Saturday, January 31, 2004

Latest Dickhead Award Recipient

"Why would he want to rape her? She doesn't look like a day at the beach," according to a transcript reviewed by the Orlando Sentinel. During proceedings in the rape case Monday before the prosecutor and defense attorney, Judge Stephenson looked at a photograph of the battered victim and made this assinine comment. [via: disinfo]

saturday morning me//

feeling froggy/out late-rlj concert-yeah/

black yoga pants/black tneck/black shawl/

pass the visine/nicotine/caffeine/

oatmeal-yummy/oj/bed head/bed face/

sounds:waiting on a friend-stones/

so how's about you?/

Insert pretentious blog quote here.


Thursday, January 29, 2004

Five great reasons to buy a Hummer?

1. You've been wanting to buy much wider groceries (but have been stymied by the timid width of your Escalade)

2. You and your make-believe wife were thinking of having 11 or 12 imaginary kids

3. You're sick of always being the environment's goddamned bitch

4. You could totally put a keg back there and just drive around and shit

5. They were all out of penises (penii? --extra credit if you know the correct plural of penis without googling it)

[via: the always hysterical 5ives]

*edited to add:

Road-Hogging, Gas-Guzzling, Air-Fouling Vulgarian!

Someone left nasty little cards and a phone number on windsheilds of gas guzzlers around her town. She's posted some of her responses to the cards.

URLS Gone Wild!

Top Ten Gay Cartoon Characters

James Brown - Yikes. The crime is your nappy head.

Jammy Awards

Bush Lie Detector idea.

Or what about Bush for Janitor? Something productive for him to do after November.

Book-A-Minute. Ultra-condensed.


no way i can stop

smoking is my only vice

that and the whoring

I've upped my standards, now up yours.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Bush's Opening Act

Hey, Kemosabe, have you seen Dennis Miller's new CNBC show? Can anyone tell me what has happened to Dennis Miller? Did his acting career run off in the ditch before or after Bordello Of Blood jetted to Blockbuster in record speed? Did that cause him to wig out? I heard him explain his political epiphany by saying, "After 9-11, when I saw George Bush pick up that bullhorn..." I'm still waiting for that punchline. Fucker is now a full-blown member of the circle jerk that is the Bush Brigade's Opening Act.

Now, I don't want to get off on a rant here, but I want the old Dennis Miller back, even if he thinks ethics don't apply to him anymore. I want the Dennis Miller back that'd explain to us how the WMDs are actually the bed slats under Anna Nicole Smith. I want the Dennis Miller back who'd call Bush out and tell us all that the emperor is as nekkid as a jaybird and that he and Dick Cheney had Iraq's oil wells divvied up while Bill Clinton was still being serviced.

This website looks best when viewed on company time.


Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Have I told you lately how much I like to Burp? That's where I thought I found BlogDump. A fun weblog search engine I've been playing with. Just a small line of code to mouse over and you're all set. Just watch out for flying weblogs. Life in the Present reminds us that formerly-known-as Solipsistic is back as Notes From The Dovecote. Always a top shelf website.

Two, loud snow-removing vehicles just scraped my block aka the cheap seats. Not once, twice, but thrice. I wonder how they decide whose neighborhood streets get cleared from snow and ice first? It was the kind with freezing rain on top making hard layers of ice covered roads. I know it well as I helped push our car out of the neighbor's ditch last night. Another action-packed, fun filled cabin fever day snow day is in order.

Interesting Motherfuckers - Check.

CBS is refusing to air an ad created by MoveOn's Bush in 30 seconds ad contest and also one from PETA. But they are showing one submitted by the White House. Don't play politics with Free Speech. See the ad they're tore up about and Tell CBS how you feel by signing the petition.

Eight more seconds to meltdown.


Monday, January 26, 2004

The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes On A Latin American Journey - by Ernesto Che Guevara In short, Guevara leaves Argentina a boy on a lark and returns eight months later a man at the beginning of a mission. Robert Redford, who produced the film, took it to Cuba Sunday for a showing with his widow and family. Che was very much admired in the sixties, and his fiery revolutionary ideas frightened and intimidated many, too. I remembered being asked to leave a grocery store once when I had on a Che t-shirt.

NORML Issues Pot Report Card For 2004 Presidential Candidates - Some haven't really made their positions known yet.

