aug. 30 through Sept. 2. [via: NYTimes]


Have you seen this Pagan/Hierarchy diagram?


The Naoto Hattori Gallery is definitely worth a visit. Hattori went to school in New York and Tokyo and as you see is a very talented artist and illustrator.

» Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Casting Story

The Johnny Depp film, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, a remake of Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, is holding auditions this Saturday in Asheville, NC, at Dillard's at the Asheville Mall from 3-7. The casting director is looking first in Western North Carolina before she searches elsewhere. The film will be directed by Tim Burton and begins filming in London this summer. Casting is for a 13 year old boy whose name is Mike Teevee, and a 10-12 year old girl, named Violet Beauregard; a southern girl who chews a lot of gum. [via: (I-never-miss-his-column) Paul Clark, Citizen-Times]

» Another word to add to my Cringe-Worthy list: "Old School" Unless you're referring to that aging institution where you spent much of your youth. When you hear two middle management white men say "That's old school", when referring to an old way of doing stuff on the job, it's way past time to get out the message for them to stop before somebody gets hurt.

NEW! Check your document online with CSE HTML Validator Lite. Add this to your site.

thanks to meg, I'll be sprucing up my html today. And tomorrow, and the next day......this site had 21 errors!

Virus check complete. All viruses functioning normally.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I'm getting more than a little cranky. Now, repeat after me. I will NOT shake my polaroid picture any more. Your 15 minutes are up and have gone the way of "Ãœber"-anything, the Macarena.

If you see me, please don't say it, don't sing it, for for god's sake, don't be shaking anything at me but your ass.



You Want The Truth?

US leads in number of nuclear warheads, in violation of international law, and UN treaties and resolutions. CIA agents have resorted to offering cash rewards on the world wide web in the increasingly desperate hunt for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Boycott The War.

2004 Election Overview - Top Overall Donors - UPS, Walmart are strongly Republican. Time Warner, Viacom strongly Democrat.

{founds links}

Dean to end White House bid? Well, shit. Although his speech last night was almost a 'thank you, it's been grins' kinda speech. I still hate to see him go.

MensActivism - Men's rights, news, and info.

Ashcroft Mulls Asylum for Battered Women

[all links today via: NewsNow-Behind The News]

This site best viewed on company time.


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Snorting Alcohol? Bristol bar, Il Bordello, is believed to be the first in the country to use the Alcohol Without Liquid vaporiser.

Professor Oliver James, from Newcastle University, said: "This will not only make you very drunk very quickly but is also likely to increase the risk of direct alcohol damage to the brain."

Inventor Dominic Simler said the device would reduce the effects of hangovers. No, thank you. Those Fuzzy Navel suppositories just about did me in. (kidding...I would have probably been in the middle of this trend years ago when I was still a wild thing.)

{quote for today}

Treat the Earth well. it was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. – Kenyan proverb

Only one more shopping day left til tomorrow.


Monday, February 16, 2004

5 Valentine's Day Gifts That Sucked

1. mustache wax
2. free visit to Dolly Parton's "The higher the hair, the closer to God" Day Spa
3. Industrial strength K-Y Jelly
4. John Tesh tickets
5. Herpes-the gift that keeps on giving

Can you add more?


Progressive Portal

Duke gets knocked off their #1 pedestal after a loss to NC State last night. 78-74.

J.D. Salinger fires publicist.


Sunday, February 15, 2004

Gary Baseman's art is currently showing at LaLuz deJesus Gallery in Seattle.

The Thief Of Baghdad

Americans paid Ahmad Chalabi to gull them [Americans] into a war that is costing them a billion a week — and a precious human cost. Cops dealing with their snitches check out the information better than the Bush administration did.

Introducing Sofie Crumb, author of "Belly Button Comix," and daughter of R.

Oprah's Birthday Greedfest - In all it's ostentatious glory.

Ashcroft Subpoenas Medical Records of Women Who Had Abortions - The Justice Department is demanding that at least six hospitals in New York City, Philadelphia, Ann Arbor and other cities turn over hundreds of patient medical records on certain abortions performed there. No matter what side of this issue you're on, you should be concerned that Ashcroft is going after private hospital records.

How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways. 13 Reasons why Firefox is better than IE.

Marriage is love.

[via: just another diva mom]

Nascar dads play race card.


Saturday, February 14, 2004

Happy Valentine's Day!
Sending much love to my son and daughter today and always.