"I don't think they ever existed", said Special CIA adviser David Kay, leader of 1400 inspectors in Iraq, when asked about the illusive WMD. Kofi Anan concurs. Now, they're in Syria.

{blog site of the day}

I try to visit Healing Iraq often for gripping day-to-day dose of reality stories by an Iraqi Dentist usually posting from the local internet cafe.

{today's quote}

Even the least work done for others awakens the power within; even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart the strength of a lion. ~Spiritual leader Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)

Have envelope. Will push.


Saturday, January 24, 2004

Good Saturday Morning to you.

Just for fun, what does the cheesy Mood Ring and the Stars have in store for you today? What color is your Mood Ring?

Read Your Loserscope

Look, Gemini ? unless you drop the self-love routine and take a stiff shot of reality, you're going to end up a total nobody. The kind of nobody who lives in ranch house, or works at the IRS, or drowns in their own puke at a frat party. Take my advice, Cancer: medicate yourself ? heavily ? with whipped cream propellant and gin. Here's a simple resolution for you Leo: stop being such an asshole.

Hello! My name is Lisa, I'm 15 and I live in New York City. Welcome to my website about THE BEATLES - the best group in the Whole Wide World! Reading this will take some of you back in time. I was in a car on my way to Fort Lauderdale, FL, when I first heard a cut from this album; asking my Father to please, please, turn up the radio. It was 40 years ago, Feb 9, 1964, that they appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show.

{today's quote}

"CBS announced it will not air's winning anti-Bush ad during the Super Bowl, saying they don't air so-called 'issue ads' unless the issue is that girls are sluts for beer." -- Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update

saturday morning me//

espresso, mebee two/marlboro by the fistfull/

bloodshot eyes peeking out from

under my old bucket hat/

black sweats/blue houseshoes/

dream: quiet morning to myself/

reality: hubby yammering at record speed/

have i mentioned he's a big talker?/

so how's about you?/

Putting the "ass" in classy.


Friday, January 23, 2004

Exhale. It's Friday. Thanks for stopping by.

:: How many people can you count in this picture? Can you find all nine people in Grand Illusions? I only found 7. One is almost hidden. Other illusions and more found here.

:: Pull The Bush Out From The Roots

:: Declare Yourself - via ollapodrida

:: My Yahoo! RSS beta launched. I'm still fiddling with this. Since my rss feed runs through Voidstar, I don't know if it'll accept it.

My thoughts are so terrible, they make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.


Thursday, January 22, 2004

And a Good Thursday Morning to you. What's on your mind did I hear you say? Well...I just got back to civilization after a tire blow-out in 17° weather and don't even get me started on the wind chill. It's 6:00 am and still dark. I've no tire tool; I'm pissed and cold. But dear husband was soon summoned, he came to my aid, and a sucky time was had by all. So, enough about me. What do YOU think about me. I mean, how is your Thursday going?

With the Super Bowl coming to Houston, Jen has given visitors the inside scoop on her city. Folks from Houston don't all have horns on their autos and trucks or oil wells in the back yard. Doesn't it seem like most places have stereotypes and wrong impressions about them? I can relate living in the South. I don't go around barefooted all the time nor do I follow NASCAR, or have live chickens running around in the yard.... they're actually in my living room. Yes, it's going to be one of those days. Going to be? Going to come visit you guys now.

Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.


Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Wednesday already? Good Wednesday morning/evening to you then.

"Nixon had a tighter grip as he peace sign'd on his way out to the goodbye chopper," says DongResin, describing Howard Dean's Iowa loser speech. I say, Physician heal thyself. Dean's just not wrapped very tightly. I don't want him to examine me, much less lead my country. If he gets the nomination, I'll support him. I mean, I damn sure won't be voting for the Dipshit Cowboy. But who's to say there's not some fabulous Independent wannabe waiting to throw their hat into the ring? Just as long as it's not another cowboy hat or the equally dismal Ralph Nadar.

Dean has no idea how to present his best side to the country. We see him change right before our eyes according to the latest pundits and polls. I'd love to see someone sneak an idea to his handlers and tell him, "Voters love to see the candidates scratch their balls while howling at the moon." And then we can tune in the next day and watch him digging in by the moonlight.

URLS Gone Wild!

Ohhh, Nooooo!

No Child Left Behind, George?

Guess Who?

Music Plasma-via jwalk

Caution: Another website owner wailing away about their stats. But as I look through my stats today, I'm really starting to rethink this whole Easy Bake Coven name. This site is now the #1 Google search for the word "Coven"? Kinda misleading, don't you think? For the uninitiated, I named this site after a "Simpsons" episode called, "Easy Bake Coven" in which Marge was thought to be a witch in colonial times, hilarity ensues, etc. I've met wonderful pagan people that I would have probably otherwise not have met which is great, but it's not what my site is about. Guess I didn't put enough thought into it when I got the domain name. I'd like to keep the domain name the way it is, but perhaps if I change the site name it may not rate so high when searching for all things coven-related.

{quote for today}

We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are. ~Ana?s Nin

What the hell, go and put all your eggs in one basket.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Good Tuesday Morning to you.

With Valentine's Day fast approaching I thought I'd dust off the ol' ACME Heartmaker. You can personalize a heart with two lines of text and pick your color.

The Utne Independent Press Awards 2003 Winners is worth a look see.

{quote for today}
"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure." (Yikes!)
~Samuel Johnson

Just making sure we are all shuffling slack jawed in the same direction.


Monday, January 19, 2004

Good Monday Morning to you.

For some sports lovers it's a good morning after. Carolina Panther fans are still reeling from last night's victory. And so are the New England Patriots fans. Although there are many, I don't know many website folks who also enjoy sports. You couldn't help but like sports in my family growing up, beginning with the property we built our house on which bordered the 14th hole of the city golf course. But I also like ballet and art and music and politics and a wide variety of things. It's my insatiable curiosity.

January 19, 1943 - Janis Joplin's Birthday. She would have been 61 years old today and was once a role model of mine. Some strange teenage aspirations, I'd say. I was fortunate to see her before she died. She lived hard, died young, and left a beautiful corpse, as we said back then. That was truly a lifetime ago that's ok to visit in small doses; but somber and almost depressing. Certainly reflective.

{blog site of the day}

Chocolate and Zucchini - Mighty tasty content by Clotilde, from Paris, sharing her passion for all things food-related.

When you care enough to be brutally honest. Insensitivity Cards.

{quote for today}

"I like a woman with a head on her shoulders. I hate necks." ~Steve Martin

11/02/04 - The end of an error.


Saturday, January 17, 2004

Good Saturday morning to you.

"Bless your heart," Democratic hopeful and North Carolina Senator John Edwards said to a Iowan voter while clasping her hand warmly. She'd just told him she's switching her vote from Howard Dean to Edwards. "Bless Your Heart" is a tried and true Southern expression which can mean anything from "Thank you from the bottom of my heart", "That's very kind of you", or "Well, I'll be damned". A form of sympathy, empathy, or a thank you, and usually preceded by "Well.." and "Why...". It's doled out in small increments; saved for those special thanks or expressions of appreciation or love.

As my Senator, I've watched John Edwards in a "Tortoise and the Hare" tale or fear the turtle as he inches up in the polls from John Who? to a very respectable 4th place. Bill Clinton only got 4% of the Iowa caucus vote, so it's still very hopeful for all the Democratic nominees at this stage of the game. And Bless his heart, even for Senator John Edwards.

Happy Birthday, Laurie!

Laurie is celebrating her birthday again today. (It really is her birthday today. I thought it was yesterday and started celebrating it early.)

saturday morning me//

long burgundy faux velvet robe/

oatmeal/apple juice/cuppa java #2/

ashes falling on the keyboard/

hair: curls 'r' us/

listening: gavin degraw/

so how's about you?/

Would you like lies with that?


Friday, January 16, 2004

Good Friday morning; a very welcome Friday. Robin is supposed to be released this afternoon after a 25-day hospital stay that began Dec 23rd. What a ride this has been for us all.


Second Annual Asheville Fringe Festival is taking place Friday, Jan 16, through Sunday, Jan 18, featuring Asheville's best performance artists, dance, theater,and other acts more Off-Broadway than Broadway. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a performance artist in Asheville, so having the best of them at this festival makes it a "must see". Accidental Circus is appearing. And so are the Panty Raid Dames and Future of Tradition.