Still driving each other insane after all these years. Freshly brewed coffee, truffles, cards and flowers were waiting for me on my desk this morning. And here I thought we weren't even speaking to each other. I made him a carrot cake for his Valentine's treat. But he just gets a nibble. Of cake. [picture: capnwacky via: presurfer ]

I'd like to concur with GoFish and also celebrate the newly married folks in San Francisco. What a joyous time for you all.

{quote for today}
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. ~Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)

saturday morning me//
bed head or bird nest?/
black shawl/long burgundy gown/
enjoying a roaring tv/
long stares into the frig/
another romantic Valentine's Day/
so hows about you?/

If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.


Thursday, February 12, 2004

We are people committed to creating laughter & spreading the good word of 'Peace, love, and throw-the-lying-bums-out-of-office.'

Even first timers can join forces with professional funnymen such as Wavy Gravy, Utah Phillips, Keith Hennessy, Righteous Raoul Brody, Frank Olivier, and more, as we raise havoc & important issues while spreading laughter and delight.

Here's your silly picture of the day. (Thanks, Carol.)

{susan sez:}

The best thing about Mozilla's Firefox is that it makes the web feel faster even over slow connections with their tabs browsing. On my sadu (slow-ass dial up) I pull up about 8 initial sites and bounce back and forth between them. Bloglines, NewsNow, and several more. They all load in the time it usually took one site to load in IE. Seriously.

{URLS Gone Wild}

* Hemp industry demands apology from DEA for three years of harassment.

* W as in AWOL: Case NOT closed.

* Religious leader saltues San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom's courageous move to recognize gay marriages.

* Husband cries foul after seeing his wife on porn site.

Kinky is using a feather; perverted is using the whole chicken.

Welcome long time visitors and new visitors to my website. I'm so glad you took the time to comment and/or visit with me and I hope you enjoy your Friday.


Is FBI Tracking War Protesters?

It's not surprising. It may be a scare tactic to thwart potential anti-war protesters participating in the Global Day Of Action, March 20, 2004, that International ANSWER is organizing. Keep that date in mind and check to see if there's an event in your area.

Don't squat with your spurs on.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Bob Dylan Film Deal Clinched Paramount Pictures has struck a deal to develop a biographical film about the famed singer-songwriter with Dylan's co-operation, a Paramount spokeswoman said yesterday. I don't know why someone hasn't done this earlier, although Don't Look Back came close as a much earlier documentary.

MTV revs up Gay theme
. MTV Networks, buoyed by positive talks with top cable operators, has begun stepping up the planning for Outlet, a 24-hour network aimed at gays and lesbians. [via: tmftml]

"Congress must censure President Bush for misleading the country." begins MoveOn's Censure Bush petition. Click on, fill in your name and email to sign the petition.

Did you ever think that one day LaToya Jackson would seem like the most sane person in the Jackson family?

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.


Tuesday, February 10, 2004

* O'Really rethinking the whole pResident George Bush's 'Iraq's a threat' thing. "I was wrong. I am not pleased about it at all and I think all Americans should be concerned about this." Ok, it's a start, Bill. The Americans who have already been concerned about this have been raising hell for over a year about going into Iraq. Now, repeat after me: You guys were right all along and I should submit to public flogging for criticizing you. But I do like that he said publicly that he was wrong. But he also said publicly that he would admit being wrong if we didn't find wmd's in a year's time. Like I said: It's a start. Come, Bill. Come out of the dark side. We can fight this great injustice together.

* Ain't no court room high enough.... to keep me from going to jail. All together now. Yep. That's what I had to do once upon a time, too, Diana.

* Create - A - Nerd [via: always fun presurfer]

* Website I won't be clicking on - Eat Babies - [via: dongresin]

* It's over. s*T*a*R*e* website throws in the proverbial towel.

BLTN Dept - Better Late Than Never

At the Grammy's, Chris Martin (Coldplay) showed his hand demonstrating he was the only one who had a pair. But some may have tried to and may have been censored.

Look on the bright side. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Monday, February 9, 2004

I Gotcher Monday rite heah. Don't forget your patriotic duty. It can be expressed in so many ways. Skippy and Stu express their political beliefs on their weblogs below.

Blog Hit Parade

* skippy's still consistently fighting the good fight. He reports on the latest Time/CNN poll with Bush's slipping numbers.

* Next time you think you've got the job from hell, read about Stray Bullet's boot camp new job and think again.