Women in a Saddam-ruled Iraq had more legal rights than the Coalition is now proposing. Collateral damage from war continues to trickle down.

{blog site of the day}

Farrago is a unique photo featured website from South Africa I like to visit.

{film news}

Sundance Film Festival will be showing "The Clearing", starring Robert Redford, Helen Mirren and Willem Dafoe which was shot here in Asheville, NC, in 2002. What we in Asheville would love to know is when will we all get to see it?

Happy Birthday, Laurie!

**Laurie is celebrating her birthday tomorrow, but since I already started wishing her a happy happy.... Go wish her well, all weekend long!

Is Pillow Drooling an Olympic sport?


Thursday, January 15, 2004

Artist Ray Caesar has a great online collection to view. He has a showing in Philadelphia Feb 21. [via: Giornale Nuovo, and Six Different Ways]

Good morning. I've spent so much online time this week working or variious stuff, that I'm going to try like hell to catch up on my weblog visits today. I don't know how my Canadian and Northern friends are able to withstand such cold weather year after year. The cold spell the northeast US is experiencing is brutal. It must take some special kinda people, but I already knew that.

BlogTricks is another interesting site for websites that I ran across that has a few programs you may find useful.

{blog site of the day}

Giornale Nuovo] - Beautiful pictures and always interesting content.

Hello Kitty Feminine Napkins?

The 20th Sundance Film Festival kicks off tonight, Thursday, January 15, by celebrating the works of independent filmmakers, in Park City, Utah. List of the films.

Bush-Cheney: Over a Billion Whoppers Served.


Wednesday, January 14, 2004

WTF!!! I'm getting more than a little tired of having to re-do my template because Blogger has fucking lost it again. Who do you have to blow around here to keep your shit from being fucked with? Leave my template alone. Am I the only person this seems to happen to that has Blogger? It's just cut off mid-template in a spot I've not been anywhere near adjusting today. Back to Google cache to get my updated info for repairs. This just frizzes the short and curlies, as a very sweet someone I know might say.

**edited to add: thanks to google cache, view source, cut and past, this site is back in order again. 2/3 or the right side was gone this time; last time I only had the header on the template. Come on, Blogger. You can do better than that. Right?


'Leaping Areolas, Batman!' Have you had a mammogram lately?

{quote for today}

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. ~Paramahansa Yogananda

New evidence: Princess Di shot by Vince Foster from grassy knoll.


Tuesday, January 13, 2004

EarthStones - They will help you unlock your knowing and connection to guidance. Go to site, then click on bag of stones for your daily reading.

{Robin Update}

She has been released to that facility for occupational therapy and seems to think she'll be coming home in a matter of days. My friends Terry and Dena have been visiting her most every day and have reported back that Robin's back to her old self...physically and emotionally. ie-- giving the doctors and nurses grief, I imagine.

{URLS Gone Wild!!}

Mother Earth

Dark Art - NSFW!

Design Is Kinky

Snap Your Desk

{Quote Of The Day}

Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug.

-- Jon Lithgow

Oh, cool. My Prozac fits into my Pez dispenser.


Monday, January 12, 2004

Af-flu-en-za - n. 1. The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Joneses. 2. An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by dogged pursuit of the American Dream. 3. An unsustainable addiction to economic growth. 4. A television program that could change your life. (This program has been around since 1997, I believe.) Please seek treatment if you're afflicted.

{blog site of the day}

Pigs In Lipstick - Fresh perspectives on political climate expressed with much wit and intelligence.

I couldn't get into any Blogspot sites today; will try again this evening

{best pix of 2003} - The first picture is a open-mouthed fish with a smaller fish inside his mouth peering out; his fate sealed. [via: inbox; thanx carol]

Happy Birthday Candy!

Candy from Subtle Breeze is celebrating her birthday today.

Don't abuse marijuana... be gentle and smoke it very carefully.


Sunday, January 11, 2004

I find it more than a little disconcerting that Wesley Clark has fallen under the spell better known as Queer Eye For The Military Guy, or the rampant Makeover Culture. Was his makeover cover blown thus freeing up tag-a-long photogs to chart his new crew neck purchases? And why is he so blatantly switching to sweaters? For the Women's Vote? That's just insulting as hell to this woman. "Let's see, thinking 'bout voting for Wes Clark, but, well, I don't know. Them stiff square-john suits really do put me off. But now that he's clad in a fashionable LLBean argyle.... YESSSS. Count me in."

Count on the dumb shit to come flying off the rack as the presidential hopefuls near the stroll down primary lane.


Saturday, January 10, 2004

Good Morning! How are you doing this fine day?

Mother, What Did You Do In College? I watched "The Cockettes" (Rise and fall of the acid queens & gender benders) with pure delight last night. I was living a parallel universe with them in the early 70's at our own Montrose Commune in Tennessee and going to great lengths to dress up in the funkiest, glittery-est finery that I could; teaching each other insane makeup techniques; sticking flowers, feathers and glitter all over ourselves and taking every opportunity to throw a party. Many of us were in the Art or Drama Dept at the Univresity, so we already had that innate flair. The Cockettes were certainly an inspiration, as were other similar groups who I can't remember just now.

{blog site of the day}

Blue Ridge Blog - Marie is a great professional photographer for her local paper and delivers breathtaking local snaps daily. Stop in and say Hello.

saturday morning me//

Sky's flannel duck pj pants/

U-T football jersey/grey slippers/

carrot juice/banana/green tea/

thinking: 'bout making a Tunnel Of Fudge Cake/

listening: Dancing In The Trance

hair: considering cheap wig or new hat/

so hows about you?/

I feel a sin coming on.


Friday, January 9, 2004

» Good Friday morning to you. Looks like a snow day in the Northeast today. We're having an 'ice' day here in North Carolina. Gonna try and make some time to visit *you* today.

» Benicio del Toro - Exhale... His latest role in 21 Grams is giving him the critical attention he deserves. But why do we like him so much? He's not pretentious or arrogant, even if he has every right to be. He lets his talent speak for itself, and it speaks volumes. I just can't get enough of him. I first became interested in him when I saw The Usual Suspects, in 1996, and have been following his career closely since then.

{URLS Gone Wild!}

» I Work With Fools

» Julie Koehnen is participating in an online dating experiment with Yahoo Personals.

Damn, it looks scary out there, doesn't it? LiveCam

» Activists prepare mass Valentine rallies. "I think it's a really important issue for us; I don't think we should apologize for this," Tyler said. "Marriage is a human right, not a heterosexual privilege."


» ArtBitz - Very nice stock photos, illustrations, border, backgrounds.

» Wallpapers, prints, and photos - Created By Cheney. [a/f links via: the lovely fishbucket]

{quote of the day}

We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time. ~T.S. Eliot

If we can put a man on the moon, why not all of them?


Wednesday, January 7, 2004

Have you ever drawn on acid? Or see an artists' rendering while on acid? You can see the effects of a controlled experiment with someone drawing after being adminstered LSD-25 from the beginning to the end of his trip. #5 and #6 look much too familiar to me. [link: j-walk]

Maggie has a post on RU-21. The anti-hangover pill that came from Russia and now in the US and Canada. It's kind to your liver, so I like that aspect of it.

Happy 60th birthday, Jimmy Page. Everybody's getting old.

Don't Happy. Be Worried.


Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Random, all over the map today....I couldn't construct a cohesive thought today if you paid me to.

Give the ladies a treat and be sweet, keep it neat - buy a Balltrimmer. Do they really prefer you keep it neat? Hair. No hair. I don't think it matters as long as you've gotta pair.

Poor little bastards. People have been setting gnomes free for years now, but they're still being held captive. Have you seen a Gnome in captivity? Well hell, man, set it free. I purchased a fine looking gnome last weekend at a flea market and recalling how people used to steal them, am hoping mine doesn't stray far from the back 40.

Bruce Eisner's gotta Blog. (Author of Ecstacy: The MDMA Story)

An ambitious idea - Bush For Janitor Blog

{blog site of the day}

Uffish Thoughts

{Robin Update}

When she gets discharged from the hospital, she'll be moving to another "facility" for occupational therapy. I haven't embraced this bit of news, because in my maudlin mind, I can't help but worry that this may be her last stop. Cirrhosis is the main culprit and my mind can't wrap around asking anyone how much time she may have left just yet. So I'm still wimpily digesting the whole deal.

Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

Asheville, NC

    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view


easybakecoven's Profile Page


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