* Stu Savory sees the US most objectively and is passionate about the injustice. "Let us think today of those mutilated by Bush's unneccessary rush into an unjustified war."

* Smells Like Team Spirit - Bush's B-Boys Replay Their Greatest Hits

* Marie at Blue Ridge Blog congratulates local legend, Doc Watson for his Lifetime Acheivement Award at the Grammys.

* Get over yourself, Justin. Of all the greats nominated at the Grammys, why in hell did we award Lame-ass Vanilla Boy? Maybe we should have one award show for the kiddies and another one for the grown-ups (with the real talent).

* Tish has great positive outlooks, but Kevin Cooper's fate is clouding it as he's scheduled for execution tonight.

* Laurie is such a good writer, and even good writers experience writer's block.

* Today Bsti asks "If you could do something that's considered socially unacceptable, what would it be?" I'm thinking, I'm thinking!

"All we need are a few gay nuptials outside the Boston convention hall and we're home free." as Maureen Dowd imagines Cheney planning Bush's assault on Kerry.

As long as we're imagining, I imagine Bush home in bed in the fetal position freaking on John Kerry's heroics when he was in the National Guard defending Texas from Oklahoma.


Saturday, February 7, 2004

8 Questions For George Bush

Also - The case that big media is afraid to ask: Did Bush go AWOL during his lost National Guard years? What the record shows. When I was in school, to avoid going to Vietnam, the guys either laid a liplock on the recruiter, moved to Canada for CO status (conscientious objecter), or signed up with the National Guard, weekend paintball warriors that were guaranteed no combat. In the few press conferences he's had that have not been held on patriotic packed military bases, his interviewers have all been hand-picked, assuring 'Gee-George- how-do-you- unwind-after-a-hard- day-of -presidenting' questions. Imagine my surprise when I hear he's going to be on Sunday's Meet The Press and may actually have to answer questions that haven't been well rehearsed before hand. (See what time it's on in your area.)

GOP Hypocrite Of The Week

That's kind of like the Godfather appointing Sonny, Michael and Fredo to investigate why there is organized crime in the city. According to the New York Times, Dick Cheney is picking the commission members who will look into why Americans were misled about Iraq's WMDs.

saturday morning me//

jukejoint java #2/nicotine stick #3/oj/

black velvet top/jeans/old scuffed up dingos/

hubby yakkin'/daughter shufflin'/dog fartin'/

incubus on the player/sunshine peaking out/

so how's about you?/

I feel a sin coming on.


Friday, February 6, 2004

Someone really should begin a Damage Control Dept as part of the next President's cabinet. Get this country back to a little left of center, instead of it's current position to the right of Jerry Falwell. I agree with Brenda in Portugal, who can't get over all the fuss about Super Bowl 38-D as boobs have long been frequently shown all over regular television throughout Europe and everywhere but here in the US.

I ran across Phil Austin's weblog while surfing around. He of Firesign Theatre fame and he updates occasionally. Hey, it's quality, he says, not quantity.

Watched the nailbiter Duke (#1) vs UNC (#17) game; intense rivals, with the lead see-sawing in the 2nd half, then we go into OT. Final: Duke 84, UNC 82, tie broken in the last 6 seconds of OT.

99% of politicians give the rest a bad name.


Thursday, February 5, 2004

Legendary Pretenders' singer,

Chrissie Hynde,
is calling for an international boycott of IAMS pet food over deadly experiments on dogs and cats, per a recent PETA undercover investigation.

Bob Marley born on this day in 1945.

Chalk up one for Greenpeace vs Exxon.

Screw Google News. I like News Now better - updates automatically every 5 minutes.

Message to Presidential hopeful, John Kerry: Quit playing Jimi Hendrix music at your rallies. It's total sacrilege and I may soon tell Joe where he should go with that gun in his hand.

Mind like a steel trap - Rusty and Illegal in 37 states.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004

Hillary Clinton Scenario Number 348: One lone white-bread dude emerges as the Democratic Party front runner, leaving many Dems and Independents scratching their asses at the choices they'll have for President. Hillary throws her hat into the ring at the last moment and saves the day. Well, stranger things have happened.

Getcher sunburst nipple shield right heah. If you're accosted by an assailant, rip it off the ol' titty and use it like a Chinese Throwing Star.

The Darkness vs Oasis, Round 3.

Scary Thought: If Dick Cheney dies, George Bush would automatically become President.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


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